What are public schools *really* doing?

Started by Patriot, November 27, 2009, 09:52:17 PM

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I would have to do some research, but I believe that it's Norway where the 'money follows the kid'.  Essentially, the parents decide which school the child attends, and the government funding is allocated to that school.  Kid moves, money moves.  Failing school, no kids, no money.  As I recall, they have some outstanding students and great test scores on international tests.  I know our system sort of tries that with the state and fed allocating so much per enrolled student in each public school.  But I don't believe our way is as extensive as the one I'm referencing.

As Sarah says, vouchers are probably the answer.  Recent reports seem to indicate that the voucher program worked really well in DC.  Of course, the 'we want the best for our kids demoncrats' are killing that program and fight school vouchers at every step.  But Sarah hits that nail on the head too:  Do away with unions for teachers and government employees.
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Vouchers!  Most certainly I'm opposed to 'em.


Diane Amberg


That's a broad subject but it is simply wrong for the gov't
to sponsor or to be involved in education.  We've been trained
to recognize and accept public/gov't education and "vouchers"
is a continuation of that mindset. 

Lots of other reasons too. 

Diane Amberg

Do you really understand what the voucher system is?



Yes and the so-called voucher system is not a good thing.


Quote from: redcliffsw on December 02, 2009, 09:10:14 PM
That's a broad subject but it is simply wrong for the gov't
to sponsor or to be involved in education.  We've been trained
to recognize and accept public/gov't education and "vouchers"
is a continuation of that mindset. 

Lots of other reasons too. 

I will agree that I don't like government being involved in education at all and prefer schools be privatized.  Businesses, which is basically what a school is, tend to do better when there's competition around.  But, if we MUST have the government involved, then I think vouchers to help kids go to private schools if the parents wish is the way to go.  I like what Patriot said they do in Norway.   The government just shifts funds depending on the school.  But to buck the whole voucher thing on principle because we don't like the fact that government is involved in education.....while I might agree with that.....is sort of like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.  shrug  Just my opinion of course.


I'm seeing what you are saying - but we should not be compromising
principles, because down thru the years, that's got us into this mess. 
With vouchers, it's more opportunity for the gov't to attach strings and
run the show.


Quote from: redcliffsw on December 03, 2009, 07:22:15 AM
I'm seeing what you are saying - but we should not be compromising
principles, because down thru the years, that's got us into this mess. 
With vouchers, it's more opportunity for the gov't to attach strings and
run the show.

But since the NEA and government is so huge, do you really think that there's ever any chance of it ever changing?  Most people think that government schools are just the greatest things since sliced bread.  Maybe, yeah, they have a few kinks to be worked out here and there, but overall, they are quite happy with their government funded schools.  shrug  People seem to be quite content with the statuesque as long as it doesn't disrupt their lives too much. 


Sarah what you said is sad but true.  As for changing...Yes it can be done.  But it will require people getting involved and not just with the school boards or PTAs.  But orgainizing, demonstrating, protesting...things that the "right" just don't often do.  They have to take a page from the playbook of the other side.  The feeling of "well, theres nothing really I can do" has invaded the Right like a cancer, and it needs to be cut out. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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