A Major Disaster Named Obama

Started by Warph, November 25, 2009, 08:51:51 PM

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Quote from: redcliffsw on November 28, 2009, 10:00:06 AM
SrKruzich, how does it feel to know that you've failed your indoctrination?

As for me, I'm enjoying it for evermore.
Well i enjoy life a whole lot more.  I thank God, and my parents that i wasn't subjected to the indoctrination to begin with.  

I was raised in a middle class suburbia family.  My dad though had the wisdom to expose me to all classes of society.  My grandpa was a dirt farmer, and had a whole lot of horse sense.  My Dad also worked for companies like IBM, SBC, Mid Continent, Cummins, ect.  He was friends with the CEO's of the companies he worked for and we would go over to their barbqs ect, I remember we jumped on the CEO's private jet for Mid Continent corp and we flew down to Warm Springs Ga to my grandpas farm to spend the summer, and picked us up in the jet too.    That was the best education my dad could have given us outside of our math, english, ect as it enabled us to interact appropriately with the rich as well as the poor, taught us compassion for those who have less than us, taught us to respect those who have more than us and taught us to watch and observe the successful ones and learn from them by emulating their success.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: redcliffsw on November 28, 2009, 10:04:28 AM

I like your term "pre-modern".  I once heard a preacher say that the Bible
is more up-to-date than the morning newspaper.  

It sure is! It does what the paper can't do. It tells you whats going to happen tomorrow
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Most have heard the saying:  "Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Now many say that's an old saying, but look at Exodus.... 40 years to make a 40 day trip.  Talk about refusing to learn and going in circles!

You're right red.... the newspapers have nothing on the Bible.  Especially when it comes to values lessons and outcomes of failure to learn the the lessons.

I wonder... could Rev. Wright's statement have been prophetic in nature:  "God damn America."  With the direction we're being taken, maybe it was just a self fulfilling prophecy.  
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


If we are to learn from our history, then why not stand by the founding fathers
and go by the Constitution?  How about our own heritage that we ought to maintain.
Either our own heritage is worth it to us, or it's not.  Young folks are not going to learn
their true heritage in the public gov't school system, instead they'll be directed away from


And there are those wonder why Elk County can't attract more people to its golden shores...If the prospective inhabitants are reading this first, go figure...


Quote from: Catwoman on November 28, 2009, 10:52:34 AM
And there are those wonder why Elk County can't attract more people to its golden shores...If the prospective inhabitants are reading this first, go figure...

Your point, exactly?

Is it the topic?  Is it the references to Judeao-Christian values?  Is it that we take time to pay attention to what's going on in the world?  Is it the that Elk County may be predominately conservative?  Is it perhaps that we are uninhibited enough to speak what's on our minds?  Is it that we have opinions at all?

Do tell, what exactly in 'reading this' would prevent Elk County from attracting more people?

Maybe, just maybe, reading 'this' might attract good, thinking people.  People who value the liberties associated with free speach.  People who might be tired of the rat race of 'group think' that permeates many of the big cities?  Hell, we might even attract a few gun totin', beer drinkin', Bible believin', conservative votin' folks.

By all means, expand on your view, Catwoman.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

I thank God I'm able to debate with these folks so others CAN see what they think. They have no idea how many people disagree with them but chose not to speak up. It's not called the silent majority for nothing, speaking of old sayings! They only have to deal with their own kids and they assume their way is the only way.  Just do things their way and everything would be just fine. Seems to me a guy in Germany once felt the same way.
  I always got excellent supervisor, parent and peer reviews, so I had nothing to worry about. Parents would request me for their kids, always made me feel good. Of course my students had lots of other teachers too, but they went on to be doctors, lawyers, teachers, police officers, real estate agents, firefighters, the military, pharmacists etc. just like most kids when they grow up. Some are farmers, some breed race horses and a number are into research.  A great many work for the major industries around here. A number have their own businesses and a couple are CEOs. Yes, a few went to jail and one I wrote up years ago as being an at risk child, is now married with a couple of kids and homeless. He had and still has major psychological problems. I'm still not sure why the tirade on President Obama turned into another epistle on public school education, but have at it. I told you how to solve your problems, but you'd rather find excuses why nothing would would work, so why bother... except you keep hammering away at it anyway. What's the point? You each have your own agendas and you've said enough now and often enough now to make it mighty easy to figure them out. I'm sure sorry that contentment and happiness don't seem to be on any of the lists. And yes, we teachers "indoctrinated" all  your kids....we all read and write from left to right and top to bottom and we write our first name before our last name. Our alphabet always has the same number of letters in the same order. There are always upper case capital letters and lower case small letters. Printing comes before cursive. All the state capitals stay the same. Mammals are always mammals and birds are always birds. (Ain't it awful?)  By the way, Charter Schools are public schools, not private schools.
   Now somebody put this back on track!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 28, 2009, 12:06:13 PM
They only have to deal with their own kids and they assume their way is the only way.  Just do things their way and everything would be just fine. Seems to me a guy in Germany once felt the same way.

You're right Diane, and that guy was a socialist.  Much like our President.  Or should I say our Furher? 

By the way would you please explain what you meant by "They only have to deal with their own kids and assume their way is the only way." 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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