What are public schools *really* doing?

Started by Patriot, November 27, 2009, 09:52:17 PM

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Silly Frawin,

more than a third of muslims are white.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on November 30, 2009, 11:24:30 AM
Silly Frawin,

more than a third of muslims are white.

LIES LIES LIES!!!!!  Nothing but 3rd world propaganda! 

Oh.. sorry... I guess somebody was channeling through my keyboard.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: frawin on November 30, 2009, 11:19:49 AM
WARPH, I don't think most Muslims like whites.

Quote from: Anmar on November 30, 2009, 11:24:30 AM
Silly Frawin,

more than a third of muslims are white.

I believe that Frank was referring to the middle-eastern muslim.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Warph, i'm guessing by your other post that you are jewish.  you of all people should know that arabs, like jews, are semetic people.  Semites are ethnically white.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Diane Amberg

WARPH, why am I not surprised you once wore an offensive t-shirt? Some people are just looking to get punched out I guess. ;D

Diane Amberg

By the way you have managed to fatally cheapen my effort to be the best teacher I could be. Thanks so much for letting me know that I wasted my life. You have probably managed to insult a lot of caring teachers who read this forum, including all of Elk County.
    Also, I worked out that a teacher's contact time with students is about 1,330 hours per school year.  Kids also spend 4,730 hours with people other than teachers, mostly their parents. I don't think kids spend more time with their teachers than they do with their parents. School contact days are about 7 out of 24 hours per day 5 days a week for 180 to 190 days per year. I see none of you critics have made any comment on year round schools. Some parents love them and some don't.
I think I'll just go cut my throat.


Oh hell Diane just let it go in one ear and out the other. There are a lot of families right there in Elk county who had teachers in the family who should be insulted by the derogatory stuff bein thrown around at teachers.
A FEW of those teachers made a difference to me when I went to school there and a few made a difference to my boys.
Mrs. Helen Vinette was one of them. I STILL remember some of the french she taught me and that's been a few moons ago.
Buddy Miller was another one......he helped me figure out algebra.
So don't sweat it...I'm sure there are people out there who YOU made a difference to.

Diane Amberg

Thanks Pam, I just get tired of "all the all teachers this and all the schools that". There are some bad schools and some bad teachers out there. Usually they are found deep in the rural south and deep in the rough areas of the biggest, oldest cities. Rarely do bad small town or suburban schools and teachers last long without a change at the top or a change at the bottom. Nobody deliberately sets out to be bad at something, but some just can't cut it it, just like at other jobs.
   I have a friend in her mid 20's who wants to be a teacher...nice girl. Never did pass the UD teacher proficiency exam, (our "boards," if you would) after 3 tries. Sweet girl, but her written grammar and spelling is unbelievably bad.  I think she spell and grammar checked her way through school. She still wants to teach, but will have to go back and take a bunch of remedial courses, take several of her methods classes over and student teach again before she sits for the exam one more time. In the meantime she has become a single mother with lots of bill to pay. She's working, but not doing what she really wants to do. It will be years before she gets another chance. Yes, I think I have made a difference in a lot of lives. (When you get invited to a student's wedding many year later ya must have done something right!) I really don't like the negative generalizations and name calling that comes  so easily for a few. It shows a general lack of respect of people in general and other people's ideas that I just don't understand. I'm not even sure why education got relegated to the politics thread. To me its too important for that. As an editor I could probably rewrite the nastiest posts, take out the unnecessary name calling and personal baiting and still have something of substance to read. The nastiness devalues it for me. Yes, I know it's my problem because I do care. I think there may be some personality disorders showing up out there. I just have to shake my head.


Hey speaking of bad spelling and grammar...

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 30, 2009, 04:57:34 PM
Thanks Pam, I just get tired of "all the all teachers this and all the schools that". There are some bad schools and some bad teachers out there. Usually they are found deep in the rural south and deep in the rough areas of the biggest, oldest cities. Rarely do bad small town or suburban schools and teachers last long without a change at the top or a change at the bottom. Nobody deliberately sets out to be bad at something, but some just can't cut it it, just like at other jobs.
   I have a friend in her mid 20's who wants to be a teacher...nice girl. Never did pass the UD teacher proficiency exam, (our "boards," if you would) after 3 tries. Sweet girl, but her written grammar and spelling is unbelievably bad.  I think she spell and grammar checked her way through school. She still wants to teach, but will have to go back and take a bunch of remedial courses, take several of her methods classes over and student teach again before she sits for the exam one more time. In the meantime she has become a single mother with lots of bill to pay. She's working, but not doing what she really wants to do. It will be years before she gets another chance. Yes, I think I have made a difference in a lot of lives. (When you get invited to a student's wedding many year later ya must have done something right!) I really don't like the negative generalizations and name calling that comes  so easily for a few. It shows a general lack of respect of people in general and other people's ideas that I just don't understand. I'm not even sure why education got relegated to the politics thread. To me its too important for that. As an editor I could probably rewrite the nastiest posts, take out the unnecessary name calling and personal baiting and still have something of substance to read. The nastiness devalues it for me. Yes, I know it's my problem because I do care. I think there may be some personality disorders showing up out there. I just have to shake my head.

Please tell me you didn't teach spelling and grammar  ;)
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


The one that never makes a mistake is the one that never does anything. :P

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