What are public schools *really* doing?

Started by Patriot, November 27, 2009, 09:52:17 PM

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Our public schools are NOT doing what most people think they are doing.  Top down educational mandates and curriculum mandates are NOT accidental or populist.  Parents, educate yourselves now, before it's too late.  Wonder why kids are a mess?  Wonder why we have college students who don't know the name of the vice president, or can't locate Spain on a globe, or have to take remedial math courses in order to learn basic skills required for college algebra courses?  Look what's being done to them in the name of 'Progressive Education'.  Remember the frog in the water... heat it up slowly over time and he never knows he's being boiled alive!
Parents:  Educate Yourselves.

"Between 1967 and 1974 teacher training in the US was covertly revamped through the coordinated efforts of a small number of private foundations, certain universities, global corporations and several other interests working through the U.S. Department of Education and through key state education departments, one of which is the state of Vermont. "

Outstanding article can be found at:  http://4brevard.com/choice/Public_Education.htm

The Hegelian Principle in Education
(or How to Create Good Socialists Children by Using the Public Schools)

Here's the link:  http://www.learn-usa.com/education_transformation/er003.htm

John Dewey, considered by many (including the National Education Association, NEA) as the Father of Modern Education.  Read this article on Dewey's Educational Theories.  Source: International Socialist Review, Vol. 21, No. 1, Winter 1960.

"October 20, 1959 marked the one-hundredth anniversary of John Dewey's birthday. This eminent thinker of the Progressive movement was the dominant figure in American education. His most valuable and enduring contribution to our culture came from the ideas and methods he fathered in this field."

Here's the link:  http://www.marxists.org/archive/novack/works/1960/x03.htm

More interesting info on Mr. Dewey...

Summary of Dewey's Philosophy of Instrumentalism

    * Dewey's philosophy was called instrumentalism (related to pragmatism).
    * Instrumentalism believes that truth is an instrument used by human beings to solve their problems.
    * Since problems change, then so must truth.
    * Since problems change, truth changes, and therefore there can be no eternal reality.

Think about that for a minute or two.  Since problems change then truth also changes.  Since problems and truths change, there can be NO eternal reality.  hrrrm... well, so much for a four or five millennium of beliefs in Constant Truths (read: Deity)

And this is the man that one of the largest politically active unions in America consider the 'Father of Modern Education'.  How much influence do you think the National Education Association has on the political processes that affect YOUR children and their 'public' education?

Here's something else to consider:

"For the 2004 political campaign, the NEA will "partner" with the leftwing organizations MoveOn.org, ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), and the pro-Democratic Campaign for America's Future in order to achieve "the largest mobilization for education ever." Through a nationwide political strategy called "house parties" to be held on September 22, these activists will plan political rallies, register voters, meet with congressional candidates, and organize a get-out-the-vote program to cover teachers and parents. "

Read the entire article here:  http://www.eagleforum.org/psr/2004/aug04/psraug04.html

Keep in mind that with 3.2 million members (give or take) the NEA has a tremendous influence on curriculum in the US.  When large blocks of NEA represented school systems want changes in textbooks, etc.... they get it, because the publishers cater to their largest buyers.  When the NEA wants emphasis on 'progressive' educational programs, they can get it because of their immense lobby in both statehouses and the US Congress.

So, if your child can read, thank a teacher... if your child can think for him/herself, take a little personal credit and thank God!
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I know this is sort of off topic, but you made a point that made me remember a program I listened to on the radio years ago.  I can't remember who taught it, but his point was that people in our society treat truth like the movable chair.  If they don't like this truth, they simply pick up their chair and move it somewhere else.  But truth can't be truth if it's relative.  It's no wonder our society is so messed up since there is no basis for society's truth.   He also made the point of how kids come out of school feeling like they have no worth since they come out of the proverbial muck.  He said all the schools teach "From goo to you by way of the zoo".  I will never forget that saying.  Too funny.

OK.  Back to the tread.  Sorry.  Just a couple random thoughts.  :)


Whats that old saying..."If you can read this, thank a teacher.  If you can't thank a teachers union"  

Progressive education began with the goal of providing a nurturing enviroment that aimed at kids hearts rather than their heads.  The movements leader, John Dewey, was a champion of education reform and believed the whole "teachers teach students facts" concept was so nineteenth-century.  He saw the role of of the state as necessary to "bring about the improvements progressives sought."  

