Today's Discovery

Started by Wilma, April 19, 2010, 09:31:14 AM

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Today I am faced with several tasks, none of which I really prefer doing.  Load the dishwasher, clean the bathroom and start a load of laundry or vacuumn the carpets?  I discovered an easy way to decide which to do first.  Do the one thing that will make you feel better.  I vacuumned the carpets because the accumulation of Bud's hair was depressing.  I couldn't look anywhere without seeing it.  I can turn my back on the full kitchen sink and stay out of the bathroom, but the living room carpet just can't be avoided.  Now that is done, I feel better, the other things will get done, but right now it is time for a cup of coffee and to watch the rest of "The View".

Janet Harrington

Ha Ha.  If old Buddy Boy wouldn't shed, he would be the perfect cat.

Ms Bear

I like her way of thinking.  My Charlie looks like Buddy only he is orange, very good cat and a lot of company.

Diane Amberg

I'm not sure what kind of discoveries can go here but I have one of the "small world" kind. The fire service has several sites where fire service injuries and deaths and "near misses" from many countries are reported very quickly. Many times there are follow up articles explaining what happened or underlining errors that were made so we can learn from them. Last Saturday a handsome young firefighter from Olathe, part of the Shawnee Fire Dept. lost his life at a house fire. I didn't mention it because it's not near you. I was looking at our local Wilmington paper a couple of days later and there was his obit. Turns out his paternal grandparents are in Overland Park and his maternal grandparents are here. Sad, small world. That means in 2011 he'll be added to our national fallen fighters list and we'll ring our big bell in his honor on Fallen Firefighter Memorial Sunday.

Janet Harrington

Oh, how sad.  My prayers to his family.


Today's discovery.  This one is rather sad, so if you would rather not become depressed, you have my permission to skip it.

I have discovered that as one ages, one's taste buds decline and food doesn't taste as good.  However, once in awhile, one will find a dish that tastes the way it used to.  Now for the sad part.  As one ages, one cannot eat as much as before, so when that one tasty dish happens, it isn't possible to eat as much as one would wish to eat.

I told you it was sad.


I have a discovery of today that I'm still puzzling about.  Last night "Lucy", my pug, needed a bath, BAD.  After her bath and dry off, which took three towels, I immediately took the towels and bath mat directly from the tub to the washing machine.  Today I put them in the dryer and a quarter fell out and back into the washer.  Now, I ask you, where in the world did that quarter come from?????? ??? ??? ???


Could it be that Lucy left you a tip?


Look at the date on the quarter, it might be a significant year in your life or the year of birth of a family member.


I suspect that it had been stuck under the agitator from a previous load. However it is nice to think of it like pennies from heaven!

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