Boy Suspended For 4-Inch Toy Gun At School

Started by Teresa, February 09, 2010, 10:05:41 PM

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Quote from: Wilma on February 17, 2010, 11:05:18 AM
What would you do with the parents that won't believe that their little darling is anything but perfect?  The parents don't back up the teacher anymore.  They think they have to support their little darling and the little darling knows it, so he goes on doing everything and anything except sit down, shut up and learn.

You know Your right.  The problem is those idiots that bring these minions into the world and let them loose on the world without proper upbringing.  But to those parents that think their darling can do no wrong, make them sign a contract before school starts stating their darling will abide by all the set rules one of them being that they shut up sit down and get busy learning. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: sixdogsmom on February 17, 2010, 01:20:06 PM
There is a good reason that boxing has all but been abandoned, and that is brain damage. Just look at Mohammed Ali for an object lesson. That bright man, full of poetry and skill, reduced to barely a functioning human being.  :P

Boy that was a massive leap into the illogical.   first of all mohammed ali was going against some tough adults.  Kids don't hit that hard in boxing.  Secondly boxing teaches a host of things besides pummelling your opponent.  The skill and grace it requires to be able to box is a wonderful gift.  Also when you have the kids that usually get beat up in school because their the weaker ones, they can take boxing and the bullies don't stand a chance against them.   one two and their out. 

You know i don't even know if they physical ed anymore.  I would love to see tai kwon do taught in that class. Its the most effective physical education one can get. Mind body and soul.  Kids gain so much from that.  confidence, agility, physical health, AKA no fat kids, plus it stops the bully aspect.

Boxing did the same thing. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Hmm,    Perhaps less time with the boxing ring and more time with the spelling book.


Quote from: srkruzich on February 18, 2010, 09:12:45 AM
-------------  confidence, agility, physical health, AKA no fat kids, plus it stops the bully aspect.

Ballet lessons will do the same thing.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 18, 2010, 01:29:01 PM
Hmm,    Perhaps less time with the boxing ring and more time with the spelling book.
I'm too tired to worry about my spelling.  Most of the time its not spelling but my dang keyboard keys stick and won't work. or i get a superimpose letters.  :) 

But at any rate, I can spell fine, just gets wiggy when i am tired.  You ought to see me when i am on some of my meds!   Woo hoo i think i am typing up a storm but folks probably say what the heck.....
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on February 16, 2010, 09:25:55 PM
Personally its simple to handle.  So simple a chimpanzee can do it.  School is for learning.  Period.  It is not a social event of the year, it is not a pop club, its only a place to go learn. IF you don't want to learn, then go away.  Send them down the road packing.  An education is not an entitlement. You have to earn it.  I posted a comment a few days ago about this.  No one has earned the right for an education. The only reason you, i, or anyone else have the opportunity to learn is because of those men and women in the military that have earned that opportunity for us.
So my words to any child, shut up, sit down, and get busy!

Kinda hard to "go away" when education is made mandatory by law.  You don't earn something that is forced upon you.  Even homeschoolers have to put up with this to an extent in that they have to include certain subjects and meet a gov't set standard. 

As for parents siding with the teachers...that depends.  Who is to say that the teacher isn't lying.  I have had expirence with this both as a student and as a parent.  Trusting someone just because of their job position or title isn't something I do.

As for Tae Kwon Do...naah, thats a diffrent story.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Varmit, you are undoubtedly the biggest skeptic on the planet. :-\


No.. there's a lot of us out there.. we just aren't as verbal about it..  :)
I step back lots of times and figure I run my mouth enough.. I'll let someone else step up to bat.  ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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