Coffee and Guns

Started by redcliffsw, March 05, 2010, 06:06:32 PM

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Hooray For Starbucks
-Chuck Baldwin
The major news media was replete with reports over the weekend that the coffee company, Starbucks, "has no problem with customers packing heat while placing their orders."

"The coffee giant says it won't take issue with gun owners who take advantage of 'open carry' laws and bring firearms into their restaurant." (Source: NBC News)

To tell you the truth, I'm not sure why this is even considered "newsworthy." Perhaps because Starbucks is a Seattle-based company that caters to the "yuppie" crowd? Maybe because the anti-gun national news media is shocked and chagrined at Starbucks' statement? Who knows? That Starbucks would not want to alienate millions of gun owners (many of whom lawfully carry concealed weapons for personal protection) makes perfectly good sense to me. I'm sure the statement by Starbucks has little to do with guns and everything to do with business. But the fact is, there are tens of thousands of lawfully armed citizens who carry either concealed or open that have been peacefully doing business with thousands of companies around the country for years.

At last glance, 12 states allow unrestricted open carry. Those states are Alaska, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, South Dakota, Vermont, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Virginia. Plus, at least 13 other states allow restricted open carry (meaning a permit is required). I know it infuriates gun-grabbing liberals to admit this, but the facts are absolutely undeniable that an armed citizenry is far and away a more civilized and peaceful citizenry.

Founding Father, author of the Declaration of Independence, and our third President Thomas Jefferson rightly said, "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."

Founding Father, the man called "the father of the U.S. Constitution, and our 4th President James Madison, agreed with Jefferson. He wrote in Federalist, Number 46, "[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed, which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation . . . [where] the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."

Founding Father and author of the classic Revolution-era books, "Common Sense" and "Rights of Man," Thomas Paine concurred. He said, "Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property . . . Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them."

And should there be any doubt in the minds of sincere men regarding the advantages and appropriateness of an armed citizenry, the research of John R. Lott, Jr. is more than sufficient to dispel it. Lott is a senior research scientist at the University of Maryland, College Park. He was previously the John M. Olin Visiting Law and Economics Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School. His book, "More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws," is the most authoritative and thoroughly researched volume on the subject. And the title of his book is exactly what his research proves: More guns, less crime!

More of the article:


Starbucks said that they are going to follow the rules of the local area.  If they say people can open carry, they'll not kick them out or open carry in the store. They said they don't want to get caught up in the politics of it. *quote* We sell coffee, all we want to do is sell coffee, leave us alone.*unquote*
I'm glad their following the rules of the law and not making their own.
I mean~ It has nothing to with the issue either. Its about a business being able to do business without getting crap from the peanut gallery over political nonsense that they didn't ask for and shouldn't effect them. Starbucks will (and should) sell a $4 cup of coffee to anyone who will pay for it, gun or no gun. Its like (on the flip side) when the Southern Baptist Convention decided to boycott Disney a few years back because they gave insurance coverage to same sex couples. (Imagine, an entertainment company trying to keep gay employees. Shocking!  ::)). Honestly, if you're just selling coffee, or cartoons, why the heck should you get caught up in someone else's political agenda? More power to Starbucks for saying K.M.A.  :police:
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


On their homepage, the Brady Bunch are featuring an online petition ( to tell Starbucks to "Keep Guns Out."

Just for that... I think I'll buy their $4 overpriced coffees and teas..  ;D ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

OK, then how does the cashier know which punk is robbing him if they all carry guns?  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


The punk will stick the gun,probably held upside down, in your face and demand the money. But that will be right before the punk gets shot 18 times from  gun carrying coffee drinkers.


Then the customer can go to the ER for upset stomach and shock.   :)


Quote from: Diane Amberg on March 07, 2010, 01:41:49 PM
OK, then how does the cashier know which punk is robbing him if they all carry guns?  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I think thats quite obvious. Its the punk thats pointing the gun at the cashier.  But there is good news, if that happens, then the punk will have no less than 2 or 3 guns pointed at his head.  Being that punks are charicteristcallyl without character and cowards, the lowlife slug will probably first pee his pants, and quite possibly fill his britches while he drops to his knees and grovels to the good folks that hold his life in their hands.  

On the other hand, he could be a total idiot and make a sudden move which the net end result would be that he will quickly be DRT and headed for the GCDN, thus saving innocent peoples lives as well as eliminating the waste of taxpayers money in trying his sorry ass.

DRT is DEAD RIGHT THERE, and GCDN is Great Celestial Dirt Nap.

Come on Diane, only criminals walk in with a gun hidden and pull it out to rob someone and before you go talking about the idiots that walk in brandishing a weapon, no law, no ordinance, and no company policy, the brady bunch the antigunners none of them or the laws enacted is going to prevent a criminal from doing such. They are criminals, they don't abide by the law. Thats why their criminals.

Good friend of mine is a cop. he used to be a emt.  Told me that he got really tired of going to treat a gunshot victim and it turns out to be a criminal and this yutz pulls a gun on him that he got by stealing it.  No amount of gun control will stop criminals from obtaining guns.  You can't stop it.

Want to know what happens when you make a law that everyone must own a gun??  You get 25 years of zero murders and crime rates plumeted below pre 1981 records.  Now yeah kennessaw is a small town of 5000, BUT kennesaw is in a megametro area and has been for over 30 years.  Marietta surrounds kennesaw, and all.  What happened is this, the criminals realized that everyones armed.  So being that a reasonable human has a modicum of common sense that were born with, the criminals are not going to go after a armed citizen because a armed citizen will shoot them where they stand.
That makes it not worth the risk so they don't go there.
Now georgia has passed another law stating that if joe comes onto your property, and you fear that he may try to do you harm, you can drop him right there as soon as he comes across your line.   YOu don't have to wait anymore for them to break into your home.

Guess what. Home burgleries have dropped. so has a whole lot of tresspassing.  

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: twirldoggy on March 07, 2010, 02:01:44 PM
Then the customer can go to the ER for upset stomach and shock.   :)
Nahh from where i come from they would gather round looking at whats left of him saying nice grouping pattern.  And arguing over which was the kill shot.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Steve, that was a joke son, laugh, don't lecture. Also,there is NOTHING about being an EMT you can possibly tell me.


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