Any Ideas?

Started by Cheyenne, October 05, 2009, 07:17:40 PM

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Does anybody have any tips for young kids with glasses? My 4 year old son got glasses today and they are already broken and they had to void the warranty because they had to shorten them to fit them to him. Just wondering if anybody has any ideas so maybe I won't spend a fortune on glasses over the next year.

Ms Bear

I think Disney makes frames to fit very small children.  They shouldn't have to shorten them, they should find ones that fit properly.  Make sure that they fit them to his face or they won't be comfortable and he won't leave them on.  Also keep them clean, dirty glasses can cause headaches.  They are going to need to be adjusted and straightened often, especially if he falls asleep with them.  Try to get frames that are very light.  Even the lightest ones get heavy.  Be patient.  All the years that I wore glasses I had very few that I could forget I had them on.  The rest didn't fit right, either hurt on the nose or behind the ears.

Good Luck

Diane Amberg

I'll ask this dumb question.Why did sizing his glasses have anything to do with the warranty? Fitting him was their job wasn't it?

Ms Bear

Diane, that was my thoughts too.  If they don't have frames for small children they shouldn't try to make some "fit".


Take 'em back! Have a fit! Insist that they fit the little guy with glasses that he can live with, and this includes the rough and tumble life of a four year old. Demand to speak with the manager, when you speak with him, remain calm, explain your position, and sweetly ask/demand that something be done. I think Walmart sells kids' glasses with a year warranty don't they. I am not particularly impressed with Walmart optical services, but that might be your better choice. My girl was more boy than about any boy in the neighborhood. It was quite awhile before I stopped finding her glasses laying in the driveway, laying beside the road on the way to school, etc. It does take a bit of adjustment before their eyes get used to really seeing better when wearing the glasses. But once they do, he will take better care of them because he will finally realise that he really needs them to see, doesn't he? Good luck!


Go back and insist that he be fitted correctly!!!!  When my son was young, there were glasses that you could nearly tie in a knot that were designed for kids and rough and tumble wear.  They looked just like the regular styles and were great for little boys and big boys, too. 

Ole Granny

You might, also have them check and make sure the prescription is correct. Mistakes are made.  My husband picked up his glass at the doctor office and the lens had been put in wrong.  Left was right and right was left.  One of my daughters had glasses when she was 18 months old.  Eyes were correct by the time she was 14.  She would not take her glasses off.  I had to take them off after she fell asleep.  When she first got them she would walk around saying, "See..see.. see."  This was years ago and the glasses fit her great.  
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


Thankyou for your ideas. They said that since they altered them it voids the warranty from the manufacterer but im going to go talk to them today. Now I didnt get glasses until 6th grade bu was really hard on them.


Granny, that is the sweetest story---- thanks!  :D


We went back thisafternoon and they were able to fix them!!!! I was glad because insurance wouldn't have paid for a new pair today....they have to be ordered 30 days apart. Thanks for all your ideas

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