Nurses and Scientists Refuse Swine Flu Vaccine

Started by Teresa, September 30, 2009, 11:51:06 AM

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Quote from: Varmit on October 02, 2009, 09:41:46 PM
Quote from: Tobina+1 on October 02, 2009, 02:32:22 PM
Varmit; What did they say?  What was the majority opinion?

Most said that they wouldn't take it.  For lots of different reasons, the most common were that the vaccine was too new and untested, that it contained unsafe products (mercury and such), and some said that it was a matter of principle.  They believed that the gov't has no right to force a person to take an immunization.

Personally, I wouldn't go with either option.  I will not take the swine flu or any other flu shot.  And I will not be quarantined in my home or any other place.  If the gov't does do something this stupid then they had better make themselves a vaccine for lead and steel.  Because that is exactly what they will be getting if they try to drag me and my family from our home, or keep us locked up in it.

Thanks for the info.  I agree; the government shouldn't force a vaccine on anyone.  I did get the normal flu shot, and it was my option (at my doctor's recommendation).  I don't think I'll take the H1N1 shot; still too new to know much about it.  The nasal spray was not an option for me; my doctor said I needed the killed vaccine since I was pregnant, as well as people who would be spending a lot of time around the baby.  Like a lot of people have already stated; the flu shot isn't a guaranteed prevention... just "may" help you keep the most common types away this season.
I think Steve also had a good point earlier (sorry if it wasn't him; not scrolling back through to know who said it for sure)... natural exposure is the best.  But I also think it's good that modern science has given us vaccinations for certain diseases, and also for those who are less able to fight them off naurally.

Diane Amberg

Where did this business of the Gov'nt forcing people to take the vaccine come from? I have heard nothing of that.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 05, 2009, 10:09:12 AM
Where did this business of the Gov'nt forcing people to take the vaccine come from? I have heard nothing of that.

I think there have been some proposals to force it upon the public and force quarantines on those who get swine flu.  The simple fact is they can try and quarantine all they want but its not going to stop it nor slow it down.  By the time you show symptoms you have already spread it to untold number of people out there.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 05, 2009, 10:09:12 AM
Where did this business of the Gov'nt forcing people to take the vaccine come from? I have heard nothing of that.

New York wanted to "force" 500,000 healthcare and gov't workers to take it.  Beck asked the question of his listeners.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I have read that unvaccinated health care workers will be required to wear masks, nothing about forcing anyone to take vaccine.

Diane Amberg

We already have good hand washing habits here and lots of hand sanitizer available, and use universal precautions with coughing patients anyway. I'll see what gets updated and reported Friday night. I checked on NY, and you are right, they do want to make it mandatory, but I don't think they can.


Good news! I went to see Dr. today, and did not hear even one cough or sneeze while I was there. In fact, the place was nearly deserted, didn't look to be any of those crammed in the cracks appointments they do when everybody is sick. I commented on the fact to my favorite tech, and she said they seemed to be in a lull at the moment. Shirley Black even stopped by for a little visit. I do hope that this pandemic does not materialize in the way that has been envisioned, or that it will be terminated early with the precausions that have been taken.


I talked to my sister yesterday, and she is due to have a baby in April.  She said that her OB told her to get the H1N1 flu shot.  She's a little uncertain about it.

At the El Dorado hospital, they now have signs up all over telling people to NOT visit patients if they are not feeling well(themselves are sick, not the patients, duh).  The sign said that if you MUST visit someone and you are ill, then to please ask for a mask.  Also, it says that children under 12 are discouraged from visiting patients.


I really had no opinion on this until today.  I went for my monthly shot to control any recurrence of my carcinoma that was removed last year.  This Doctor is a wonderful lady and very smart and very open and very honest.  After going over my blood tests with me, she asked if I wanted my flu shot.  I replied that the pulmonary Doctor had told me I was to be sure and get the swine flu shot when it was available.  And, she said-------------------The flu shot that you get every year does not affect the swine flu and the swine flu shot does not do anything for the regular flu.  She wants me to get both and proceeded to give me my flu shot.  And, I will get the swine flu shot when it is available. 

Just passing along the info I go today.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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