He was supposed to be one of the good guys

Started by Varmit, January 18, 2010, 12:04:19 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 19, 2010, 01:32:19 PM
Varmit you must have a hard time if you assume everybody is out to get you in one way or another. Nobody can be trusted? If there is one bad pervert priest out of thousands, should Catholics abandon their faith? If there is one arsonist out of thousands of firefighters, should we close the stations and let your house burn? If one person dies during surgery should all surgeons stop trying to save lives? If one mail carrier steals mail should we close down the US mail system? It sounds sad that you seem to have such a mistrust of your fellow human beings. You seem in my opinion to be mixing private issues with public issues and mixing freedom with convenience and social programs with sociaism. You do not have the right to drive. If DUI checks are inconvenient to you, tough! Everybody is inconvenienced equally so get over it. As far as a child being scanned in an airport....so what. Touching is something else again. Flying is not a right either. So take the train. Sure, bad stuff does happen from time to time, but what about the good times? Shall we all have survivors guilt? Sounds like PTSD to me. There is no relationship whatever to someone coming on your property without cause and looking in your windows, and some one's behavior on a public street, whether its on some form of transportation or walking around. On the one hand you say the agencies trying to help Haiti are corrupt but there are people here who need help. But if we tackle that poverty ,the people are accused of being socialist!  Sorry, life will go on. We will  never, as a people live up to your expectations. But that's what chronic complainers thrive on,something to complain about. The rest of us will keep pecking away at the bad stuff when it's found and never ever give up. Try being positive, you might like it.

After reading your assault on Varmit's opinions, I have one thing to say to you, Diane....
Try being positive, Diane... Try being positive!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

He has his opinions, I have mine. I feel sad that he seems so sad or angry or dissatesfied so much of the time. Speaking of being positive, The girl scouts have a new cookie out, has cranberries in it, sounds good! I bought some to try.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 19, 2010, 02:05:51 PM
He has his opinions,I have mine. I feel sad that he seems so sad or angry or dissatesfied so much of the time. Speaking of being positive,  he girl scouts have a new cookie out,has cranberries in it,sounds good! I bought some to try.

                       COOKIES?  I LOVE COOKIES!


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 19, 2010, 01:32:19 PM
Varmit you must have a hard time if you assume everybody is out to get you in one way or another. Nobody can be trusted?

HELLOOOO!!  This post was about a Chief of Police raping and molesting children!!  The point being is just because someone wears a uniform with a badge doesn't mean they can automatically be trusted.  How many articles do we have to read about cops tasering kids, pregnant women, elderly people??  How many times do we have to hear about so-called law enforcement officers beating 15 yr old kids just because he mouthed off??  Yet we are supposed to just automatically surrender our freedoms because some John Law Wyatt Earp wannabe said so.  WAKE UP!

QuoteIf there is one bad pervert priest out of thousands, should Catholics abandon their faith? If there is one arsonist out of thousands of firefighters, should we close the stations and let your house burn? If one person dies during surgery should all surgeons stop trying to save lives? If one mail carrier steals mail should we close down the US mail system?

The problem with your analogy is that it isn't just one.  How many times in the past few years have we heard about some sicko pedophille priest molesting and raping children??  Do you honestlly think that the term "going postal" came to be after just one incident?  As for the rest that quote, I have never said those things so quit implying that I did.  That is one thing that I have noticed about you Diane, you take what someone says and twist it to extermes.  For someone who claims to be "in the middle" you sure like to lean.

QuoteIt sounds sad that you seem to have such a mistrust of your fellow human beings.

Diane, having a little mistrust is a healthy thing. If it wasn't for mistrust we wouldn't have things like pepper spray, handcuffs, bulletproof vests, locks on our doors and windows, or a loaded pistol and shotgun by the bed (maybe that last one is just me) Trust must be earned.  

QuoteYou do not have the right to drive. If DUI checks are inconvenient to you, tough! Everybody is inconvenienced equally so get over it.

No, not everyone is inconvenienced equally.  I have seen cops pick and choose who they stop at random.  What right does that officer have to stop me if I have done nothing wrong?  Whatever happened to things like Resonable Suspison and Probable Cause??  Oh yeah, I forgot, little things like the Constitution and the Law seem to be forgotten as soon as some of these cops put on a badge.  

QuoteAs far as a child being scanned in an airport....so what.Touching is something else again.

