Political payback”: Michelle on Obama’s Chicago Olympics cronyism

Started by Warph, September 30, 2009, 03:27:17 PM

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Jo McDonald

For the life of me, I don't understand how ANYONE can support Obama.


I guess my point was that this isn't about supporting Obama, it's about supporting the US bid for the Olympics.

I'm sure there's a whole other argument out there about supporting the Olympics and spending money on "games" when the country is in such disarray.  But I would say the same thing for the NFL.  Why not suspend the NFL during these hard times, too?  I mean, people are just wasting their money paying for tickets to go to games or cable to watch them on TV when they could be out there getting off their "armchair quarterback butt" and actually WORKING for a living.  (Devil's advocate question, there... don't really feel that way myself.)

Diane Amberg

I give up. Some of you are determined to take every thing I say personally. As a spectator I have always enjoyed the Olympics and have supported our people here who have gone. We have a world class skating rink right here in town. I've gotten so see Dorothy Hamel and many others skate. As far as the business end, that's how business is, there are sharks everywhere. Why in the world would someone sink their life savings into an inventory that becomes dated right after the Olympics are over? That's a very iffy, risky proposition at best. What has that got to do with today? Now I have to go to a school to help a teacher who is having a hard time figuring out ideas for her classes' fire prevention contest entries so I'm dropping off a bunch of brochures for her school.  Later.


wahhh ! I was wrong. Lady Di was right and Chi-town didn't get the olympics. I was wrong about "The O -man " going to Afghanistan too. Too dangerous so he made Gen. McChrystal come to him in Denmark. I should get half credit on that one.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 02, 2009, 09:08:55 AM
I give up. Some of you are determined to take every thing I say personally.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 01, 2009, 09:25:55 PM
I'm not nearly as negative and cynical as some of you who see commies under every bush. I'll enjoy it where ever it is held. 

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 01, 2009, 09:43:02 PM
Bushes as in shrubs, ya know, the green leafy kind. After all, aren't the Olympics just another commie plot of some sort to distract us from the real business at hand, which is to discredit the POTUS by whatever means is necessary.

Take what you say personally??  Some of us get accused of being negative and cynical and trying to discredit the president just because we don't like him, when all we have done is express our opinion on the subject.  So you tell me just how the hell are we supposed to take what you post?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Varmit, you act as if I accused you personally of trying to discredit the POTUS. There is nobody left who doesn't already know how much you despise the man. ( I expecting SS at your door anytime now ) ;D. We had been talking about the Olympics....Doesn't matter anyway, I won! ;D   So where is all the conspiracy theory now?

Jo McDonald

I must have taken a little snooze somewhere along the line.....Conspiracy??  What conspiracy?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 02, 2009, 12:41:19 PM
Varmit, you act as if I accused you personally of trying to discredit the POTUS.  

By including me into the group that doesn't see things your way, you did.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 02, 2009, 12:41:19 PM
 So where is all the conspiracy theory now?

( I expecting SS at your door anytime now ) ;D. [/quote]

Considering that the current adminstration is looking more and more like the Nazi party, you're not the only one.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I aint doing too good on my predictions here of late so I'll ask you---how long until the race card is played on why the olympics went south ? I have an idea but I don't want to be wrong twice in the same week !!!

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