Military Brass To Fall On Their Swords To Cover Obama's Inept Afghan War Making?

Started by Warph, October 10, 2009, 02:44:11 AM

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Rome burned as Nero fiddled. So goes the myth of the destruction of ancient Rome. There was more to Nero's rather extensive "Urban Renewal Project", of course. Much has been lost in the mists of time, and some has just plain been invented.

But, today, if Nero decided to burn Rome, we'd have TV cameras there as he struck the match and applied the flame to the nearest drapes or, thatched roof, as the case may be.

What am I rambling on about? Well, I'll tell you. It is just this: While Obama fiddles; American soldiers are being killed in Afghanistan.

The US military commander of Afghanistan has requested 40,000 more troops as fast as he can get them in country to fight the resurgence of the Taliban and whoever else has, and is, joining their ranks.

The Commander-in-Chief says it will be weeks before he will respond with a "Yes" or a "No." In the meantime, more American lives are being lost and the loss of those lives can be laid at the feet of Obama! The war in Afghanistan is now "Obama's War!" And so far, he is bungling it, like nearly everything else this inexperienced president has touched.

I'd very much like to see an amendment to the constitution which says that a candidate for President of the United States must show proof of honorable service in the military of the United States.

Let me spell it out for you as plainly as I know how. Unless you have served in the US Military, you have no idea what fighting for your country, (war), is all about. You cannot understand the inner workings of the military. You cannot understand the code of honor, which is the common thread that binds all the military services to one another and to the country.

I do not care how much propaganda those who disagree with me on this throw at you, take it from another old vet, the military is different from anything you have ever experienced in your life and there is zero comparison with anything political or the political world our Commander-in-Chief resides in at the White House.

Now: Here's what I think is about to happen. Obama dearly wants out of Afghanistan. The delay in answering General Stanley McChrystal is Obama buying time with the blood of American patriots.

The long and the short of it is, Obama is going to pull US troops out of Afghanistan. He doesn't care about how bad it will make America look around the world. He doesn't care about that. He has no idea how badly the American character will suffer. He doesn't care how such an action will damage the US military. He has no understanding of how badly the Vietnam fiasco rocked the US Military for decades. Some say the US military did not fully recover from Vietnam until Gulf War One. Many of the Vietnam vets are STILL not over it! But Obama doesn't care. Why? Obama is a Narcissist. He cares only for himself. Everyone, and everything, else is here to serve him and his interests.

Now: Do not entertain the erroneous notion that Obama is willing to take the blame for losing a war, specifically the war in Afghanistan. Oh, NO! Obama will not lose the Afghanistan War. The US Military will lose the Afghanistan War. You can count on it. There will be Congressional Hearings and kangaroo courts much like the old "Star Chamber" proceedings where the heads of Generals will roll, but nothing will touch Obama. Obama's henchmen on the Hill and in the Mainstream Media will see to that. All the while, though, you and I and the thousands upon thousands of soldiers and military veterans will know who the culprit was.

The American Left HATES the US Military. It has a cold, unreasonable, hatred for anything military. I have leftist friends who all but spit anytime I mention the military for any reason. Their hatred goes deep. It is primordial. It seems to come from some place deep inside the pre-caveman depths of their brains. It is pathological. They would be quite happy to see the US Military go down to defeat no matter how many American lives are lost. They hate the US Military that much.

There is no reasoning with them. I have tried. I explained that the US military was the only organization that stood between them and annihilation. I explained that the US military made their freedom possible and without the military they would not be free men but slaves. Nothing made any difference. There is simply no reasoning with them. So, I must conclude that it is something in their internal wiring. It should not be difficult to detect in Obama's White House.

The men and women who give of themselves to defend this country deserve better. They have earned the respect of the world. It seems to me the American people could insure that the Commander-in-Chief is always a military veteran with a constitutional amendment, which would require that a candidate for President of the US always be a veteran of one of the military services of the United States. It would not insure victory on the battlefield but it would show respect for the military by providing that one of their own is always in command. They deserve that -- and more -- much more.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I totally agree with you, Warph.  It is just not possible to understand what the military man/woman goes through whether at home or on a battlefield.  It is the old saying, "walk a mile in my shoes."  While the Prez might be getting all the advice there is, unless he has actually crawled in the mud with people shooting at him and his friends dying right next to him, he cannot fathom how the situation really is.  

There really should be a law that requires the CIC to have served in the military.  

Many people just don't realize the scope of military service, i.e. the discipline required, the different cultures that one sees and lives with on a daily basis and the (sometimes) negative reaction and opinions of the civilians at home that you are protecting.  

If he is listening to his Generals, he needs to move faster than he is moving.  Every minute counts.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I love the hypocrisy of the far right, tell me warph, how many months was the troop surge in Iraq debated before Bush took action?  How many American soldiers died while we waited for that?  Where were you and all these silly pundits when that was going on?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Bush was not "far right", at least not in my opinion.
He's much more liberal than I ever want to be.


I didn't mean bush when i said far right, I agree that he wasn't conservative or right wing at all.  I was referring to the right wing social commentators who are screaming right now about Afghanistan.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Let me jump in ahead of you, Warph, and then you can say what you want to say.

