Started by patyrn, December 24, 2009, 09:47:06 AM

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Brava, Diane...May your holidays be blessed!  :angel:


Waldo, a Merry Christmas to you, your mother and uncle.   I knew Rosie well while I lived in Howard.  She is a lovely woman.  Susan

W. Gray

Frawin and Twirldoggy, I delivered  your kind words to both my mother and my Uncle Johnnie.

We had a heck of time leaving Howard, as were parked in the alley at mid block. I had to clear snow from underneath the entire vehicle as we were pushing or backing it up until it just stopped us in both directions. After a dig out in two places in the alley, we were finally able to get to the street. 

Our problem does not sound as bad as Jim Lane's situation, though.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


QuoteOur problem does not sound as bad as Jim Lane's situation, though.

He got stuck so many times, I lost count!  ;)
He even got stuck on roads people said, "no problem."
And that was even with his truck, not his cute small car!
One trip, he even took a friend "just in case." Still got stuck and needed help out.  :D

Good news is there hasn't been any damage to Jim, his truck, or any of the vehicles that helped pull him out.
It was all soft snow (with ice underneath).

The other good news is that everyone has been super nice and understanding about the late papers.


I would rather miss a paper than have life or limb risked. I know that a commitment is a commitment, but I would still rather get the paper late by hours or days if need be than to have a life risked to deliver it to me. So if my Moline delivery is ever a problem, don't worry about it; just get it here when you can. So long as you throw it where I can find it, there's no problem. I quit taking the Independence paper because half the time I couldn't find my paper. It was either in the bushes, down the side of the house, or on the roof, never on the front porch, and we have a big front porch! BTW, Jim is always very careful to place my paper right outside the front door, and I do appreciate that! Drive careful!

Diane Amberg

 Right! One nice human is worth at least 5 million late papers! ;) Glad he is alright . We have another storm setting up for Thurs. or Friday. It will be a tug of war between rain and snow this time. We did have a white Christmas, but Sat. and Sun. rains washed it all away by this morning.


We still have plenty of white Christmas left! I ventured out in the van today for the first time, there is/was a huge drift across the alley where my carport is as well as the big piles across either end from the plows going along the streets. But there had been a few trucks down through there by today as well as the trash truck, so I ventured out. Went to Sedan and got a few groceries; you would have thought that there was a huge storm coming, the first parking lot was full and the second was nearly full. Luckily, they still had bread and milk! I bought some ground chuck, and porkchops, salad makings, and of course some junk food. I also stopped at Duckwalls where all their Christmas stuff is half price; more junk food! New Years resolutions don't start for a few days right? Maybe I can get all this eaten before then! Ha!


I agree with Edie.  I can live without my paper.  I especially appreciate the little extras that Jim does to be sure that the paper is where we can find it.  I also appreciate Debbie posting that the papers will be late and why. 

Jo McDonald

Fred and I think Jim is the best thing since sliced bread!!!  I hope he thinks of being safe first and getting the paper delivered second.  We don't need an injury to our "favorite paper man".
  We have a great Independence Reporter delivery man also.

   Happy New Year Everyone....

  Jo and Fred


QuoteFred and I think Jim is the best thing since sliced bread!!!

I so totally agree with you.
(and you should see me cut bread - or pie or brownies or . . . The joke is that when I'm through cutting and/or slicing, you can have your choice of sizes: small, medium or large. I really don't cut straight at all!)
:D  :D :D

Seriously, though, Jim does take it safe. That's why the papers are sometimes late.
Besides, he has the BEST customers!

PS - You're right - David Ansell (Independence Reporter) is also a good carrier.

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