I Wish Joe Stack Had Not Killed Himself!

Started by redcliffsw, February 20, 2010, 07:29:59 AM

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Now this hit the bank where it hurts.  NEXT target  IS the IRS.

Man bulldozes home to avoid foreclosure
Terry Hoskins said he would do 'what it takes'

Updated: Friday, 19 Feb 2010, 12:21 PM EST
Published : Friday, 19 Feb 2010, 12:21 PM EST

MOSCOW, Ohio (AP) - An Ohio man says he bulldozed his home after a bank began foreclosure proceedings and says he won't let the bank take his carpet business either.

Terry Hoskins of Moscow in southwest Ohio says he has struggled with the RiverHills Bank over his Clermont County home for years and had problems with the Internal Revenue Service. He says the IRS placed liens on his store and commercial property and the bank claimed his house as collateral.

Hoskins says after spending millions on attorneys he just had enough and two weeks ago bulldozed the home, 25 miles southeast of Cincinnati.

When asked if he would level the store, Hoskins said he would do "what it takes."

Messages were left for the bank and its attorney, and with the southern Ohio office of the IRS.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


  havin a hell of a time puttin my thoughts into words here........................tryin to boil it down and clarify it.........

  Waco.........innocents got killed because of the stupidity of our government AND their OWN leader, guy was a nutcase.
  Ruby Ridge...........innocents got killed because of the stupidity and overeaction or our government and the stupidity of the FATHER.....he should've sucked it up and accepted the consequences of his actions which were illegal..rightly so or not.
  Oklahoma City.......McVeigh had a hardon against the government.......so he built a big bomb and killed INNOCENTS because he was pissed at the government. He was a nutcase also.
  Now this guy...........fact of the matter is he lost his mind......he decided to kill himself and decided to "make a statement" on the way out.....so what statement did he make? I'm a selfish a**hole who doesn't care about the pain of the people I damage on the way out as long as I get to throw a pissy fit?  The government took my STUFF so I'm going to take as many people who don't even know me and never WOULD have known me out with me? I'm just glad God stepped in and didn't let him kill more than he did.

  This government is a monster...yes. Ain't like that's anything new.......................glorifying a**holes like this guy ain't gonna fix it tho. That will just get MORE innocent people killed and change absolutely nothing.

Diane Amberg

So I guess we are supposed to disband all government at all levels, disband the military, get rid of the police, and the fire fighters while we're at it, arm ourselves to the teeth and become just another Banana Republic run by the junta du jour and the biggest bully who has the meanest friends. After all muscle means might. Lets just throw out civilized thinking and run wild. Very sad and psychotic! People who think the Gov't is out to get them personally have severe mental disorders. I suppose he heard voices too and had foil on his windows  because the Gov't had sent martians to spy on him. That kind of twisted behavior is the quickest way to be disregarded as a nut case. Any legitimate issue he might have had was lost in his outrageous behavior.


People who think the Gov't is out to get them personally have severe mental disorders.

Yep, that's me Diane . Crazy as a pet coon, I say !!!


Can you sheeple be anymore blind?  

Disband all gov't?...yes, and arm good common sense folks to the teeth, put a bullet in the heads of the bullies.  

What has our "civilized" thinking gotten us so far?  A tryannical gov't, a broken joke of a justice system, and a whole country full of people afraid of their own shadows.

Waco...innocents killed because of the actions of our gov't.  Whether or not Kerish was a nutcase or not isn't an issue.  If people want to follow a leader like that then they should be free to do it.

Ruby Ridge...innocents killed because of the actions of the gov't.  Bear in mind that at one point it was illegal for indians to be off the reservations, rightly not or so, should they have just went belly up?

McVeigh...gave warning that the gov't agencies chose to ignore.  They are just as guilty.

Joe Stack...didn't lose his mind, in fact, I would say that he had control of all his factilices.  Throw a pissy fit...I'm sure that is exactly what the British said about the Boston Tea Party.  

Glorifying a**holes like this guy...should we include people like Sitting Bull, Gerinmo, Crazy Horse, in the "a**hole" category?  I mean afterall, they got innocents killed doing the exact same thing Stack did, which was to take a stand against the gov't.

People who think the Gov't is out to get them have mental disorders....and people who are to blind to see what has been going on the last few years are more worhtless than sheep.  At least sheep have a purpose and aren't just using oxgyen that the rest of us could be using.  
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


 Varmit........seriously sheeple????? me???? wtfever LOL.

If some a**hole kills one of my family because the government took his STUFF he just better hope he kills himself or the GOVERNment catches him. Your generalizations boggle my mind sometimes. Comparing this guy to people like Sitting Bull or Crazy Horse is retarded. The people who were with THEM made the CHOICE to be there...they didn't just show up for work and get caught up in somebody elses bull. They made a CHOICE to fight for their way of LIFE against a FOREIGN entity and knew the potential consequences of their actions......and accepted them. These guys you all are sayin are such heroes took that choice AWAY from people and drug them along on THEIR private joyride/vendetta/glorious cause whatever you all want to call it.

Sayin I agree with anything the government does is SO far off base as to be too ridiculous to talk about.


Quote from: jarhead on February 21, 2010, 04:34:12 PM
People who think the Gov't is out to get them personally have severe mental disorders.

Yep, that's me Diane . Crazy as a pet coon, I say !!!

LOL aren't all Marines crazy as a pet coon!???
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: pamagain on February 21, 2010, 05:02:39 PM
Varmit........seriously sheeple????? me???? wtfever LOL.

If some a**hole kills one of my family because the government took his STUFF he just better hope he kills himself or the GOVERNment catches him. Your generalizations boggle my mind sometimes. Comparing this guy to people like Sitting Bull or Crazy Horse is retarded. The people who were with THEM made the CHOICE to be there...they didn't just show up for work and get caught up in somebody elses bull. They made a CHOICE to fight for their way of LIFE against a FOREIGN entity and knew the potential consequences of their actions......and accepted them. These guys you all are sayin are such heroes took that choice AWAY from people and drug them along on THEIR private joyride/vendetta/glorious cause whatever you all want to call it.

Sayin I agree with anything the government does is SO far off base as to be too ridiculous to talk about.
Uhmm Lets see, they went in attacked anything and anyone that was white.  Killed men women and children.  And their heros.  Joe stack made a stand and he's a psycho. 

The bottom line is not joe stack, the bottom line is that things are lining up today where a number of joe stacks will start reacting to this Government until its a full blown civil war.  What do you think will happen when the government announces that they are cutting out social security.   
Me personally i would rather face a brigade of Marines than a bunch of pissed off bluehairs.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


what about a brigade of pissed off, blue haired ,old Marines---that suffer from PTSD ?? Lord have Mercy !


QuoteUhmm Lets see, they went in attacked anything and anyone that was white.  Killed men women and children.  And their heros.  Joe stack made a stand and he's a psycho. 

Steve....this really IS a seriously tired argument. We could have yet another retarded fight on who did what to whom but the fact of the matter is.....europeans invaded.......natives fought to keep their homes.......THAT was a war between COUNTRIES. Whites were NOT innocent in the butchering of women and children. Just because your head is somewhere dark and you won't admit the truth does NOT make it any less the truth.

This man Stack was pissed because he lost his stuff....do I understand that? Yes I do. Does it make what he did honorable??? Not even close. Make a silk purse out of a sows ear...it's still a sows ear.

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