Started by Rudy Taylor, November 03, 2009, 08:44:14 PM

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At enrollment this year I was told that you must live over 6 blocks from the school unless you have a kindergartener or preschooler.  If they stop to pick up one of these younger students, siblings of those students may also ride that bus... but other children from the neighborhood could not board  the bus.

Hope I got this straight, and it answers your question..... :)


Quote from: Jane on November 08, 2009, 07:26:32 PM
I have a question, (hope someone answers it). Does the school bus pick up children in the city limits of Howard to be taken to the high school?
Yes.    I have seen two buses leaving the highschool to go the gradeschools in the morning but I assume that if the students aren't walking, driving themselves, or being driven to school, they ride the bus.  There are students that live in Howard.  They don't have a hugh truency rate at WEST ELK.  I have seen kids walking along the highway and along Elk street towards the school but maybe they just overslept.  I don't live in Howard so I don't have a clue how the Howard students get to school.


Quote from: jprxmkt on November 11, 2009, 09:07:01 AM

Interwesting... vewwy, vewwy interwesting!  I particularly liked the last comment posted on the KAKE webpage:

Posted by: Anonymous  on Nov 10, 2009 at 08:57 PM

I think its interesting its being reported both schools are closing when the school board hasn't made any official decision. I wonder who the source for this news story actually was and what agenda they may be pushing?

And anybody who's been about for more than a day or two know that Deb Farris has a long history of liberal slanted reporting.  I wonder how this plays with the story yesterday that a large advocacy group in Kansas is planning to sue the state again for more money to the schools (as they did a few years back).  When are we gonna recognize that 'mo money' isn't always the answer.

Go back to Ted Kennedy's ploy for years and years.... look how much more money has been thrown at school systems (in the name of education).... and what have we gotten for our money?  College graduates who can't tell you what the three brances of government are or how they interact?  College entrants who have to take remedial basic math courses to succeed.  This is not to say that Elk County has these issues in large numbers.  It is to say that, generally speaking, fancy buildings, more bureaucracy, the latest model of student desk and a high tech scan/fax/copier in every administrator's office, and a better insurance/retirement plan for teachers can NOT be equated with a good education!

The tenure system, the lack of ongoing teacher proficiency qualifications/exams, the political/financial self interests of the NEA, and a curriculum driven by pop culture ARE a drag on good education.

I, too, have to wonder who whined to KAKE-TV.  Hell, we aren't even in KAKE's primary viewing area!

Interwesting... vewwy, vewwy interwesting!
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on November 11, 2009, 10:43:35 AM
Interwesting... vewwy, vewwy interwesting!  I particularly liked the last comment posted on the KAKE webpage:

And anybody who's been about for more than a day or two know that Deb Farris has a long history of liberal slanted reporting.  I wonder how this plays with the story yesterday that a large advocacy group in Kansas is planning to sue the state again for more money to the schools (as they did a few years back).  When are we gonna recognize that 'mo money' isn't always the answer.

Go back to Ted Kennedy's ploy for years and years.... look how much more money has been thrown at school systems (in the name of education).... and what have we gotten for our money?  College graduates who can't tell you what the three brances of government are or how they interact?  College entrants who have to take remedial basic math courses to succeed.  This is not to say that Elk County has these issues in large numbers.  It is to say that, generally speaking, fancy buildings, more bureaucracy, the latest model of student desk and a high tech scan/fax/copier in every administrator's office, and a better insurance/retirement plan for teachers can NOT be equated with a good education!

The tenure system, the lack of ongoing teacher proficiency qualifications/exams, the political/financial self interests of the NEA, and a curriculum driven by pop culture ARE a drag on good education.

I, too, have to wonder who whined to KAKE-TV.  Hell, we aren't even in KAKE's primary viewing area!

Interwesting... vewwy, vewwy interwesting!

