Fort Hood - A Deliberate Act Of Terrorism!

Started by Warph, November 09, 2009, 11:41:24 AM

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Quote from: Anmar on November 14, 2009, 09:51:49 PM
Steve, sorry if i misread your previous post, it looked as though you were calling me a traitor
Anmar If i had called you that there would be no misunderstanding :)

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 14, 2009, 07:55:01 PM
Varmit, how do you know who has "ties " to terrorists? People don't trust our own intellegence any more. Some of you have made comments about how poor it is because it's "dose Gubberment" people again. They were wrong on Sadam apparently and the Gov't people over there are so corrupt, and have been for so many years, who does anyone trust and believe? This is a very tough subject.

Where to start...if a mosque (or anyone) sends money or offers support to people looking to kill Americans or her allies, they're terrorists.  As for not trusting our intellegence anymore, some do and some don't.  To say that Sadam was anything other than a terrorists and a thug is naive.  Any idea how many people killed?...
As for you "dose Gubberment" people remark...Two things, 1.  our intellegence community has been hindered by politicans giving Constitutional Rights to terrorists.  Citing that pows have a right to council and "their day in court".  They have put the welfare of our enemies above that of America.  That in and of itself should be considered a treasonous act.  2.  With the use of the language of your statement you have labeled anyone that speaks out against the actions of our politicans as lacking the intelligence to hold a reasonable debate on the issue.  And while I may be a "blue collar redneck" with public education and a community college degree that lives in "fly over" country, I have never spoken with the lack of intelligence you suggest.  Your obvious contempt for "my kind" is quite frankly, shocking.  Espcially coming from a teacher.  Whatever happened to the respect of diversity.

Quote from: Anmar on November 14, 2009, 09:36:39 PM
I'm see myself as defending the constitutional rights of Americans, regardless of their religion or ethnicity.  Its easy for all of us to sit around and claim our God given rights for ourselves, but a true believer of the constitution will recognize that all American citizens, regardless of creed, origin, or belief is also deserving of those rights. 

No one is saying that they don't. 

Quote from: Anmar on November 14, 2009, 09:36:39 PM
If a crime is committed, and rights need to be taken away, we have a system for doing that.  Trying to send them to other countries is stupid, sorry billy.  What makes you think they won't stop trying to blow things up from another country? 

First of all, I haven't advocated sending them anywhere.  What I said was, kill them.  I agree that sending them to another country won't solve the problem, only delay it.  Also, as far as them blowing things up from another country, so long as their targets aren't American we have no right to interfere, isn't that your stance on it?  So why should Americans be concerned about it?..

Quote from: Anmar on November 14, 2009, 09:36:39 PM
Many of you claim that Obama is a socialist, and that you all want to limit the pwoers of government.  Why then would you want to give the federal government more power?  If you decide to allow people to be persecuted for their thoughts, where is the line drawn?  Whats to stop Rahmbo from  deciding one day that he wants the conservative right wing to be imprisoned and deported for their thoughts?

No one has stated that people should be imprisoned for their thoughts, only their actions.  No one has stated that they want the gov't to have more power, only enforce the laws that they have and defend their country.  And before you go off about how we said that all muslims should be shot, we didn't say that either.  Treason is a crime punishable by death.  Muslim citizens (and anyone else)  that give aid and comfort to the enemy are commiting acts of treason.

Quote from: Anmar on November 14, 2009, 09:36:39 PM
All of you rail against muslims and characterize them as terrorists.  Of the 24 acts of terror committed here in the USA over the last 3 years, only 2 were committed by muslims. 

Tell me, how many planes have been hijacked in the name of the enviroment, or animal rights, or white power, or the militas?  How many U.S. warships have been attacked by GreenPeace? 
We rail against musilm terrorists because they are who we are at war with. 

Quote from: Anmar on November 14, 2009, 09:36:39 PM
The truth is that many of you are fairweather folk.  When times are good and life is a little easier, you all like to talk about how great this country is (and it is great) but once something negative happens, you want to throw all that greatness out the window because you're scared and you want revenge.  Sorry folks, thats not how freedom works.

You support muslims and you want to talk about freedom? Please.  Scared, I want revenge, hell yes.  Tell me something Anmar, what have you done to ensure that America remains a free country, safe from those who seek her destruction?  Have you ever picked up a rifle in her defense?  Or are you one of those who likes to sit on the side and talk about preserving freedom and leave the actual fighting to those with enough balls to do it? 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


The motto of the former Strategic Air Command (SAC) was:  "The price of peace is eternal vigilance"

It seems that somewhere after the cold war we lost that understanding.  Now, we are at war.  And the perpetrators of war against the US are operating within our own borders.  We need to regain the stomach as a nation to fight a war.  And when acts of terrorism are committed by citizens (be they Muslim, atheist, Jew, Hindu, Christian or other), then they have committed treason as well... and the penalty of death should be imposed.

Of the current war (the killing war, not the political war), it's been said before:  Not all Muslims are terrorists, but 99.9% of all terrorist acts against the US have been committed by Muslims.  So let's at least call it what it is:  Radical Muslim Terrorism.  And let's not let political correctness and a misguided sense of graciousness stand in the way of dealing with known terrorists in a way that diminishes the threat to the rest of our law abiding citizens.

