Favorite Part of Christmas

Started by Wilma, December 09, 2009, 02:32:45 PM

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Teresa, your first post on this thread...powerful stuff.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Jo, I didn't see a tongue in cheek smiley in your post, but I will assume you were funnin' me.  Anyway, go back to my post and reread the first line of the second paragraph.  Or----------let me repeat it for you.

I have been married to the this woman for 36 years, and if I have learned anything at all, it is that I never ever surprise her with anything.

My own safety and welfare as well as my happiness is dependent on the rules of engagement set down for me when I got married.  Breaking any one of the rules could cause serious and maybe irreparable harm to my well being. 

So, even though it would have been great to have the kids surprise her, the consequences of me not forewarning her would overshadow any happiness I was feeling at that time.   ;D

To Continue-----------------We arranged for our daughter to call when she was home on the pretext that we (mom and dad) were going to pick up some take out and go to her house to bring the GD home and eat dinner.  Our son and daughter-in-law followed us there and we had the GD ring the doorbell and when our daughter opened the door, there stood her brother and his wife.  Everyone stated crying again.   

I woke up this morning to the sound of a little rain passing by and I laid there thanking God for returning them home safely to  us.  This will be the greatest Christmas yet. :)

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Never take 95% of what my mother says serious Larry.. ;D
I have known her for 56 almost 57 years of my life ......duh,..( Did I just actually SAY that ?) and if you would ever meet her you would know that she can flat dish our bowls of it.. ( but she can take it too... so keep that in mind  ;))

I got my quiet shy demeanor from my daddy.... :angel:
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on December 22, 2009, 01:13:44 PM
Never take 95% of what my mother says serious Larry.. ;D
I have known her for 56 almost 57 years of my life ......duh,..( Did I just actually SAY that ?) and if you would ever meet her you would know that she can flat dish our bowls of it.. ( but she can take it too... so keep that in mind  ;))

I got my quiet shy demeanor from my daddy.... :angel:


I  have gathered from her many posts the type of person she is, as well as, the posts from other members of her family.  I see all of you as a fun-loving group prone to prankish behaviors and friendly "insults" to one another.  I am pretty sure that Jo would not seriously insult me unless I personally attacked her or one of hers.  That said:

Yes you did say 56 or 57.  However, allow me to be chivalrous and say that you don't look a day over 28.  That said:

I don't think your daddy gave you enough shy demeanor!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Larry!! I'm shocked that you would say that ....
Anyone that knows me knows I am but a mere wall flower who shyly sits by herself timidly waiting for others to come over to speak to me.. only then do I... in a tiny whisper.... talk to them...

((I know I know~~~ people burn in hell for lying.,.))  ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, I am truly sorry to have shocked you.  But, you have to remember that I have been a member of this forum long enough to remember the picture of you aiming a rifle!!!  Shy demeanor?  HAH!   I laugh.   HAH!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Jo McDonald

Laugh long and hard at that one, Larry.........Holie Buckets, she can lay it on, can't she??  Shy and demure?  :o Indeed, Not!

Was I "funnin" you.......wellllllllllllllll now really, would I do that?

Seriously, I am so happy that all of you are together, because from one of your posts, I could tell, you really were a little bit blue that your
loved ones were not going to be with you all for this wonderful time of the year.  I'm sure you know when to be a good boy and
not do anything to get your self in the "time out section".
   I wish you and yours the best Christmas ever!!!



Thank you, Jo, and our family sends return wishes as well. 

Being the "patriarch" of the family entitles me to be doted upon and waited upon by by children and grandchildren. 

Well, one can wish!!!!!!!!!!!!  Generally, I am allowed to sit where I want if I am not in my own house.  I don't garner much special attention from them.  They tend to look at me as the old guy with the oxygen hose on his face who can't possibly be of much use in helping with the dinner or anything else.  This is both bad and good.  The good is that I don't have to help with anything and am allowed to just sit and enjoy.  The bad is----------------wait a minute------------I will have to think about what is bad.

My now 5-year-old granddaughter has a special bond with her papa, I think, because I have been taking care of her more so than anyone else, except her parents.  The other night when we were having our unexpected family reunion at my daughters, everyone was in another part of the house and I was relegated to the big chair in front of the TV.  She (GD) came over to me and asked me to sit on the couch so she could sit next to me.  She always does that.  She always wants to sit next to Papa.  So I say, "Hey, your uncle and aunt are back from the world, aren't you going to watch them and talk to them?"  "No, papa, I already talked to them.  I just want to sit here."   Such a wonderful child!

Back to the patriarch stuff.  I do have my food served to me.  People do tend to ask me on occasion if there is anything I need.  I have not trained them enough to sit in a semi-circle on the floor in front of me and devote their undying attention to me.  That is a work in progress.  It is slow going, but I am optimistic results can be achieved.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I would use this space to wish all my forum family a wonderful and happy holiday season.  This forum is the second biggest highlight of my day and I thank all of you for being a part of it. 


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I hope if they do.. they wear their hip boots..
Man oh man but it was getting deep .......... :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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