Geek Table - Elk County Broadband?

Started by Leonardcrl, August 14, 2007, 11:19:22 AM

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Okay here is my first question for the Geek Table.

What is the status (if any) of the deployment of broadband internet in Elk, Greenwood, Chautauqua, Montgomery county area.  In other words Rudy, the area covered by the Taylor news papers. :)

I have been following the deployment of broadband (for the purposes of this discussion - not dialup) internet for a couple of years now.  The gummint has given out significant sums of tax money for the purpose of this deployment, but it appears to have been going to the developing suburbs and not to places like Howard, Moline, Sedan, Cedarvale, etc..
What triggered this question for today was this piece I found in the  You will notice in the piece that Kentucky is claiming 96% of it's families will have the ability to access broadband by the end of the year. 
I have no doubt that Elk county would fall into the remaining 4% unless the political movers and shakers in the area have been pounding on state reps to get their share (fair or not). If Kansas could even make a similar claim.  I would just like to know. 

Now a Geek question ??? how do I properly get a Hyperlink into a message? (One where the link/url is hidden beneath highlighted text)  I see the \url][/url] and assume there is some magic there.
San Antonio Tx.



Janet Harrington

When you are doing your message, if you will look above the smiley faces you will see squares.  The first one is Insert Flash.  The second one is insert picture.  The third is insert hyperlink.  The hyperlink will come up and you just type between the two urls.  Does that make sense?  //


Janet is right..  and let me add some things to it.

You highlight and copy the http//www. link of what you want to add to your post.

Type the word ..LINK... into your post where you want the link to show up and be.

Then you highlight this word..

Go to the world/globe icon  ( 3rd from the left) and click on this icon.
You will have this.... [url] .....on both sides of the word LINK
Add an = right after the l in the url ....  should look like this.  [ url=]

Then after that = sign .....  copy your www. site in there.

Preview and you should see LINK and be able to click on that and it will take everyone to the web page.

Hope I didn't confuse you..... :-\

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Rudy Taylor

So, clue me in.  What broadband providers serve Elk County? Who serves Kjell and Teresa, the
school systems, courthouses, etc.?

I've been impressed that so many Elk County residents are internet friendly. I guess I assumed
most of them use fast-speed providers.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Janet Harrington

I use SBC Global DSL for my computer.  Just think, Rudy, Elk County people are just computer saavy.  Go Elk County.


Ms. Teresa:
QuoteHope I didn't confuse you.....  :-\

Confusing me is easy :) but I do understand what you did.  I'll just have to practice a while before I get right.

BTW:  I answer to Carl.  Sorry about my choice of userid.  Understand it is confusing.  Actually as some
unacknowledged philosopher stated, you can call me anything you want except late for dinner. ;D
San Antonio Tx.

Kjell H.


Sitting here killing time at the Wichita airport.

Broadband as in high speed internet service is provided by AT&T (SBC). We switched to this DSL service from cable simply because the line was not fast enough for us. With big file transfers between servers and 3-400 mb video files, cable just didnt make it.

If I recall correctly, we paid around $49.00 per month for cable. The download speed was around 750 kb/s. I dont think this speed has changed much for those using SKTC.

The DSL service we have at the office and at home has a speed of 5500 kb/s. The cost is around $30.00 per month.

If you live in an area where AT&T can deliver DSL through your phone lines, this option is better and cheaper.

Marshal Halloway


Kjell & Rudy:

If AT&T can get DSL to all phone numbers in the area you are much better off than I had expected. 
I appears that some of the issues I found on my last visit may be due more to unfamiliarity than shortfalls in
high speed availability.  How about WiFi or WiMax hotspots?  I did not find any when I was back there in May.
Was I just looking in the wrong places?

I was an early adopter of Time Warner Cable broadband and $49 is still the going rate after you get past the
6 month introduction rate.  Here in San Antonio (The home of AT&T  :o) I am (or least I was) in a dead spot for DSL service.
I live more than the minimum three miles from a copper wire substation. 

But I am surprised that you are getting 5500 kb/s. over DSL.  I get between 350 & 500 kb/s over the cable
depending on the time of day.  If the difference is that great then I need to revisit the issue on whose service I
put my money into.
San Antonio Tx.


Ok folks, here are a couple of hits that I got from my alerts for anything related to Kansas and Rural Broadband.

Kermit is probably aware of this one.  A summit on Rural Broadband was held in Lawrence around the 20th of August. 
Here is a piece from the Lawrence Journal Online.  From the comments it appears that the build out of high speed broad band is going along better than I
realized when I opened this thread. 

The second piece is from the Hays Daily News and is pretty much a puff piece if for the Nex-Tech, but if Russell, Ellsworth and Lincoln counties are getting support it must be every where.  :)

In my previous life I tasted some of "experimental" high speed networks that are now being deployed in Japan.  See this
Washington Post article from the 28 of August to get a feel of what can happen real soon now.  :D
San Antonio Tx.

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