Obama, The Loser

Started by Warph, October 24, 2009, 02:00:52 AM

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If Obama wins.... he loses.
If he loses.... he loses.

Think about it:
If he tries to win in Afghanistan, he loses (his uber-lefties).
If he loses Afghanistan, he loses because the American people don't like losing.

He can't even sell out a fundraiser in Boston.  In freaking liberal Boston!!  CodePinko's are demonstrating against him there at his event.  (Maybe they can sell out the remaining tickets on StubHub?)

If he wins Socialist healthcare, he loses---that's why it has a 2013 start date (I thought this was "urgent" and a "crisis"?).

If he loses this fight, he loses.

He took over the car companies.  Did he win?  Let's see: Ford is down 6% in sales, GM is down 45% and Chrysler is down 42%.  The Unions now have to sit on BOTH sides of the table and negotiate against---themselves.  This is a loser.  Middlefinger didn't want to own the companies----Chairman Zero made him take it.  No amount of Pravda-reporting on this Command Economy move will make it so.

He has boxed himself in so badly, no matter what he does, he loses.  Look at his poll numbers.  Historical lows----being compared to Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford?  Can't see how that is a win.

He's lost almost ALL the moderates and independents.  If he jerks farther to the left, he loses more.  He jerks to the middle (which some people claim will have to happen) he loses the left.  Hello Ralph Nader!!

He's taking on tough blah, blah, blah----he inherited blah, blah, blah.

Even his supporter Peggy Noonan has gone and called him on it...."the presidency is yours, you own it."

The media is losing subscriptions and viewers.  Can't depend on them to make the case.  The gig is up and the people know it.  We even have the NYTimes ombudsmen highlighting a NYTimes reader as being uninformed (LOL!).  She had no clue and had not heard of the ACORN stings because she gets all her news form NYTimes---not anymore I'll betcha.  I'm sure she was embarrassed by her friends.

The guy is in a lose-lose situation.  The Democrat Party is in a lose-lose situation.  That is why they haven't voted on healthScare yet.  No matter what they do, they lose.... and I bet they are beginning to realize it. 

Have a great weekend.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


The down side to all of this is, as he is going down so is America. What are we going to do with all the debt he has gotten us into?
As far as the health care, when all of the people that are working on it will not take it there is something wrong. I have not reached retirement age yet and with the way things are going I will work until my last breath.

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