Have you planted Tomatoes yet??

Started by frawin, April 05, 2010, 04:59:29 PM

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I had my chickens parked on my garden spot after last harvest and all winter, sure didnt have to worry about any thing growing in there. I kind of worried about it being too hot fertilizer wise but we had so much rain I decided to move the chickens over and give it a try. I only tilled rows for planting and left the rest of the soil alone. I put out 20 potatoes in one row Friday, which according to the lunar planting calender is a little late but still in phase. It suggests waiting until the last couple of days of April to plant tomatoes, dont know if I can wait that long though. All together we are waiting to plant tomatoes, brussle sprouts, cucumbers, goliath jalepenos and cauliflower. Im thinking maybe last part of next week.
"Talk Low, Talk Slow And Dont Talk Too Much."
                  ( John Wayne )



Now, Delbert, I was looking to your answer as sage wisdom from a pro!  I was going to follow your lead!

Clubine Ranch

We are getting closer...they have been purchased!


Yeah, I couldn't resist........bought them today!


Grape tomatoes...Romas...Sweet 100s...potting soil...potting soil...potting soil....potting soil....


I'll tell, planted 30 yesterday and planted 30 a few days ago.   I have 21 more to plant.   Waiting a few more days might have been better but I had to make hay when the sun shines. I raised several but visited the nursery in Elk Falls and their tomatoes makes my look pretty bad.  Also bought egg plants and peppers and a moon vine.  Guess the vine blooms at night so when I come home from dancing I can check on it.  Also planted Jerusalem Artichokes but Lois Markley said they will take over.  Planting 3 items for Father Sixtus, the Catholic priest from Burma.  Will have apples, peaches, pears, apricots, and plums unless it freezes.  Have raspberries, boysenberries, dewberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and loganberries. Would   like gooseberries.  Have 3 fig trees.  Also corn, popcorn, parsnips, pole beans, regular beans, yard long beans, watermelon, cantaloupe, okra, 4 kinds of squash, pumpkins, cucumbers,  radishes, beets, asparagus, rubarb and a three legged dog and a 3 footed cat and a 2 legged wife.  Hard to believe isn't it.


You will be busy for the summer, Delbert!  Do you can or freeze your produce?  Good luck for a great growing season!

Diane Amberg

Wow! That sounds just like home! My parents' place had a garden that size when I was growing up. We didn't have quite that many toms, but all the rest we had plus grapes, red currents and goose berries. Mom had the  Sun Chokes down behind the barn in a separate area so they could spread and it didn't matter. No cukes? We never had Logan berries or figs but we had Boysenberries and Dewberries and all the rest of your list. Had a nice nectarine too. One dog at a time and passels of cats and canned and froze up a storm.Thanks for the great memories.You really made me smile.


Delbert, is this all for your own use? or do you plan to sell some of it?  Let us know!  We have a Farmer's Market here in Bartlesville and they sell their herbs, veggies, fruits, etc. even home made bread and sweet rolls, etc. on Saturday mornings after the gardens start producing.    It is fun going down there and getting fresh berries, and other goodies!  We have tomatoes and peppers, but don't plant anything else.  Sounds wonderful, but you won't have much idle time on your hands from the sounds of your garden.

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