Marine's Father Will Not Pay Court-Ordered Funeral Protesters' Fees

Started by Diane Amberg, March 31, 2010, 11:25:33 AM

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Diane Amberg

If I remember correctly the father won his first go and the church counter sued for freedom of speech and won....One of the times that a right can be misused and abused. I don't quite think this is what the constitution had in mind. Because they have singled out a particular group it sounds to me more like a hate crime. That young Marine paid with his life. He can't hear their rants so what's the point? I'd love to be a mouse in the supreme court chambers and hear the debate on this one.


This matter at the funerals is a mess.  There's many other things being done
that are contrary to the Constitution that ought to have our attention but many
Americans seem to want more from the Federales. 

Hate crime?  Are you into that junk too?


I understand that the supreme court has agreed to hear this in September. I do hope that clarification of the right to freedom of speech comes out of this session; that freedom should not interfere with the right to grieve without insults from any group. And I do not consider this a conservative view.

Diane Amberg

Red, I'd hardly call true hate crimes junk, but too many times it's convenient label. This business really bothers me though. Hiding behind our constitution to harass the families of a fallen military person is just the lowest form of antisocial behavior. How much hurtful bad behavior is a person supposed to suck up, big girl panties or not, so others don't have to be bothered or think about it? PUULEEZ!  Did you see what they had written on some of their signs? Why aren't other Baptist Churches speaking out against this?

Diane Amberg

Interesting, I must have amnesia. I don't remember starting this thread. ;D     I had an E-mail chat with a retired lawyer and he's not so sure that the Supreme Court will reverse the second decision based on the tight requirements protecting freedom of speech. It will be a precedent setting case if they do. He said those particular Baptists are ugly, hate infested people, no doubt, but since there were no real damages they may win. Unfortunately, uncivilized downright mean people are also protected.

Roma Jean Turner

Does any group ever protest them at their church I wonder?  I bet they would sue anyone in a heartbeat that they thought overstepped a boundry.  I saw Fred's daughter on some Fox show a year or so ago, and I tell you that is one smug, arrogant.................   I get anygry just at the thought of them.


You know this is a no brainer.  THey protested the funeral, the marines father sued for damages and won because this group caused pain and suffering and damage by exercising their right to free speech.

If i go into a crowded theater, and exercise my right to free speech, and yell fire, and if anyone is hurt, then i would be sued and damages assessed. 

The fact is, we have a constitutional Right to say anything we want.  But that doesn't stop our responsibility to utilize it in a wise manner nor does it prohibit consequences of our actions from coming back to bite us.

Bottom line is you have the right to free speech, and its your responsibility to learn to keep your mouth shut.  Otherwise its going to cost ya.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


=Roma Jean Turner
Does any group ever protest them at their church I wonder?  I bet they would sue anyone in a heartbeat that they thought overstepped a boundry.  I saw Fred's daughter on some Fox show a year or so ago, and I tell you that is one smug, arrogant.................   I get anygry just at the thought of them.
RJT, You are too nice a person---but I aint. Freddie's daughter is smug, arrogant and ----butt ugly !! She looks like the south end of a north bound mule.


Ok, so this will probably get me hung but...

I think this is an issue that we need to be very careful on.  Granted what Phelps and his people do is disgusting, however when we start suing someone for excrising their political viewpoint, or telling them that they can't it puts us all in jeporady.  I think that there should be a law that limits how close protesters can be to a cemetary or church where funerals are being conducted.  But thats it.  I understand the fallen Marines family position but I don't think the lower courts should have ruled in their favor. 

The "pain and suffering" that someones words have on you is only equal to the amount of affect you allow it to have on you. 
To me, it goes back to the saying, "I might not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it".  Thats why the Constitution was written in the way it was.  We don't need an admendment protecting the viewpoints that we all agree upon.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Varmit on April 02, 2010, 04:47:17 AM
Ok, so this will probably get me hung but...

I think this is an issue that we need to be very careful on.  Granted what Phelps and his people do is disgusting, however when we start suing someone for excrising their political viewpoint, or telling them that they can't it puts us all in jeporady.  I think that there should be a law that limits how close protesters can be to a cemetary or church where funerals are being conducted.  But thats it.  I understand the fallen Marines family position but I don't think the lower courts should have ruled in their favor. 

The "pain and suffering" that someones words have on you is only equal to the amount of affect you allow it to have on you. 
To me, it goes back to the saying, "I might not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it".  Thats why the Constitution was written in the way it was.  We don't need an admendment protecting the viewpoints that we all agree upon.
Well i don't disagree we all have the right to say what we want.  But there are responsibilities with the freedom of speech.  Seriously another example is when someone defames another publically. Destroying anothers character through freedom of speech is and has been all the way back to the founding of our country a offense that 1st amendment does not protect.  Even our 2nd amendment to keep and bear arms, which bear also means use, if we use it indiscriminately the 2nd amendment does not protect us in that useage.

The 1st amendment is by far the most powerful weapon we have.  The 2nd amendment backs it up and when we have to use it, we essentially as a nation lose.  When we have to resort to violence to back up our freedoms, that means we were unsuccesful at keeping them utilizing the non violent tools to keep them. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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