Arizona May Abolish Concealed-Carry Permits

Started by Warph, March 26, 2010, 11:17:53 AM

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PHOENIX -- The Arizona House and Senate will soon vote on proposals that would abolish the concealed-carry weapons permit law.

The votes are expected to take placed before the end of next week.

If the law passes, Arizona will be one of three states that allows gun owners to carry concealed weapons without a permit.

Only Alaska and Vermont currently do not require concealed-carry weapons permits.

"It's the second amendment. The second amendment says we have the right to keep and carry arms. The founding fathers wanted no regulation in that," said Ken Logan, the range manager at Shooter's World in Phoenix.

He supports the state proposal, despite the fact that it could hurt his business.

Right now, potential owners must complete an eight hour training class, which Shooter's World offers, to obtain their weapons permits.

Logan said gun owners usually seek out training, regardless of legal requirements.

"You're responsible for that bullet wherever it goes," he said. "You need to know how to use that firearm before you carry it."

His customers weren't convinced it would be safe to get rid of the training requirement for concealed weapons permits.

"I think should they keep the permits going," said Justin Ivy, a lifelong gun owner who said he learned a lot during the required training class.

"You have to know how to use it," said Dennis Fiorillo, a gun owner who also said he benefited training classes. "You know have to know how to use it safely so nobody gets hurt."

I don't about this bill.... there are alot of nuts out there that wouldn't qualify for a CCW permit that will be pack'en.  Especially the "Lobo Beaners" a mex. gang from El Mirage.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I actually contacted our state senator recently asking for the same thing. They're having a vote to lower the costs of the cc permits but i told him they need to be abolished altogether considering they aren't constitutional (same with requiring a class). Requiring a class and a permit is just as bad as not allowing it at all. They are all infringing on the right to keep and bear arms. >:(


I have a CC permit and I believe in the 2nd Amendments rights, but I can tell you that there are way to many idiots, drug users, mentally unstable, and hot tempered people that should not be allowed to carry a weapon. The one thing the CC permit requires is a full back ground check, and it turns up a lot of people with troubled backgrounds that dictate that they should not be allowed to have a weapon accessible all the time. To turn everyone loose with a concealed weapon and no background checks  is a mistake. When the 2nd amendment was written there were 2 million people in this country and no Dope, Meth, etc being used. Today there are 310 million people and widespread use of drugs that impair judgment. There will be a lot of innocent people killed if we just turn everyone loose to carry a weapon with no training, no back ground checks, etc. It seems to me a few hours training and a background check is not to much to ask to save the lives of innocent people.


Just like gun bans... gun permits will only affect the innocent. If a criminal wants to have a gun and carry a gun, they will do it regardless of the law.


I am not talking about people with a criminal record or background. There are a lot of law abiding people that cannot pass a CC permit background check and when they don't many of them abide by the law and don't carry.


In what way does a CC permit background check differ from a background check when you purchase a firearm?


Probably little or none, but people can buy weapons all day long from other individuals and not be checked at all. I just think requiring a CC permit and Background check keeps a lot of people from carrying that shouldn't.


I disagree, I don't believe requiring a permit will keep people that wouldn't normally be allowed to carry from doing so. All that happens when a permit is required is
1. Breaks the Constitution
2. Forces innocent individuals to pay a fee to get the permit, a ridiculously high fee here in Kansas and I'm sure elsewhere
3. Forces the innocent individuals to wait until they get their permit
4. Doesn't allow the innocent individual to protect themselves right away because of the above and more

Plain and simple, requiring permits is absolutely unconstitutional. It clearly says the right is not to be infringed and requiring a permit is clearly infringing on that right.

How about background checks and permits for religions? A lot of liberals seem to think religions are what causes most of the violence in this world so would you accept the government requiring permits to practice what religion you want? Its no different, they are our Constitutional rights.

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