Scott Brown BIG Winner in MA Senate Race

Started by Warph, January 18, 2010, 09:12:20 PM

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Things are about to get better.  I think I can get some sleep now.  Goodnight.


This wouldn't have happened if Kennedy had given up the seat in time for the General Election.  At that time there would have been another Democrat elected.  All the more reason for the old dogs to quit hanging on until they die.  All the more reason for term limits.


Quote from: greatguns on January 19, 2010, 11:03:59 PM
Things are about to get better.  I think I can get some sleep now.  Goodnight.
I actually agree with you on that! I said last night on fb theres hope now in America.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


 ;D ;D ;D   Let's just hope that piece of eye candy has more abilities than just posing...Like actually making a difference with his vote... ;D ;D ;D


CAT, hopefully this is just the beginning of better things to come. I was very impressed with Scot Brown's style, and ability. I think this could send a signal to the Democrats that they could very well lose control of one or both Houses in the 2010 elections. I think the two main points that I saw the voters make was that they didn't like the Obama healthcare plan and that they did not want either party controlling all 3 houses. It should be an interesting election year.

momof 2boys

I didn't know too much about Scott Brown, so I googled him.  Glad I did, his picture in Cosmopolitan in 1982 caught my eye. LOL!!! He definately has my vote for whatever he does!!! LOL!!!


Just a little tidbit I found on Scott Brown.  Yes, I am glad he won because he said that he would vote against obamacare, but that doesn't mean I trust him.

Brown supported a tax-subsidized golf course over 9/11 rescue workers in 2001
Think Progress

January 19, 2010

State Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA), the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate special election on Tuesday, voted on Oct. 17, 2001 to deny financial aid to Red Cross rescue workers who had volunteered with 9/11 recovery efforts. As a state representative at the time, Brown was one out of only three legislators who had opposed the overwhelmingly bipartisan measure. As ThinkProgress reported on Saturday, at the same time Brown was voting against the 9/11 rescue workers bill, he sponsored House Bill 4423, a measure to provide a tax-subsidized bond to build a golf course in Newport, a town in his district. Brown, earlier this weekend, told ThinkProgress that he opposed the rescue worker money because of the state's fiscal condition and because he had his own "priorities." Given the revelation that Brown fought for a golf course over the rescue worker aid, ThinkProgress again approached Brown for comment today:

TP: Mr. Brown, in 2001 when you voted against financial aid for 9/11 rescue workers, you were pushing a bill for a tax subsidized golf course in your district. Can you explain that?

BROWN: I'm not sure what you're referring to. [...]

TP: Are you going to explain that vote?

BROWN: Number two, we were in a financial difficulty and we couldn't afford it unfortunately.

TP: But you could afford a tax-subsidized bond for a golf course?

BROWN: We had to obviously take care of the people of Massachusetts who needed to stay employed.

Watch it:

Brown's golf course bill passed on November 30, 2001, a few weeks after he voted to kill the 9/11 rescue worker financial aid. While the golf course construction certainly kept people employed, Brown's self-professed interest in protecting the American homeland doesn't extend to the rescue workers who rushed to the site of the twin towers after the attacks of 9/11.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

That's happening to firefighters all over the country now. Fire houses are being closed and people are being let go. Might as well turn off the water while they're at it.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 24, 2010, 03:11:59 PM
That's happening to firefighters all over the country now. Fire houses are being closed and people are being let go. Might as well turn off the water while they're at it.

I don't understand what the big deal is.  I've never lived in a area that had a firehouse.   The closest thing to a firehouse was the volenteer and that was just a bunch of us folks from the town that went and made sure that folks were ok.  Never got paid for it either.  Shrug
As far as fire was concerend, if we could put it out we did.  But most of the time the VFD just made sure it didn't move from the structure on fire and catch anything else on fire.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

I'm talking about cities! Ya wanna burn down Chicago again?  AZ just cut off all funding for certified classes for fire fighters. They will have to train their own with what they've got.That's fine for some things, but not all.
You ever actually rescue anybody? We do. Exterior attacks are great, but it's kinda nice to get the people out!  Barns and such, I agree, why risk the firefighters? But when a barn full of race horses burns, it's awful .Ya ever hear a burning horse scream? Tears your heart out. Downstate here they get chicken house fires...sounds funny, but chicken fat burns weird and can get the fire fighters hurt. Trains? Ever see a BLEVE? Surround and drown sounds good, but they still have to know what they are doing. I was never paid either, but it's a bit more than just a bunch of people who happened to figure out how to turn the hose on. ;D

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