Many (if not most) Americans (and it seems ALL American politicians) seem unable to see or refuse to see that we are fighting a war based rooted religious beliefs.  Those who fight for what they believe is an eternal purpose are devout enemies indeed.  Again, our political correctness will be our downfall if we fail to understand the devotion that our enemies have to our demise.  There ARE righteous wars, and to defeat an enemy who wants us enslaved and/or completely destroyed, who are willing to kill themselves and innocents in the process, makes the war we are in righteous.

Fight or die. The choice is yours.  As for me?  I choose to fight.  And unless I'm in a position to see and destroy that enemy, I will hold to the old SAC motto, and keep vigilant!
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Well said, Billy!!  Pretty smart for "blue collar redneck in fly-over country."  I agree with you totally.  It makes no difference what race, religion or nationality a person is.  If that person commits a crime here in, or against the United States of America, they should be punished.  There are too many people trying to draw fine lines here.  "Do the crime, do the time."

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Quote from: srkruzich on November 14, 2009, 09:55:52 PM
BTW while we have ELF, ALF, PETA, and ahost of other terror groups, the one that is the most dangerous at this point in time, the one that kills innocents indescriminatly is Islam.  That is why their mentioned the most.  

What is surprising is that you fail to recognize that what folks ahve been telling us for years what will happen is happening now.  Think that the fort hood attack was a quirk? think again. They planned and coordinated that attack.  Its purpose is to demoralize the troops.  We will see in the near future if this administration doesn't get off its butt with alqueda, we will see IEDs on our interstates, in our malls, parks, schools ect.  Imagine if a series of IEDS were setup in a interstate corridor with rushour traffic in a metro area.  What about a mall at christmas time.   we have trains subways, all kinds of places that would be easy to get to.

Keeping it over on their turf was the best way to stop them from coming here.

Adding to what Steve just said, Islam is a religion of conquest, not peace.  The only "peace" Islam preaches is the "peace" wherein the entire world is subject to Sharia Law and acknowledges that Allah is God and Mohammed is his prophet.  Muslims cannot renounce a single word in the Koran for every word, according to them, proceeded from Allah's mouth.  Mohammed is the "perfect" man to Muslims, so if he killed infidels.... married 9 year-old girls.... slaughtered thousands of people... married his nephew's wife.... and called Jews 'pigs and monkeys'.... then nothing he said or did is to be questioned or doubted.

Islam also, is a religion of 'black and white' of, 'if you're not with me, you're against me', of the supremacy of men over women, of jihad as the surest way of attaining paradise.  A 'religion of peace' would not advocate jihad as the most perfect service to Allah and the guarantee to heavenly bliss.

The myth that Islam is a religion of peace can only survive and thrive where there is complete ignorance of its history and teachings.  It is this ignorance which will see the islamization of Europe in 10-20 years and of the US as well.  Political correctness is the blindfold that Islam uses to keep us from seeing its brutality and barbarism.  In all fairness, you can't blame Muslims for political correctness, although they've certainly learned to exploit it in order to push Sharia norms.  Until we are too intimidated by the threat of physical violence to speak the truth about political Islam, as are many in Europe, then it is not Sharia which threatens our freedom of speech, and the fault for that lies squarely on non-Muslims.

After all, it's not so much fear of what radical political Muslims think which causes non-Muslims to clam up as it is fear of what one's non-Muslim peers will think.  Nobody but Obama cares what jihadists think of him.

Political correctness is just one of the ways in which leftism enables Sharia, other obvious ones being a hatred for Judeo-Christian traditions and morals... the welfare state.... the diffusion of individual responsibility.... a victim mindset.... an entitlement culture.  One day Islam will slit our throats while we're wearing that blindfold, just as the barbarians in Iraq slit the throats of their captives while recording their dastardly deed

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Diane Amberg

Well Varmit, ya did it again, you started out fine, gave me your opinion, and I agree with much of what you said, but you had to take a bite out of me personally before you were done. Contempt? Hardly from my side.  As for you labeling where you live, and your education, those are your words, not mine. You just don't know how to debate an issue with out making it personal. I am not the enemy here.Taking a serious subject and turning into a slap at me....typical brown shirt stuff. And before you point that gnarly finger at me, no I'm not Muslim. Sheesh!


Diane, how would you explain your comment other than personal?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 14, 2009, 07:55:01 PM
Some of you have made comments about how poor it is because it's "dose Gubberment" people again.

The language you used is very similar, if not the same type used to degrade those that do not fall into step with the Left.  All to often conservatives and folks like myself are seen as some backwoods redneck types with an 8th grade education (at best) and a cousin for a sibling. 

In short, you gave the first slap.  You could have worded your comment differently, for example, instead of "dose Gubberment" you could've used "the Government" or "the damn Government" or "our Government".  Instead you chose to use a derogatory turn of phrase when refering to people of a different opinion.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg


Then please explain why you chose to word your "dose Gubberment" statement in the way you did.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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