What does that mean as far as how our kids are actually taught in the classroom?  Dewey didn't try to hide his beliefs:

"Existing life is so complex that the child cannot be brought into contact with it without either confusion or destraction; he is either overwhelmed by a multiplicity of activities which are going on, so that he loses his own power of orderly reaction, or he is so stimulated by these various activities that his powers are permanently called into play and he becomes either undully specialized or else disintergrated."

It gets even better:

"I  believe that the teacher's place and work in school is to be interpreted from this same basis.  The teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas or to form certain habits in the child, but is there as a member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding to these influences."

In other words, teachers aren't there to tell a child if he or she is "right or wrong" (especially in red ink), they're there to help the child through a touchy-feely period of self-awareness and discovery.  The progressive methodology also emphasizes empathy over narrative.  Rather than learning the cold, hard facts about historical events, it's more important how those events make you feel.  Competition is viewed as unhealthy.  Grades are hurtful.  Freedom is valued over structure, which means students get to do what they want rather than have to suffer through boring lessons like "how to add two numbers together".  And while it no doubt makes school more fun, you have to wonder if it bears any responsibility for the fact that there are students who can look at a map of the Unitied States and go, "Whats that?"
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


And the hits keep on commin'!

Homeschooling and socialism, Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld.

Here's the link:  http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=117239
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on November 28, 2009, 09:25:01 AM
And the hits keep on commin'!

Homeschooling and socialism, Dr. Samuel L. Blumenfeld.

Here's the link:  http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=117239

Yeah.  Obama is a bit worrisome to the Home School Legal Defence Association, especially with the threat of putting the US under the control of the UN. 


That's a good one that everyone ought to read.  He's right.
Stay right in there, Patriot.  Thank you.


Here you go.  How many of our children, citizens.... including teachers can do well on this 8th grade graduation test from Salina, KS, circa 1895? 

Link:  http://mwhodges.home.att.net/1895-test.htm

I'll be the first to say I would miss quite a few.  But I'm betting our current crop of 'educated kids' would be in deep doo doo!

But, not to worry, I'm sure most 8th graders in the US know why Billy has two mommies, how to put condoms on a banana, can text on a cell phone (so long as spelling isn't an issue) and can find their way to the local mall.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Right!  And these students are being trained to vote the liberal agenda,
just like we were.


Quote from: Patriot on November 28, 2009, 09:48:31 AM
Here you go.  How many of our children, citizens.... including teachers can do well on this 8th grade graduation test from Salina, KS, circa 1895? 

Link:  http://mwhodges.home.att.net/1895-test.htm

I'll be the first to say I would miss quite a few.  But I'm betting our current crop of 'educated kids' would be in deep doo doo!

But, not to worry, I'm sure most 8th graders in the US know why Billy has two mommies, how to put condoms on a banana, can text on a cell phone (so long as spelling isn't an issue) and can find their way to the local mall.

yeah.  I would say most kids would be in deep doo doo. 

Diane Amberg

How many more times is that test going to be discovered and printed on the forum? ;D ;D ;D ;D  I suspect your own school board would call that test irrelevant in today's world. Most kids don't need to know about hecters and sections and gills. Besides they could google it! ;D That would be like asking your kids to describe the difference between a Jimmie and a Sook. Most of our kids could do it!
 What in the world does telephone texting have to do with education? That's strictly in the hands of parents! If kids have cell phones the parents allowed it, if the kids misuse them, talk to parents. Schools have nothing to do with it, except trying to keep the kids from cheating with them. If kids are up too late at night with the TV and computer, how is that the school's problem? A kid crashes a car while texting, talking, drinking or using drugs? Sorry folks, it's a terrible thing, but not the teacher's problem. Sure, there are lots of things schools could do better. Always was, always will be, but let's look at the whole picture, the whole 24 hour day while we're throwing spears shall we? It's the whole thing together that makes it work. As far as maps go ,unless kids are very truant you can't tell me they don't know what a map of the US looks like. We did lots of map work in third grade. It might be done on computers now instead of the big pull down map, but I don't believe the kids weren't taught it.  Now if they go to the mall, maybe some one did teach maps ;D But as to who let them go, not the teacher's problem. I doubt the constitution addresses these issues either. We all have to work together on these things. As far as the everybody must "feel good" about themselves all the time fad... y'all have to make up your  own minds on that. Either kids come out of school with "no self worth" or they don't. Some say they are coddled in school and grades don't mean anything, some say that's not true...two opposing views. If I had 28 kids in class there would be 28 parents with at least 10 different views. Try juggling all that.

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