You Can't Have your Country Back

Started by redcliffsw, April 03, 2010, 12:52:52 PM

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Quote from: pamagain on April 11, 2010, 01:51:10 PM
  No........REALLY? Egyptians ARE arab  :P
No their not.  They are Egyptian.   

People from the Arabian Peninsula ARE Arab, those include the countries of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~~ ok....

Everyone just chill a little.. I'm going to try to talk here a little bit without cussing.. .. and hopefully without swallowing any Valiums to get through it.  ;D

I've set back and read and listened...and the only reason I haven't jumped in the middle of this turd pie ( turd is not a cuss word)  is because I figured it might calm down a bit..
Doesn't seem to be happening.. We have everyone jumping in like a bar fight .. grabbing and swinging a  pool stick and taking sides. Cat has jumped on Diane and Pams bandwagon.. The men have jumped on Varmits posse and the battle has started..
(Marshal won't let me take sides in public so I'm left with no posse or bandwagon)   :'(
But seriously...
Do you know what I see??
I see everyone in here thinking and saying that they "like" diverse and different  opinions..
but every time anyone has one.. the other side screams and gets pissed.

If we were all being really honest... could we really say that if we hear an opinion about something totally opposite of our beliefs .( and its spoken by someone who's personality and person we don't really care for)... .that we don't get frustrated and a bit "negatively animated in verbal form?"

I do generally .especially when I have FIRM convictions that I am right..
The other people can talk and scream and cuss till they are blue in the face and it isn't going to make one bit of difference to my way of thinking. And if I feel irritated enough by it.. I will come back myself with some pretty forceful statements..

I don't think anyone in here is any different.. no matter how much they like to stand up and say how much they like other opinions.. Pretty much proved that they don't. ( myself included) I guess that is why  birds of a feather like to fly together.. Its why we choose friends who like the same things.. and why we choose spouses who share our belief systems.. Nothing wrong with it.. as long as we recognize it enough to stay civil to those we DON'T share the same things with.
Good debate is a challenge to carry out. Because of the emotional factor and how easily it can be misconstrued and misunderstood.
Since the personality's in this section are so diverse and opposite . ( and no where in the forum rules does it say that you have to like each other) but I think maybe we all need to stop and take a deep breath and just chill out a bit..

As far as people leaving this section? Yes...There has been a few high tail it out... but the reasons would surprise a few of you who think that you know the reason why...You don't! If you think its becasue the majority are hard conservatives.. you are very very wrong.. That is not the reason...
Same with people who have stopped posting on the coffee shop and other places in the forum.. ( there are reasons and no one knows but me and the people who have talked to me about it) But once again I will say this publicly ..and also as I say to people privately when they write me or call to talk about it.

" It is a public forum. It is your choice whether to stay or to leave a section or the forum as a whole. It costs nothing to join and you don't lose anything if you choose to leave. But if you choose to stay.. don't complain and gripe because of what it is made up of. There is lots of sections . If you don't like a section.. stay out of it.. No body cares if you like it or you don't or the reasons why.. Those that do like it are in there for a reason.. If you like a section that isn't used as often.. then post more in that section and maybe more will use it."

Get a grip on yourselves..... be strong in your convictions ( whatever they are)  and post whatever you want..  But nothing is gained by ~ He said this, She said that ... .. You crapped on my fence so I'm going to burn down yours, mentality.
And if you lose that self control.... try to keep the verbal attacks to a dull roar.. Okay? Cause bar room fights are no fun for me in here if I can't jump in and take a few swings.. and I hate being left out...    ;D

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


**Hands teresa a pool cue! **

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Do we get to be drunk?  Bar fights are no fun if you are sober.

I was going to post this in the "favorite quotes" section, but because of Teresa's post, it might belong here.  From another blog I read:

The only way to make sure people you agree with can speak is to support the rights of people you don't agree with.

Eleanor Holmes Norton

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


ROTFL, i can just see teresa jumping into a bar brawl.  Somehow i think she would win too!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


well~~ the only one I actually got in to .................I didn't lose.. but I didn't actually win either.. *sad part was.. it wasn't even my battle.. *but I definitely left a few marks that stung... hahaha
( awwww.. youth and stupid sometimes go hand in hand.. ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Roma Jean Turner

For what it is worth, there are times when I have nothing to say.  Like this thread.  I saw it the first day, but didn't have time to bring the article up and read it, this happens to me quite a bit.  The thread takes off and people have very strong opinions, which I read and respect.  Many of you have done a lot more thinking and reseearch about these issues than I so I just read and learn. Lots of times people just have personal things come up in their lives which takes up their time and perhaps others, not knowing, interpret that as them purposefully leaving the Forum.  So, the point is, whether I'm loud or quiet you all are stuck with me.  If someone steps on my toe to much I'll squeal and expect you to do the same.

Diane Amberg

I can't think of a nicer person to be stuck with. ;)


Been tryin out my huntin fishin farmin runnin around nekkid ancestral lifestyle so hadn't read anymore yet today! Think it MIGHT rain later!!

Teresa you are exactly right.

I DO have some positions I will not budge on. Some I can be persuaded on. I am obstinate...I DON"T push well and can't be PULLED any easier. I have little patience sometimes. I CAN and have been rude. For those that wonder.......... most of my enlightenment posts are my OWN search for balance, just thought others might find them helpful too. I am a work in progress. and now that I'm huntin fishin farmin and runnin around nekkid doin rain dances I MAY get sidetracked :P

I dispise government and "authority" of any kind. Conservative OR liberal. God gave me brains and a conscience and I resent anybody who tries to tell me how to use either one!

Part of what Varmit says is true....the only thing that is going to fix this government is what STARTED it in the first place....and that is one of the SADDEST things I know.....but fix it for WHO? Killin your fellow countrymen is not and never HAS been anywhere close to the answer. It wasn't in ANY revolution fought for ANY wasn't in the late War Between the States......and it isn't now.

and as for bar fights...........been in a few........some were fun...some weren't..........but they usually sounded like a good idea at the time :P They usually WEREN'T a good idea by the time all the casualties were counted.

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