Howard High School News (1956)

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Howard Courant Citizen
February 2, 1956

News Staff

Monday, January 30th, fifteen girls met in the auditorium with Mr. Warren to discuss organizing a news staff.  The duties of the news staff will be to gather and organize all news concerning school each week, to be turned into the Howard Courant-Citizen.  The staff will also turn out a school paper once a month.

We first decided the different reporters that would be needed.  We then elected an editor and two co-editors.  The rest of the positions were filled by asking for volunteers.

The news staff consists of:  Editor, Pat Howell; co-editors, Shirley McIntyre, Joan Hayes; typists, Joetta Willich, Clydene Burch; sports reported, Martina Garralda; classroom reporter, Melba DeWitt; library reporter, Fairie Dutton; office reporter, Kay Ann McLean; organizations, Maxine Allison; special events, Amelia Gallardo; feature writers, Joyce Boone, Myrna Winn, Janey Bantz, Peggy Speer, Shirley Winn.

We hope to give you more news in the future.

Honor Roll, Third Six Weeks

Roll of Excellence:  Senior, Melvin Hubbell; freshmen, Benny Doughty, Carolyn Houser.

Roll of Honor:  Senior, Pat Howell; Juniors,  Kenny Forsyth, Melba De Witt, Paula Alt, Mary Ellen Loyd; Sophomores, Diane Barber, Fairie Dutton, Saly Brenner; Freshman, Pan Shipman.

Honorable Mention:  Seniors, Beverly Richardson, Pat Elliott, Matina Garralda; Sophomores, Buddy Osborn, Caretha Pickell, Norma Criger, Kenny Koftan.

Honor Roll, First Semester

Roll of Excellence: Junior, Kenny Forsyth; Freshman, Benny Doughty, Carolyn Houser

Roll of Honor:  Seniors, Pat Howell, Melvin Hubell; Juniors, Mary Ellen Loyd; Sophomores, Fairie Dutton, Diane Barber, Saly Brenner, Kenny Koftan; Freshman, Pam Shipman.

Honorable Mention:  Seniors, Beverly Richardson, Pat Elliott; Junior, Melba DeWitt; Sophomores, Buddy Osborn, Caretha Pickell

Senior Class

The Seniors have all received their class pictures. We have also received for the school a large framed picture of the whole class.  Each student will receive a small picture of the whole class for their diploma.

The Senior class is going to buy the school a juke box.  The school will use it for their dances and parties.  It will be operated by pushing the button by the record you want played, instead of putting in nickels.  The juke box will come complete with records.  When new records are desired, they will be donated.

The class was measured for their caps and gowns Friday. We decided to have royal blue gowns with white collars.  The caps will also be royal blue with gold tassels.

The senior class is glad to have Jack Beaumont back again.  Jack has been attending school at Hoisington the first semester.

Junior Class

The junior class is very excited over the coming event of getting our class rings.  We will receive them the first part of January.

We had a class meeting the last of December to elect a new treasurer, Janey Bantz.

A group of junior girls received a letter from Myrna McAllester this week.  She is now living at Gunnison, Colorado, and seems to be very happy and enjoys all of her classes.

This  __________(unreadable) beginning of our second _________ , (unreadable) we have a lot of work to do.  We are going to have to start planning for the Junior- Senior banquet.

We are happy to have Miss Robinson as our English teacher.  We are all enjoying her.  She has a lot of new ideas which makes our class very interesting.  We are also very happy to have Coach Sexton for our constitution teacher.  Everything seems to be very interesting in that class, too.

We are going to have a class meeting soon to elect our basketball queen candidate.  We, of course, are planning to have our candidate as queen, because we think we are the best class in the school.

Sophomore Class

Do you think large parties are losing their interest for teen-agers?  Well, they are not, as far as the sophomore class of Howard high school is concerned.  In fact, we are making plans right now to give an all-school dance February 21st.  We have chosen committees to plan the details of the party.  They are: Theme, Dorothy MOrris, chairman, Diane Barber, assistant, Frank Winn, Laura Coble, Charles Hinkle; refreshment, Caretha Pickel, chairman, Fairie Dutton, Buddy Osborn, Byron Shipman; program, Eddie B. Henry, chairman, Beverly Perkins, assistant, Jim Beiter, Norma Criger.  Those in charge of the music are: Ken Koftan, Connie Divine, Evelyn Cooley.

Freshman Class

The freshman welcome Miss Robinson, our new English teacher.  She started teaching in Howard high school after Christmas vacation.  We hope you have a nice time teaching in Howard, Miss Robinson.  I know we will enjoy you.

In English we are working out parts of a play.  "I Remember Mama,' so that we can give it on the stage.

The crowning of the basket ball queen is coming, February 17th, at the Sedan game.  Who is going to be the queen? A freshman, or course.

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