Some in Okla. want militia to resist feds

Started by frawin, April 13, 2010, 06:21:26 AM

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Quote from: srkruzich on April 14, 2010, 04:58:17 PM
Most likely the UN troops.  Cause Most American Troops will not fire on American citizens.  So the feds will have to bring in mercenaries to fight the militias.  What do you think the russians and i think chinese have been training in the US for.

As much as it pains me to say this Srkurzich, I think you're wrong about the American troop not firing.  Kent State, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Katrina.  Granted Waco and Ruby Ridge it was LEO's that were firing on citizens, but kent state and katrina were military troops.  I am sure that there are some that won't but when it comes down to it, I think the majority would.

As for U.N. troops Wilma, don't sell'em short.  Many of them would jump at the chance to get over here and "put Americans in their place".

As for Militias, there job is to protect the State from armed federal aggression.  That is why the National Guard cannot qualify as a Militia, because the President has the authority to call up the Guard troops.  They may be state funded, but don't get it twisted, they are basically a reserve component of our regular forces.  Tied more to the Fed. than the State.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

What do you think you know about Kent State? 


I know you aint asking me but I think the draft dodgers got what they deserved at Kent State. Too damn bad they didn't load the NG troops up and take them to Berkley and do the same thing !!!

Diane Amberg

You are old enough to remember Kent State.(1970) Nobody was supposed to get hurt, let alone shot, but it happened. A bad situation all around. The young people were protesting the invasion of Cambodia that day, not the draft as I recall. As far as I remember they were not armed. I had graduated by then, but I  remember UD having a lot of protests and angry people. To them that was as much of an attack by their own government as you all feel about marching on DC today. Lots of the protests back then were not about the draft, but other things having to do with the Viet Nam war.


 I used the term "draft dodger" to just describe the riots and "peaceful" marches on campus back in them days. I don't think many of the protestors gave a rats ass about what they were 'protesting" and most had not a clue to what they were protesting about. It was just a chance to smoke dope and act like a**holes and "show" the establishment . Maybe the "peacful" rock/brick throwing protestors werre not armed but there was a shot fired by someone in the crowd that day and the NG troops thoughts they were being fired up on. As far as I know they don't know to this day, who fired the shot, but it happened. I have no use for those who burned their draft cards and the flag and called returning vets baby killers and vile crap like that

Jo McDonald

There is a whole "passel" of us that feel the same way you do, Jarhead. 

Diane Amberg

I agree, always did. Spiting on returning troops was really disgraceful.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 15, 2010, 09:36:19 AM
What do you think you know about Kent State? 

I know that in 13 seconds NG troops fired 67 shots into a crowd of protesters. Killing 4 and injuring 20 others.  Now, some might say that the NG troops thought they were being fired on and thats the reason why shot into the crowd...I say Bull*&!!.  Just look at the numbers...a platoon sized element (roughly 30) of troops believes they are being shot at and only manages to return fire 67 times in 13 seconds??...thats less than 6 shots a second. 

Jarhead, I understand where you're coming from.  But honestly, think about what you just posted.  You're saying that those 4 people deserved to die because of their opinion?  If thats the case then what in the hell are our troops fighting for?

The reason I brought up Kent State was to illustrate the fact that troops have been and will be used against American citizens.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


No Varmit, the students didn't deserve to die for their opinions----BUT----I do not feel sorry for any of them( with the exception of the young lady that just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time ) because of the way they "expressed" their opinions. The so called Kent State massacre  just didn't happen on May 4. It was building up for several days before that ill fated day. The students were getting drunk, pelting cop cars with beer bottles, smashing store windows, just raising hell, then the mayor ordered the bars closed, and that is what really got them pissed off. They burnt the ROTC building to the ground and tried their damndest to hinder the firemen from fighting the fire. They weren't protesting didly squat for the most part but was just an excuse to party down and destroy property. When the troops fired into the crowd they say they felt threatened and weather the controversial shot was fired from the crowd or not is immaterial to me. The fact they felt like their lives were in danger is good enough for me. It is proven fact that most soldiers fired into the air over the students heads or into the ground. Several of those shot were up to 750 feet away from the troops so could be called "collateral damage". The students should be thanking their lucky stars they were NG troops instead of combat hardened troops. Many of the troops never fired their weapon, or like I said, shot into the ground or air.If those troops had been combat vets when the first shot was fired, ALL, of them would have unleashed with all the firepower they had---and trust me, they would have shot to kill---and that my dear Billy, I think you will agree with.
I don't want to sound heartless because I feel sorry for the families of those  killed and wounded  but you play with fire you're gonna get burned.

Diane Amberg

I see you two have been busy looking up the history of Kent State and that's good. The 40th anniversary is in May and I suspect a lot will be brought up again. It was indeed a several day event that got out of the control of the original protest planners and ran amok. It was really bad.There were people there that weren't even students, who were there as an opportunity to misbehave and blame someone else. I hope we aren't about to see a repeat of the same kind of thing in the 2010 version. Two of those who were shot were simply walking to class and weren't anywhere near or a part of the protest. I can see that happening again if things get out of hand with the political protesters of today. I sure hope I'm wrong, but I really am worried. 

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