Are you serious??  So to you, it is okay for some airport security guard to view a naked image of a child in the name of security??  That is Frickin SICK!!

QuoteFlying is not a right either. So take the train. Sure, bad stuff does happen from time to time, but what about the good times? Shall we all have survivors guilt? Sounds like PTSD to me.

Survivors guilt??...No, what we should have is the freedom to travel where and how we want without having to worry about some Chester getting his/her rocks off through the use of a "naked" scanner, which by the way haven't stopped a single terrorists.

QuoteThere is no relationship whatever to someone coming on your property without cause and looking in your windows, and some one's behavior on a public street, whether its on some form of transportation or walking around.

Wrong.  I believe that until a person has earned my trust, they don't get it.  However, I will give the person on the street a little more credit, someone on my property looking into my window is gonna catch a bullet no questions asked.  I am not going to wait around to find out what their intent is.

QuoteOn the one hand you say the agencies trying to help Haiti are corrupt but there are people here who need help.

Gee, Diane, could it be because alot of agencies trying to help in Haiti are corrupt? And yes there are people here that need help.  When was the last time you saw the president try and rally support for our disabled vets, exploited children, homeless... And yes I would rather see our resources spent trying to help our own people than wasted on a thrid world piss ant of a country that has recieved billions in aid and yet has failed to better it situation.  I would rather see our resources spent on helping our Veterans than wasted on people who are hacking each other to pieces for a bag of rice.  Yes I would rather see our charity used on OUR homeless instead of being thrown away on people that don't have the decency to bury their dead, they just throw them out with the rest of the garbage.

QuoteBut if we tackle that poverty ,the people are accused of being socialist!

No, once again I didn't say that.  So I will cover this one more time so pay attention.  Charity, when given freely is fine, in fact it is commendable.  However, when it is forced, (like using taxpayer money to fund welfare programs) thats socialism, taking by force or threat of force from someone and giving it to someone else is wrong.  Now, did you get all of that or do I need to explain it yet again?

QuoteSorry, life will go on. We will  never, as a people live up to your expectations. But that's what chronic complainers thrive on,something to complain about. The rest of us will keep pecking away at the bad stuff when it's found and never ever give up. Try being positive, you might like it.

Pecking away at the bad stuff...start with the dirty cops, pedophille preists, rotten teachers, crocked politicans, ought to keep you busy for a while.  And while you are at it, take off the blinders and quit acting like the world is all sunshine and roses.  
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

I refused to give up and be depressed and frustrated just because you are.  I can only do what one person can do but it's my privilege and calling to do it. By your thinking nobody should bother helping people here eitherv vbecause some one will still need it next year and the year afte and there always seem to be more so why bother. That's a very fatalistic point of view


Frustrated and depressed?...Nope.  And I never said that people shouldn't help others, in fact, if you had read my previous post I stated clearly that charity was a good thing.  Yes, some people need help from time to time, that I don't mind.  However, there are those that abuse our charity, and for them I say let them suffer. 

Its not about being cold-hearted or whatever, its about facing the fact that there ARE classes of people.  Some are good, others are nothing more than leaches.  Some will actually try and better themselves and their situation while others will continue to prey on the weak and seek only to improve their situation at the costs of others. 

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Well now, that was a much more reasonable response. I just think there are far more good people than you do.
By the way, I never expected you to take my comment about the kids and airport scanners seriously. You are too easy a mark for my poking at you to sometimes lighten up. I had assumed you had read many of the same articles I had about the already existing concerns about that. The child protection groups hit that hard the moment it was suggested. The idea was modified almost instantly. Over 18 will be common, kids, as I understand it would be scanned only if the person accompanying them is acting weird and they might be trying to use a baby or child as a mule, as is the case now.   Sure, it's inconvenient sometimes, but God didn't chose to put visible labels on the "good" people, so we do the best we can.  (That is often cultural too.).  Some people do get over the meanness . There are many, many extremely bad young people, who finally do mature and "see the light" so to speak. Should they have been aborted before birth? Castrated at 14? electrocuted at 18? I sure don't know.
  It is a huge disappointment when a trusted person betrays that trust. We have a legal system that eventually will take care of most of them. We have a couple of cases here now. One is a pediatrician and the other a photographer. I hope they go to jail forever. But that doesn't mean that all pediatricians and photographers are suspect. There were also things the parents didn't do to keep their kids protected. They are partially guilty too.

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