Started by Rudy Taylor, November 03, 2009, 08:44:14 PM

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Quote from: flo on November 06, 2009, 12:15:20 PM
srkruzich, I don't get your meaning.  Are you just trying to get us to read these a second time?  maybe you think we just skipped over them when they were posted.  ??? ??? ??? ::)

I think the quote tags are messed up. I had the same problem when quoting earlier. For some reason it threw in the beginning quote tag twice making the entire message a quote (though, maybe I just messed that up.. can't remember  :D). His reply is actually in that whole quote, just have to read through to find it. I believe his actual replies were (please correct me if I'm wrong):

QuoteYou know i for one wasn't supported by taxpayers in school.  My parents took their responsibility for educating me seriously and paid for it themselves.  I paid for MY college education myself.  So I am a strong proponent of schooling being covered by those who choose to have kids.  I personally don't have a obligation to pay for another persons kids schooling since neither I nor my kids partook of government education.

QuoteFirst of all, the county is facing the exact same things that private schools face.  Small student population, limited budget yet the private schools do produce highly educated students.  Most students in private schools enter the 9th grade being able to do college level work.  Thats far above any Government school out there.   So all the bells and whistles programs that aren't necessary are'nt what makes educated students.  When i went to school, you learned because that was your job.  You didn't have to be enticed with anything. either you did it or got your butt busted when you brought home bad grades.  Not saying that the bells and whistles aren't nice, just not necessary.

Deny access if they don't want to foot the bill. Actually the idea isn't bad.  Don't you have to shell out bucks to get a college education?  Personally I have seen so many kids through the years piss off their education because its free to them.  IF they had to pay for it or earn it, then it would mean a whole lot more to them.   I had some bozo tell me one time that it was my duty and obligation to fund my kids college education and I asked him why?  He said its the way its done.   I responded to him that if i fund their education, the only incentive that gives them is that they can live off of daddys money and party til the cows come home in the college dorms.   But if i tell them there is no money, that you have to work a job and have to get grants, and earn your degree, then they will be too busy working hard to get the money and if their having to spend the money they gave up time in their life to earn to pay for that education, they will appreciate it more and make damn sure they get good grades.
One of my boys has 8 years in the Marine Corp and has earned 80,000 dollars for college.  Guess what.  He gave up 8 years of his life, fought in several battles of this war, faced death untold number of times.  You know good and well he's going to be utilizing that money for the best education he can get and he's going to make darn sure he gets the best grades too.

The message that was sent by the voters this time is, that there comes a time when you have to cut something in order to get the job done.  Businesses do it all the time.  Company i worked for cut their contributions of 1.25 per 1.00 put into 401k down to .50 per 1.00 put in just to keep jobs.  It was nice while it lasted but it did not affect the product being produced.  

We are fixing to see some serious hard times with this current administration spending us into oblivion. There is going to be hyperinflation hit us in the near future, and if this administration succeeds in taxing everything from heating to fuel to food production to the air we breath, your going to find that there isn't going to be anything left for schools.

Diane Amberg

So the Marine will go to college on MY tax dollars. Nobody asked my opinion about that! If I don't approve of the war he is fighting, shouldn't I protest my money going to him because I don't approve? Sounds socialist to me. (I'm just poking, I'm all for it, and grants ( Pell and otherwise) and school ( again, this is just for the sake of argument and means nothing. But it's the same kind of logic I see here sometimes.)


Quote from: DanCookson on November 06, 2009, 10:36:08 AM
Wow.... At that point would the citizens that voted yes be able to deny access to kids whose parents found it necessary to cast a no vote???  I would assume that most everyone viewing this forum went to a public school that was not funded solely by a small group of people....

Everyone has opinions and is very entitled to such.  Everyone has ideas and EVERYONE wants a solution.  We cannot lose sight of the big picture that this vote was just that.... A vote. 

To answer your question, absolutely, the "Yes" folks could deny access to kids whose parents didn't want to pay.  In essence, the school built by the Yes folks would be a private school.  You can't send your kids to a private school if you don't pay.  The No folks would still send their kids to the public schools we have now.  And I think that the Yes crowd should recieve a tax cut of sorts if their kids were in attendence at a school they funded.

Earlier, someone posted something to the effect that no solutions were being presented here, well, I just did.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 06, 2009, 12:48:58 PM
So the Marine will go to college on MY tax dollars. Nobody asked my opinion about that! If I don't approve of the war he is fighting, shouldn't I protest my money going to him because I don't approve? Sounds socialist to me. (I'm just poking, I'm all for it, and grants ( Pell and otherwise) and school ( again, this is just for the sake of argument and means nothing. But it's the same kind of logic I see here sometimes.)

Well you know what, it could be argued that but he works for his money. The govt hired him to do a job and this is what he earned.  Secondly, the military is ONE expenditure the government is responsible for constitutionally and taxs collected for that expenditure is constitutional.  and Third, whether or not we are in a war doesn't matter as we still need guys like him to make sure we don't have a war on our soil!

ITs not about taxes in general its all about sucking more and more tax dollars to fund government to be a nanny government.  Imagine the prosperity and wealth that could be had by all if we didn't have to support such a behemouth that our government has become.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Varmit, you're on the right track for sure.

Diane, thev veterans' pensions began with the veterans of the Revolutionary War.
Nothing wrong about that.  It's all these other people that should not be drawing from
the Fed's.   


in other words, who it is that's drawing the tax dollars makes a difference, huh?  Sounds like a double standard to me.  srk, you may have paid for your tuition and books, but who paid to keep that college open for you to attend?????????


Double standard to what? 

You sound like you are supportive for Federal funds & entitlements to others besides veterans?


Well, I sort of em
Quote from: redcliffsw on November 06, 2009, 02:29:29 PM

Double standard to what? 

You sound like you are supportive for Federal funds & entitlements to others besides veterans?

My dad was a veteran and I should have gotten some thing, but didn't.  My mother didn't even get his retirement and they were legally married.  It's cause he wasn't married at the time, and never changed it.  I think that they government does alot of things that we think are wrong.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


by double standard, i meant srkruzich didn't think that education needed to by "bought" with government money, after all he paid for his own, but it is okay for his son to take government money to pay for an education.  Yes, he is in the service of his country, but it's still government money.  He is saving all his money for his education, but who is paying for his keep while he's serving his country?  That's what that money is for.  I am very proud of every American who serves and I thank hiim for that and I don't begrudge him anything he is paid.  I also do not begrudge an American who has a brain and wants to use it for higher education, to apply for any government money he is entitled to.   He just might not have the funds to p, and the costs of a higher education is a lot more as each year passes and jobs are a lot less plentiful as each year passes. 


Quote from: flo on November 06, 2009, 02:20:41 PM
in other words, who it is that's drawing the tax dollars makes a difference, huh?  Sounds like a double standard to me.  srk, you may have paid for your tuition and books, but who paid to keep that college open for you to attend?????????
My tuition and taxes.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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