Started by Varmit, October 11, 2009, 07:07:25 AM

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Fresh air is good for a cold... staying inside with all the germs is NOT good.. LOL
I made sure I had my sock hat on and I wore a coat.. Nothing wrong with walking in drizzle.. you don't get a cold from the cold..  :)
I have felt great today.. Been outside working.. and inside working.. and yep.. still sound horrible. barely can talk.. but I'm making progress.  ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on October 13, 2009, 11:46:47 PM
Fresh air is good for a cold... staying inside with all the germs is NOT good.. LOL
I made sure I had my sock hat on and I wore a coat.. Nothing wrong with walking in drizzle.. you don't get a cold from the cold..  :)
I have felt great today.. Been outside working.. and inside working.. and yep.. still sound horrible. barely can talk.. but I'm making progress.  ;)

Finally! Somebody who agrees with me! lol. I tell people all the time they need to get out and get some FRESH air and they will feel better....don't think they ever listen tho :P

Glad you are feelin better!

Judy Harder

It is also good for CABIN FEVER!
Glad you are feeling better....nothing like fresh air to make us feel better.

OH, too bad, it can't last all winter. I am getting where I hate the up and down weather.
Sure wish it would stay one way or 'nother........
I know not a perfect world.........but gee, Arthur-itis  and Fibro would let me feel
better if the barometer just evened out for a few days...months........Ah,
dear  here I go grumping again...............sorry folks..just that time of year.

God is great. God is good.....and the sun will be out tomorrow...........somewhere.. HERE please!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


I hate to be the bearer of bad news here this morning, ladies.  While I admire your ambition and insights on "fresh air", I am pasting this from Wikipedia.  The question was about going out into the cold with wet hair which doesn't apply here, but the rest of the answer does.  You both are correct about getting fresh air, but don't subject the whole body to the cold.  If you want fresh air, open a window and breathe it for a few minutes.  See paste below.

The common cold is a virus. It is caught and spread by the transfer of bacteria. Cold temperatures can actually help prevent colds by weakening airborne bacteria. What CAN make you more prone to illness, is tiring or weakening your body, which makes it harder to fight infection. Becoming cold to the point of shivering will lower body temperature, which can lower your immune system - this is another contributor to catching viruses. Humans lose heat rapidly through their head, which is a process that would accelerate with wet hair - if you let yourself get chilled to the point of shivering, or worse, to the point when shivering stops, you would lower your immune system and therefore be more likely to catch a cold. So, having wet hair and being in cold air alone wont make you sick, but letting your self get overly chilled and/or tired might.

We could probably start a whole new thread on this or move it to the health thread, but I just wanted you to know about the effects of lowering your body temperature by being outside in the cold when you are sick.  OR, like my mama said, "you are sick, go to bed, and stay there.  If you go outside, you will only get sicker.  Don't come crying to me when you can't get well because you went outside to play when I told you to stay in bed."  At least, I think that is what she said!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


LOL Larry. I don't mean run out nekkid and roll in the snow lol!!!!! I truly think central heat and central air are two of the worst things in the world for you, I like air conditionin as much as the next person but I'm out in the heat a lot too, I think it helps you stay healthier if you stay acclimated to the season so to speak, but that's just me. I don't get sick very often tho (knock on wood :P)


I don't mean run out nekkid and roll in the snow lol!!!!!

Been there, done that, and they didn't have any t-shirts to commemorize the occasion.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Yea Larry, but there's some North Korean chick that was looking across the DMZ, watching you roll nakkid in the snow, and to this day it makes her smile !!


Well, she wasn't looking at me from across the DMZ, she was looking out the fr----------------------------------never mind. 

Sorry, Teresa and Pam, I don't think you wanted Jarhead and I to go down this path.

Funny how a "get well" wish turns into a "war story."   ;)


P.S.  Jarhead, the puppy's name is R.A.M.B.O., not rambo.  And this is from him, not me-----he says to put your deer jerky where the sun----------------------------never mind. :laugh:
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Larry, My apologies to R.A.M.B.O.. I did not see the comma between Billy and R.A.M.B.O. in that post and thought you were calling Varmit, Billy Rambo. To make things right I'm sending him 50 lbs of deer jerky---to your dog, not Billy . :)


He accepts your apology and was never really upset.  He values the past service of a veteran and could never really be upset. 

However, he informs me that he has sworn off meat and going on a strict vegan diet.  So don't send the jerky as it will just go to waste.  Hee Hee, now he is telling me he would rather see it go to your "waist".  Dog has a sense of humor!

thanks anyhow

Larryj (and R.A.M.B.O.)
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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