The climate scandal professor

Started by Teresa, February 08, 2010, 04:15:38 PM

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I thought of killing myself, says climate scandal professor Phil Jones

THE scientist at the center of the "climategate" email scandal has revealed that he was so traumatized by the global backlash against him that he contemplated suicide.

Professor Phil Jones said in an exclusive interview with The Sunday Times that he had thought about killing himself "several times". He acknowledged similarities to Dr David Kelly, the scientist who committed suicide after being exposed as the source for a BBC report that alleged the government had "sexed up" evidence to justify the invasion of Iraq.

In emails that were hacked into and seized upon by global-warming skeptics before the Copenhagen climate summit in December, Jones appeared to call upon his colleagues to destroy scientific data rather than release it to people intent on discrediting their work monitoring climate change.

Jones, 57, said he was unprepared for the scandal: "I am just a scientist. I have no training in PR or dealing with crises.

This just breaks up my little heart.  I feel so sorry for hoo hoo.  That article let him get away with calling himself a scientist when he destroys data and squelches intellectual dissent. Lying and falsifying evidence is the cardinal sin for any academic...I don't care what dept. you work in.  The cowardly, weak and dishonorable response as the go to plan (I'll kill myself and hurt my friends and family because I'm not man enough to live with the shame and atone for my mistakes), and an even more cowardly, weak and dishonorable justification "I'm too much of a coward to take the coward's way out."  People like this disgust me. He's like a traitor in the military... or a crook with a badge.
I feel so sorry...he hasn't got any training in PR or how to deal with a crisis. ~~~ Well excuse me why I get my hanky out to wipe my tears ...
If he needs a place to go to build up his self-esteem and make him feel better about himself to deal with healing those thoughts of suicide I say send his lying ass to Iraq and let him get shot at...that oughta fix his Karma. 

Oh wait, I am being insensitive. The way we do it now is give him a free pass and leave him alone because he has thought about doing himself in...*wiping my fake tears*
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on February 08, 2010, 04:15:38 PM
I thought of killing myself, says climate scandal professor Phil Jones

THE scientist at the center of the "climategate" email scandal has revealed that he was so traumatized by the global backlash against him that he contemplated suicide.

Professor Phil Jones said in an exclusive interview with The Sunday Times that he had thought about killing himself "several times". He acknowledged similarities to Dr David Kelly, the scientist who committed suicide after being exposed as the source for a BBC report that alleged the government had "sexed up" evidence to justify the invasion of Iraq.

In emails that were hacked into and seized upon by global-warming skeptics before the Copenhagen climate summit in December, Jones appeared to call upon his colleagues to destroy scientific data rather than release it to people intent on discrediting their work monitoring climate change.

Jones, 57, said he was unprepared for the scandal: "I am just a scientist. I have no training in PR or dealing with crises.

This just breaks up my little heart.  I feel so sorry for hoo hoo.  That article let him get away with calling himself a scientist when he destroys data and squelches intellectual dissent. Lying and falsifying evidence is the cardinal sin for any academic...I don't care what dept. you work in.  The cowardly, weak and dishonorable response as the go to plan (I'll kill myself and hurt my friends and family because I'm not man enough to live with the shame and atone for my mistakes), and an even more cowardly, weak and dishonorable justification "I'm too much of a coward to take the coward's way out."  People like this disgust me. He's like a traitor in the military... or a crook with a badge.
I feel so sorry...he hasn't got any training in PR or how to deal with a crisis. ~~~ Well excuse me why I get my hanky out to wipe my tears ...
If he needs a place to go to build up his self-esteem and make him feel better about himself to deal with healing those thoughts of suicide I say send his lying ass to Iraq and let him get shot at...that oughta fix his Karma. 

Oh wait, I am being insensitive. The way we do it now is give him a free pass and leave him alone because he has thought about doing himself in...*wiping my fake tears*

Whats his address. I can send him a rope to assist his endeavor
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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