You know, I wondered the same thing as to why KAKE shows such great interest in Elk County lately.  You don't see them reporting near as much on other counties as Elk county.  Just seems odd to me.  shrug  But I could be wrong.  I also noticed what they said about what the answer was, when from the way I understand it is there has been no definite answer to the problem as yet.  Leave it to the news to add facts where there is none and to leave out the ones that are there.



If one follows the Elk County Forum, one knows that the media may not have added facts... they may have been handed misinformation.  No wait!  Did I just suggest that someone in our community (or worse in the employ of the taxpayers) would engage in a disinformation campaign using the media?  Yup, I did.  Just sayin.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I do need to state something concerning our current staff, teachers mainly.  The West Elk School district is the lowest paid in the state, starting base pay.  Ok, I know you were relating to general schools not just WE, but do you know how much a family insurance plan through the school is?  And do you know what the board gives each individual towards that family plan?  Well, when I was teaching in the district, it cost out of my check, close to 400.00 that is including the 100.00 fringe from the board.  That is alot!  Especially for  a group policy.  And only bringing home, the little pay that they do get doesn't help.  Do you think that our teachers should really take a cut iin pay?  I don't.  I know the hours that they put into making sure our students are taught above the call of duty.  Not only are they learning the basics, but they are learning things that used to get taught at home.  Things such as manners, how to take care of themselves, and the list goes on and on.  You don't become a teacher to get rich.  You become a teacher because you love teaching students.  You love the connection that you and your students have.  I for one know that, many teachers pay for things out of pocket.  My daughter was in Kindergarten last year.  Her teacher cared enough for her students that at their birthdays, she got each of them a present.  No, it wasn't a big present, but you know what, those kids loved and respected her, because she showed them that they were important on their special day.  Many kids around here come from broken homes, or homes I wouldn't want my dogs to live in.  So, I think that the teachers at WE do an outstanding job!!  Test scores not only show it, but look at the number of students that are in other activities that are not just sports.  We should be proud of our teachers!

I don't see it being one sided.  It was told that the plan b was to close the two grade schools no matter what the bond did or didn't do.  I don't like the comment an that page that states that Howard is the ones that will benefit.  How is that?  I mean, aren't we all wanting what is best for our children?  No new school or not, something has to be done.  I feel that closing the both is much better than closing one and not the other.  We already have so much madness about this whole issue, that we me included are not thinking and putting our children first.  If closing the two school will help to slow the money problem down, I am all for it.   Don't like it, but its a no win situation.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: angtown3 on November 11, 2009, 12:04:23 PM
I do need to state something concerning our current staff, teachers mainly.  The West Elk School district is the lowest paid in the state, starting base pay.  Ok, I know you were relating to general schools not just WE, but do you know how much a family insurance plan through the school is?  And do you know what the board gives each individual towards that family plan?  Well, when I was teaching in the district, it cost out of my check, close to 400.00 that is including the 100.00 fringe from the board.  That is alot!  Especially for  a group policy.  And only bringing home, the little pay that they do get doesn't help.  Do you think that our teachers should really take a cut iin pay? 

Thanks for being kind enough to recognize that my comments were not directed at WE in particular.  Sometimes conceptual discussions are just that... conceptual and not to be taken personally.  Unless of course, the shoe fits.

Your question asking if I think that our teachers should really take a cut in pay infers that I support such a case.  I do not.  As a matter of fact, I'm usually in favor of severely cutting administrative staff, 'nice to have' and/or non-curriculum oriented expenditures, and such long before advocating the reduction of teaching staff or teacher compensation.

Just so we're clear.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


If you will read the "news story" carefully, you'll see who got KAKE involved.


Quote from: flo on November 11, 2009, 01:33:36 PM
If you will read the "news story" carefully, you'll see who got KAKE involved.

They got a comment from two people, but are they the ones that told them?  I don't know that just because they are the ones they interviewed, someone can call and tell a story without them being the source of it.  shrug

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