You Can't Have your Country Back

Started by redcliffsw, April 03, 2010, 12:52:52 PM

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Diane Amberg

I don't understand part of this at all. First, most Hispanics are indeed white. Hispanic is a culture not a race. Also, if a black family has lived for many generations in Sweden and are  Swedish citizens, why can't they be called Swedish? Talk about Hitleresque....that stinks!


Diane, she wasn't talking about blacks that have lived in Sweden for many generations, she was talking about the ones that just show up one day and all of a sudden proclaim "I'm Swedish".

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Ok, they show up and become naturalized Swedish citizens...they aren't Swedes? ....White man's countries?  Whites took over South Africa.That wasn't a black man's country that was stolen from them? Plus you'll have to show me where it says they just showed up one day. If they aren't wanted, how did they get there?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 05, 2010, 09:36:05 AM
Ok, they show up and become naturalized Swedish citizens...they aren't Swedes? ....White man's countries?  Whites took over South Africa.That wasn't a black man's country that was stolen from them? Plus you'll have to show me where it says they just showed up one day. If they aren't wanted, how did they get there?

Diane, your only a swede if your a citizen of that country. IF your a swede, and move to america and naturalize there, your an American.  It doesn't matter how many generations you come from that are swedes once you become an american your no longer a swede.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Hitleresque!  How do you mean?  Your liberalism is glowing.

Diane Amberg

 Steve, I'm either not making myself clear or you are playing dense on purpose.  ;D "They just show up one day".... in Sweden...from where?  If they become Swedish citizens, why aren't they Sweds?

Diane Amberg

Red, you've got to be kidding!!!!  Hitler would have loved you, you are such an easy mark. You can't see hate language in the article, in the ugly words and the hint of the bloody combat of whites taking back their white country? ( that we stole in the first place.) Black Africans "strutting" around Sweden? Don't you think that is for Sweden to deal with, not us? There are  racist and anti cultural comments in that article. The Statue of Liberty, which I suspect you've never seen, welcomes outsiders to come here.  It doesn't say pale, white skinned and blue eyed only. (How did you get here?) If you honestly can't see the slurs, then I can't help you. I assume you never eat Mexican food? Or anything from a dark skinned culture? (curry) or oriental food ? No Chinese or Japanese? Or are you a hypocrite?
  Why are you so uncomfortable with the idea of other cultures or races? Ponce de Leon was not British or German, nor was Coronado or Cortez. What is the big deal? It's been only in recent history that we closed our borders and place immigration limits and rules.There were no illegals to get upset about because there were no illegals. Borders were open....there were no illegals, of any race, culture, creed or ethnicity. Culture clashes yes, but usually only in the big cities. The Irish, Swedes, Poles and Italians ,Jews and Catholics all had their moments at the bottom of the ladder before they were assimilated. Does my acceptance of all these people make me liberal?   Funny, I just thought it made me AN AMERICAN!!!!!



Diane Amberg

Thank you, but I expect I will get chewed up and spit out again.

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