Have you planted Tomatoes yet??

Started by frawin, April 05, 2010, 04:59:29 PM

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Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Frank  just brought in the first tomato from our garden.  Guess it isn't hard to guess what will be on our table at lunch time!!!!!


Judy Harder

If I had been Frank, it would NOT have made the table.......LOL. I have blooms this year. I don't want to say that too loudly.
While I was gone I just knew the weather would have made hay out of my patch, but Praise the Lord, except for being rainsoaked
(I mean the ground) and needing a de-treeing. all the maples seed popped up and pretty little twigs/trees are in with the plants.
I will get to that tomorrow.
You enjoy that pretty red tomato. How did you fare in the storms? Happy eating.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Judy, the Tornado warning sirens did go off, but we didn't have damage here. When the siren went off we were in the Steel Safe Room and some of our neighbors came over and stayed with us until the all clear. The loss of life and property damage is so terrible from all of the storms. Maybe this is what is left for those of us that didn't make the list for the Rapture.

Judy Harder

Tis possible, but, I doubt it. I am sure the people who lost it all including loved ones, think the worse.
It is just mind blowing. I was in Wisconsin for the brunt of it...........and only way I could find anything out
was the internet when we were at the house............not sure of where their channels were nor the fancyness?
of their equipment.........and all.
I tear up when I watch the video's of it. Coming home from Topeka this past Wednesday I traveled 75 and went through
downtown Topeka in a "Frog-strangler" Always wondered what that was like, and found out. Right outside the Capitol building and
had to almost drive white line down the middle.....Of course, the other traffic did too, but all were aware of each other and I would have pulled over if I could have found a spot, but couldn't get across the highwater. sewers couldn't handle the run off.
Then crossing the flinthills,ranch land I got a bird's eye view of all the weather around, including the clouds that the KC Tornado warning was in..nasty looking and I was very glad it was east of me. rest of the trip was hit and miss rain and at times a car length between rain and not rain,..love Kansas...........but so glad the worst is over.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Judy, what hurts me the most is when the children are hurt. The two liitle boys that were killed at Piedmont, Oklahoma was so tragic.


Quote from: Judy Harder on May 27, 2011, 01:24:41 PM
If I had been Frank, it would NOT have made the table.......LOL. I have blooms this year. I don't want to say that too loudly.
While I was gone I just knew the weather would have made hay out of my patch, but Praise the Lord, except for being rainsoaked
(I mean the ground) and needing a de-treeing. all the maples seed popped up and pretty little twigs/trees are in with the plants.
I will get to that tomorrow.
You enjoy that pretty red tomato. How did you fare in the storms? Happy eating.
I brought this thread back to Quote the last post that I had with Judy on it. As most of you are aware I plant my Tomatoes April 1 every year. This year was no different. At first the Spring was so cool they took of a little slow, but since we have had all of the HOT HOT weather Myrma has been picking a lot of Tomatoes. THe Neighbors all lost their late Tomatoes so they are enjoying ours.
I have been in the Tulsa Spine and Specialty Hospital off and on for almost a month so taking care of the Garden has been left to Myrna and one of our super neighbors. Also our Sweet Bannana and Green Peppers have really done well. I did get to see the Garden a little today and the heat is really starting to hurt the Tomatoes and Peppers, we don't have anything else in the Garden.


I ended up planting my tomatoes in May this year.  They got some good growth on them before the heat wave hit.  Now, I've got some little yellow cherries that are ripening but the plants are mainly just surviving for now.  I think, once this heat wave breaks a bit, I'll have plenty of tomatoes to spare...It's just hard to wait, is all.  ;D

Judy Harder

 think, once this heat wave breaks a bit, that is what I think, but in mean time my vines are wilting during the day so bad I am tempted to pull them up. If I were to wilt like that, they would call Zimmermans to come get me.
Oh, well, least we don't have the skeeters this year. Not even larve in the drinking water for the dogs. One good thing about heat.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

If your tomatoes wilt during the heat of the day but perk up again in the evening ,don't give up.Many do that to conserve moisture.If you know they've given plenty of water, please give them another chance.

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