Sarah Palin's New Book -- "Going Rogue: An American Life"

Started by Warph, October 03, 2009, 01:21:18 AM

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One year ago, Sarah Palin burst onto the national political stage like a comet. Yet even now, few Americans know who this remarkable woman really is.

On September 3, 2008 Alaska Governor and vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin delivered a speech at the Republican National Convention that electrified the nation and instantly made her one of the most recognizable women in the world.

As chief executive of America's largest state, she had built a record as a reformer who cast aside politics-as-usual and pushed through changes other politicians only talked about: Energy independence. Ethics reform. And the biggest private sector infrastructure project in U.S. history. And while revitalizing public school funding and ensuring the state met its responsibilities to seniors and Alaska Native populations, Palin also beat the political "good ol' boys club" at their own game and brought Big Oil to heel.

Like her GOP running mate, John McCain, Palin wasn't a packaged and over-produced candidate. She was a Main Street American woman: a working mom, wife of a blue-collar union man, and mother of five children, the eldest of whom is serving his country in Iraq and the youngest, an infant with special needs. Palin's hometown story touched a populist nerve, rallying hundreds of thousands of ordinary Americans to the GOP ticket.

But as the campaign unfolded, Palin became a lightning rod for both praise and criticism. Supporters called her "refreshing" and "honest," a kitchen-table public servant they felt would fight for their interests. Opponents derided her as a wide-eyed Pollyanna unprepared for national leadership. But none of them knew the real Sarah Palin.

In this eagerly anticipated memoir, Palin paints an intimate portrait of growing up in the wilds of Alaska; meeting her lifelong love; her decision to enter politics; the importance of faith and family; and the unique joys and trials of life as a high-profile working mother. She also opens up for the first time about the 2008 presidential race, providing a rare, mom's-eye view of high-stakes national politics—from patriots dedicated to "Country First" to slick politicos bent on winning at any cost.

Going Rogue traces one ordinary citizen's extraordinary journey and imparts Palin's vision of a way forward for America and her unfailing hope in the greatest nation on earth.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


57 states ?? It sounds like who ever wrote that took obama's gaff to heart .:)
Newt & Sarah in 2012 !!!!!!!

Diane Amberg

She's following the money. Now that she has a fan base why would she bother with politics? She can make much more money as a speaker. I wish her well.


Lady Di---damn this is kill'n me---I think she wants more than money. She wants the Katy Couric's of the USA to eat crow and see how many Liberals will move to another country when she is sitting in the White House. And do I wish her well ?? Newt and Sarah in 2012----or Sarah & Newt !!!


I'm a gambler, I'll take bets on how that will go.  I say Sarah and Dick!!!!! ;)


Dick ?? You mean Cheney ??? Never happen. He would spend all his time defending himself from the crazy left witch hunters. Rove ?? I could live with that.


Cheney?  Rove?

I thought you people were supposed to be conservatives......
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


 LOL a book about her life.......if her life is special enough for a book so is mine....think I'll write it and see. hmmm........what would I call it.........

Dick Cheney???? Karl Rove?????? Gingrich?????????you have GOT to be kidding.


Just thought Palin and Cheney could go hunting together and see who was the best shot! ;D ;D ;D

Diane Amberg

According to her "almost son-in law", she wasn't very interested in guns. My bet would be on Cheney.
    Jar, I just didn't see Sarah as a vindictive person who would be interested in Katy's crow or anybody else's. Politics can be ugly, they all know that. Why keep it stirred up? She'll need those reporters if she does run.

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