Do you believe in Santa Claus?

Started by Wilma, December 19, 2009, 01:53:38 PM

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I would love to ask that if anyone would like to make the difference in a childs christmas, donate a toy, or if you like to crochet, or knit or are able to make something to donate to Toys for tots. 
I know that if it is a matter of going there to donate, we can set up a collection point and transport it to the marine center in wichita.

I know its kinda late now but think about it for next year.  I know that toys and items can be home made but need to be new or gently used so that no repairs are necessary.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Tomorrow, our church is sending off a nice-sized box of mittens, scarves and gloves. Some of them bought, many of them handmade during Wednesday night "crafting" sessions.


My toy donation went into the Toys For Toys' box a couple of weeks ago, Steve. Makes a person feel good, also donatiing to the emergency food pantry or Ministerial Alliance emergency fund gives the same feeling. Also the Angel Tree project provides for local children. Any or all of these are wonderful projects.


Quote from: sixdogsmom on December 20, 2009, 01:07:41 PM
My toy donation went into the Toys For Toys' box a couple of weeks ago, Steve. Makes a person feel good, also donatiing to the emergency food pantry or Ministerial Alliance emergency fund gives the same feeling. Also the Angel Tree project provides for local children. Any or all of these are wonderful projects.
yeah i know that there are many projects out there. The one i have participated in when i could was the toys for tots.  :)
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


My kids are 11, 9, 6.  My oldest is starting to get suspisous, but hasn't yet committed to the "Its just mom and dad" way of thinking yet.  I have talked to other parents that have already told their kids that there isn't a Santa Claus, and they can't believe we haven't told our kids yet.  Frankly, I say let the kids believe.  They grow up way to fast these days with far too little magic.  Besides, if I told my kids there isn't a Santa Claus I'd be lying. :)  And if it turns out that there really isn't one then my dad is going to be pissed!!  I remember when I was a kid, on several occasions sneaking into the living room on Christmas Eve and seeing my mom kissing some guy in a Santa outfit.  I never told my dad cause I figured he already knew and was making an exception because it was Santa Claus, I would hate to think of what he might do if he thought it wasn't. :o
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Varmit, oh the magic of Christmas!  That is all it took for you and I to finally agree on something comepletly. :) :) :)  You and yours have a very Merry Christmas.


The comedian Dick Gregory once said:

I knew there was no Santa Claus because I knew no white man would come into my neighborhood after dark. :laugh: :laugh:


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


My sister Sherri and I believed in Santa Claus a long long time. Mother ( and Daddy  who WASN'T Scrooge McBahh Humbug then) :D  kept the magic alive  until I was in the 7th grade!  It was awesome. I can't exactly remember how I was told.. but I remember keeping the fun and magic going for my sister after that.
You have to keep the magic alive for your kids as long as you can.. They grow up so fast and too soon have too much reality to deal with..
Sometimes I would get up real early in the morning and stomp real hard through the back rooms..jiggling some bells and slam the door.. then run back in ..get in bed.. ( I knew the kids had heard it)
They would immediately holler.. "Mom... Can we get up?? We just heard Santa...!!!"  ;D ;D 
( I did that because Waldo used to do that too for the grand kids.. Trudy, Larry and the kids used to sleep upstairs and Waldo would start hollering Ho Ho HO real loud and have bells in his hands... and then he would holler out in his own voice.. Hey Santa!! You hold on there.. ! Come back in here!!!".. Then act like he was running after him through the house.. and slam the door.. Those kids would come racing down the steps and Waldo would be all out of breath coming in and say "By golly I almost caught him.. but he was too fast for me..  "  ;D :)
it was fun to see.....I think I was as wide eyed and excited and believed him more than the kids did.. LOL

My kids were pretty old too actually when they were told...Danny was in like 5th grade and Derek was probably that old too. Then after they found out..they STILL insisted that "Santa" leave their main gift out under the tree unwrapped..
Sister and I and all of our kids have NEVER EVER snooped around to find out what our presents were either. I wanted to be surprised.. Mother would tell us girls that our gifts were under the bed or in the closet and if we wanted to know what they were and not be surprised on Christmas morning.,. then we could look.. but if we did want it to be surprises .. then we needed to stay out of there.
No way did we want to ruin the surprise... so we never shook the pkg or anything even after they were wrapped.

Danny and Derek were exactly the same way.. They always knew where the gifts were stored..and never ever looked or peeked. They went to the extreme even that if on Christmas eve if they had to get up to go to the bathroom and it wasn't time to get up yet.. they would holler at me to come in the bedroom.. asked me if Santa had been there yet..
I would say yes he had!...
I would then put a towel around their head.. lead them through the living room to the bathroom.. then wait and lead them back to bed with their face covered so they wouldn't  see yet what Santa had brought...  :D

Rochelle was talking the other evening and she said Derek is just over the top about it still! He gets real mad if she shakes or handles any of her presents under the tree...
( She was  the opposite and always found them ..or unwrapped a part of them and wrapped them back)

I love surprises!!! Kjell was going to give me a clue the other night on what he got me..I was mortified that he would even consider it..  I all but shrieked.." Noooo don't tell me anything"
..Since I have gotten older and honed my "skills".... I have an uncanny ability to "psychically know" what  I get if I concentrate on it..and I don't want to know.....
but him just saying that and thinking it so close to my mind ...well~~~ lets just say several things immediately popped into my mind... * good gifts.. but I hope I didn't guess it*  :'(

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I want to add something that sister wrote.  Yes I still believe and so does Tania.  Tania being 29 years old and we still have stockings and we still have one special gift in the morning under the tree unwrapped from Santa and there is a gift from Zippy the Elf. hahaha....

When we were little and I am sure that sister did this on purpose after she found out there the truth but i didn't know....we had bunk beds and she was on the top and I was on the bottom, but on Christmas eve, she would always sleep with me on the bottom bunk and she would take her covers and pull them down over my the top and hang them over so that we could not see from the bed just in case Santa peeked his head in the bedroom.  haha...that was always so fun.  I remember trying to stay awake to hear santa but sleep always over took me.  Mama and Daddy always made Christmas so much fun and exciting and it is still that way.  We now go to Tania's house for Christmas and I have never spent Christmas morning without Tania....we have so much fun and I think on that day we are all kids again.


Jo McDonald

Christmas has always been a very special time for me.  I had one brother and one sister.  My paternal Grandma lived with my parents for 13 years after Grandpa passed away.  We didn't have frills, as there was no money for that, but we had so much love and our parents never made a big fuss about not having much money, so honestly, I did not know we were poor.  Poor only as far as money was concerned -- rich as all get out in every thing else. Our parents were so much fun and all holidays were celebrated, but Christmas was the best.
I believed in Santa until I was in the fourth grade.  The afternoon of the school Christmas program, my Grandma told me that I had better polish my shoes so they would look nice for the program.  My brother, Jack, was 2 years older than I, took me aside and said, "Jodi, you don't need to polish your shoes, because you are going to have new shiny black ones, that you are getting for Christmas, because there is NO Santa Clause."  I bawled my head off and went running to Mama and she held me and said, "yes that was right, but I could still believe in Santa if I wanted to".  Grandma fussed at Jack, so it ended up by both of us bawling...but BOY did I ever love those new shiny black shoes, they had leather heel caps and made a clicking noise when I walked.  I thought they were "almost" like high heel sounds that all the ladies wore.  Our gifts were never wrapped, because Santa did not have time to do all of that and deliver them to your house.
  We never wrapped what Santa left for Teresa and Sherri.  I love Christmas !!!!!

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