Nobody has said that Bush was any better as far as the troop surge.  It was suggested by his Generals and acted upon and it did what it was supposed to do.  Neither president, as far as I am concerned has handled these military conflicts with any gumption.  It is unfortunate that politics plays a big role in wars dating back centuries.  

Politics played a role in the division of Germany after WWII.  Truman and Churchhill wanted to appease the Russians to avoid conflict and we wound up in a Cold War.  Politics played a role in the invasion of North Korea all the way to the Chinese border only to settle on a dividing line much farther south.  And, that "police action" as it was termed is still not totally resolved.  Politics played a role in Vietnam as Eisenhower did not want to step on Chinese or Russian toes.  The North Vietnamese could travel through and attack from Laos and Cambodia.  We could not for political reasons.  President Johnson sent thousands to Vietnam and then tied their hands on where and when they could do their job.  And, now we are on two battlefronts where, again, politics is a factor in that the current and past administrations are dragging their feet as to how to run a war.  

What Warph was saying is that the current administration is not doing what it should.  He did not say anything about the past 40+ administrations doing anything.  It isn't about Liberals or Conservatives here, it is about those in charge getting the job done, NOW.  Whoever, they are.  Meaning, it is time now to "get 'er done."

Okay, Warph, it's your turn.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


oooo, i love condescending old men.

First, let me address your fantasy.  I know that you would like to think i'm a little girl, that it would suit the dirty old man fantasy that you have going on.  I recognize that in your old age, you may not have the mind or memory that you had when you are younger, so i'll politely remind you again that I am in fact a man.  If it suits your fantasy to continue to call me a girl, thats fine, whatever gets you off in between rounds of golf and cashing in your social welfare checks.

Secondly your post with regards to knowledge of the military seems to be incomplete.  I kept waiting for the punchline but there was none.  I have no knowledge of the military, therefore..... what?  Tell me, where in my first post did i bring up the military?  What the hell are you reading?  I believe you are actually projecting your inadequecies onto other people.  I haven't spoken one way or the other in terms of military strategy.  I haven't given my opinion on sending more troops or pulling out.  Frankly i don't think its possible to win no matter what action we take.  There are many reitred generals saying the same thing.

Both you and Larry missed the entire point of my post.  Also warph, allow me to educate you on another topic while it's on my mind 

rhetorical question

a question asked solely to produce an effect or to make an assertion and not to elicit a reply, as "What is so rare as a day in June?"

The point is when Bush was in the same situation, NONE OF YOU SAID A WORD FOR MONTHS.  Now that a democrat is in the same situation, your panties are in bunches after 6 days.  You claim to be a military man, yet this is the epitome of a political hack, spewing hatred and hypocracy at every opportunity he can get.  You are politicizing something that needs to be handled very carefully. 

Tell me, as a reaganite, why did reagan choose to arm the Iraqi's and the Taliban to the teeth instead of fighting and winning their own wars, like you put it in your post.  Ever consider how the Reaganites ignorant foreign policy decisions created these messy situations?  Look at how my generation is going to have to clean up after your crap.  I'm not even going to start on the national debt that you reaganites left us with.

As for not knowing anything about the Military, that may be true.  But i do know history.  I know that no army has ever conquered Afghanistan Militarily.  From Alexander to the Russians, empires and their armies have collapsed trying to invade the forsaken place.  The only successful invasions into the region were those that forced a cultural conversion, that is the Arab and Aryan conquerers.

I'll admit to having limited knowledge of the military, but will you admit that you don't know history?  Will you admit that you have a problem with reading comprehension? will you admit that different problems require different solutions? 
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on October 10, 2009, 02:30:35 PM

The point is when Bush was in the same situation, NONE OF YOU SAID A WORD FOR MONTHS.  Now that a democrat is in the same situation, your panties are in bunches after 6 days.  You claim to be a military man, yet this is the epitome of a political hack, spewing hatred and hypocrisy at every opportunity he can get.  You are politicizing something that needs to be handled very carefully.  

Because bush was not in the same situation.   First of all the surge wasn't tested nor had it been done.  So that data was not available.  It was a unknown risk. Secondly, congress (democratic controlled congress), drug petraus up and went to crucifying him for his idea making him take all that time to give them details that they debated for months about.  Waste of time wasn't it!  And the dems didn't want success because it would have made President Bush look good so they did the normal tactics of delay.  Finally when Congress decided ok we had better do it, it worked successfully.  

Now you have obama here, and his generals are saying lets do the surge, he drags mccrystal to copenhagen to rip him a new one for suggesting it only because now the public is demanding why obama is so inept he can't make a decision without his handlers permission.  

The fact is that the surge would not be in his handlers plans right at this moment in time.  Their telling obama no.
Third obama isn't going to pull our troops out of Afghanistan.  That was a campaign lie, one of many he made to get elected.  The goal is control of all of these countries.  But i am afraid its not for the benefit of us, but his handlers.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Whether I agree or disagree with any of the opinions on here is up to me, but I don't believe that makes anyone a punk, idiot, or a communist.  I just find everyone's opinion interesting.  I haven't learned much from the name calling though.  I'm waiting for the blast!

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