No body bags and stories of collateral damage to innocent civilians

Started by Warph, October 14, 2009, 11:00:57 AM

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It  amazes me that certain people can sling all the cow dung they can spew from their sewers but when a turd or two gets thrown in their direction they start whinning their arse off. Need to grow thicker hide !!


Anmar, go cry to your mama. Grow some coconuts, put down your pina colada, step out of the bat cave into the sunlight, stop flying your rainbow flag, everybody has an opinion and you know a skunk smells his own hole first. Have some respect for your elders, son AND have more respect for your country.

MR. KShillbillys

P.S. Warph you're absolutely correct. The ABC World News with Charles Gibson used to ALWAYS end the show with a soldier that had died, but now that Obama is President they've stopped doing it! Just another one to add to your list!

P.S.S. And as for that "mother hen" that owns this forum stirring everybody up to strum up business for a massage, that sounds very pleasant but would be embarrassing for both of us... ;D




Wow, I think everyone must have skimmed over my ***DISCLAIMER*** portion of my post (except Larry).  If you hadn't, you'd realize that everything I said, I said tongue-in-cheek and was TRYING to make light of what was going on!  I was ABSOLUTELY NOT dogging on ANYONE.  I was simply trying to poke a little fun to make some people stop and smile...   :)

And TeresO, I'm sorry, but you should know me personally by now to realize that I would NEVER, EVER personally attack ANYONE, let alone someone that I do consider a "friend" (I guess even if you don't consider me in the same way).  Everyone knows the personal sacrifice that you and Kjell put into this forum, and we have thanked you many times.  That is why I jokingly said that you're just drumming up business... I wish you DID get paid by the "hit" or login!  I'd still login as much as I do now!

I also just think it's funny that some people will argue so hard and with such violence against each other, but when Teresa steps in, everyone gets polite again.  That's what she's there for, but I was just trying to joke and call those people out by saying, why not give everyone equal treatment?  Why argue so hard with Teresa (who we know who she is and what she does), when you don't know much/anything about "who" the other members actually are on the Forum!  Like I said, they may be your neighbor or friend just disguised as a "grumpy old man".

Once again, another joke, about Teresa's 2nd personality.  She's said things in other posts before about her own crazy personality (or personalities), and I was again just making a point that sometimes you don't really know WHO you are talking with.  We HAVE had people use 2 different logins on this Forum before.  One to be their own "personality" and one who likes to anonymously stir up arguments for fun!  And we all know enough about both Teresa and Diane that to think those two are from the same person, IS pretty funny.

Again, I'm sorry Teresa (and Jo) for what you thought I was picking on you.  I actually used you as my example in that thread so many times because I thought you, of all people, would see the humor.  Maybe this pregnancy and cold have just warped my own sense of humor.  So, again, my apologies, and I will keep to the decaf in the coffee shop.


"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Diane Amberg

Unfortunately, I don't think Teresa and her Mom want anything to do with my personality. Somewhere along the line the fun poking and humor got lost.


Okay folks, can we put a stop to the ego-stroking, bad mouthing, he said she said bullshit?  Seriously, if you don't like someone on here then don't read their posts. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

You know, that's really hard to do sometimes. I've been reading along following something interesting on several occasions when out of nowhere, having nothing to do with the post, comes an arrow launched at someone who wasn't even part of the subject. I just don't understand that. Low self esteem? Just plain "in your face" rude? A misplaced sense of entitlement? Early dementia? A very weird sense of humor? What?


I sent you a pm Tobino...  
I explained a lot to you..
Hope the miscommunication is straightened out now..
No worries... :)

I not only speak for myself but I kinda think this is universal.

Internet communication verses voice communication has lots of misunderstood repercussions from it.
Sometimes if you know that person.. you can "hear" what they type..
if not.. sometimes what you meant, works.. and sometimes it doesn't. What you were sure someone would understand .. well... it just falls on its butt flat in the mud and it sometimes leaves me scratching my head thinking.." well what in the hell did I say that was so wrong"..  ??? I'm sure most of you have felt the same way at one time or another..

I generally type like i talk..  and have lots of people from all over the websites that call me on the phone to talk to me in person so they can get a feel for me and how I sound and my verbal animations .. becasue of the way I type.. As soon as I have them laughing  and sharing in my 'out there' personality.. they ..from then on  understand my writings..

Yes I do have many personality's.. (scary huh)  but basically I am the same old country redneck down to earth woman that I always have been.  Nothing shocks me.. nothing embarrasses me..I can find something to talk about with most anyone... and I am comfortable in about any situation with any group of people..
I have to be.

But..sometimes I am feeling crabby and grumpy and have had it.. ( just like everyone else)  and just takes one thing that normally I would scan over and not even notice.. but that one thing when combined with everything else in the stressful day that hits a small nerve... and I comment in a post.. Not just to that one person.. but to everyone as a group.. It just seems like I hone in on individuals.  Sorry for that. If I have anything to say to individuals I will do it with a pm..

No big deal.. its over and done.. I have said my piece..everyone who wants to has said theirs.. now lets get on with it and continue with life.
If I have the ability to sometimes make people stop and settle.. then that is good. I have done my job.. and Kjell will not have to reprimand me for "stirring the pot".. ( something I am very good at also..  ;D) I'm not totally out of trouble all the time at home.. but I'm getting better.. I continue to be a work in progress..  ;)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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