Obama is a Narcissistic Nut Case!

Started by Warph, September 25, 2009, 12:13:47 AM

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Slowly, and I mean slowly, Americans are beginning to notice Obama's elevated opinion of himself.  There's nothing new about narcissism in politics.   Every senator looks in the mirror and sees a president.  Nonetheless, has there ever been a president with a wider gap between his estimation of himself and the sum total of his lifetime achievements?  I think NOT!  Obama started out as a below average community organizer, tied to ACORN and a host of abominable creeps, a former Illinois state senator who voted "present" nearly 130 times, was a three-year senator without a single important legislative achievement to his name.  As president of the Harvard Law Review, as law professor and as legislator, he never produced a single notable piece of scholarship!  Never written a single memorable article!  His most memorable work is a biography of his favorite subject: HIMSELF!!!  The poor fool is nothing but a narcissistic con man, hoping to create the largest Ponzi scheme in history within Politics.... and he's will on his way of making it happen while the poor suckers, (the American people), stand by and let it happen!   

In the words of his own slogan, "we are the ones we've been waiting for," which, translating the royal "we," means: " I am the one we've been waiting for."  Amazingly, when running for president he had a quasi-presidential seal with its own Latin inscription affixed to his lectern, until general ridicule -- it was pointed out that he was not yet president -- induced him to take it down.

He lectures us that instead of worrying about immigrants learning English, "you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish" -- a language Obama does not speak!  He further admonishes us on how "embarrassing it is that Europeans are multilingual but we go over to Europe, and all we can say is 'merci beaucoup.' "  Obama speaks no French!

For the first few months of his campaign, the question about Obama was: Who is he?  The question now is: Who in the hell does he think he is?  Man, are we getting to know.  Redeemer of our uninvolved, uninformed lives.  Lord of the seas.  And more.  As he said on victory night, "his rise marks the moment when our planet began to heal."  As I recall, Jesus practiced his healing just on the sick.  Obama operates on a hell of a larger canvas.

The fact that Obama is a total incognito with zero accomplishment, makes this inexplicable infatuation alarming.  Obama is not an ordinary man.  He is not a genius.  In fact he is quite ignorant on MOST important subjects.  It makes one wonder just who in the hell is running this country?  Barack Obama is a narcissist, pure and simple.

Dr. Sam Vaknin, the author of the 'Malignant Self Love,' also believes, "Barack Obama appears to be a narcissist."  Vaknin is a world authority on narcissism.  He understands narcissism and describes the inner mind of a narcissist like no other person.  When the doctor talks about narcissism everyone listens.  Vaknin says that Obama's language, posture and demeanor, and the testimonies of his closest, dearest and nearest suggest that Obama is either a pure narcissist or he has a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

According to Vaknin, "Narcissists project a grandiose but false image of themselves.  Jim Jones, the charismatic leader of People's Temple, the man who led over 900 of his followers to cheerfully commit mass suicide and even murder their own children was also a narcissist.  David Koresh, Charles Manson, Joseph Koni, Shoko Asahara, Stalin, Saddam, Mao, Kim Jong Ill and Adolph Hitler are a few examples of narcissists of our time.  All these men had a tremendous influence over their followers.  They created a personality cult around themselves and with their blazing speeches elevated their admirers' souls, filled their hearts with enthusiasm and instilled in their minds a new zest for life.  They gave them 'HOPE!'  They gave them 'CHANGE.'  They promised them the moon, but alas, invariably they brought them to their own doom. When you are a victim of a cult of personality, you don't know it until it is too late."

I guess you can say that I'm quite pissed in the way this narcissistic blow-hard, Barack Hussein Obama, is slowly turning this NATION into a second class "has-been."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Here are the diagnostic criteria for Narcissictic Pesonality Disorder:
1.  Reacts to criticism with feelings of rage, shame or humiliation even if not expressed.
2. Interpersonally exploitive; takes advantage of others to achieve his own goals. 
3. Has a grandious sense of self importance; exagerates achievements and talents; expects to be noticed as special without           appropriate achievement.
4. Believes that  his problems are unique and can only be understood by other special people.
5. Is preoccupied with fantasies of ulimited sucess, power, beauty or ideal love. 
6.  Has a sence of entitlement; unreasonable expectation of especially favorable treatment. 
7.  Rquires constant attention and admiration. 
8.  Lack of empathy; inabilty to recognize how others feel. 
9.  Is preoccupied with feelings of envy


Wow...8 out of the 9 are dead on...the ninth one is a question mark but not by much...Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


You know the difference between obama and God?  God doesn't think he is obama.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


 :-\ :-\ :-\ ::) OMG think I recognized myself in a couple of those.  :angel:


Warph... one of the guys wrote this..I'll pass it on here.

BHO is exactly that, as well as not the brightest bulb in the pack. Of course, that is his most endearing quality to his handlers - they want him running rampant, they want him doing as much damage to the US as possible with his ill-thought, misguided, and just flat-out wrong ideas. It's what they want, so they are happy with his actions.

BTW, anyone see the Canadian news report (not run in the US MSM of course) in which bho was taken to task by Sarkozy? "Obama: "We must never stop until we see the day when nuclear arms have been banished from the face of the earth."

    Sarkozy: "We live in the real world, not the virtual world. And the real world expects us to take decisions."

The rest of Sarkozy's remarks were, well, remarkable:

    "President Obama dreams of a world without weapons ... but right in front of us two countries are doing the exact opposite.

    "Iran since 2005 has flouted five security council resolutions. North Korea has been defying council resolutions since 1993.

    "I support the extended hand of the Americans, but what good has proposals for dialogue brought the international community? More uranium enrichment and declarations by the leaders of Iran to wipe a UN member state off the map," he continued, referring to Israel.

The sharp-tongued French leader even implied that Mr Obama's resolution 1887 had used up valuable diplomatic energy.

    "If we have courage to impose sanctions together it will lend viability to our commitment to reduce our own weapons and to making a world without nuke weapons," he said.

Mr Sarkozy has previously called the US president's disarmament crusade "naive."


I never dreamed I would live to see the day when I had to say the FRENCH President was right and an American "President" was a putz. They should trade places.   :-\
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I couldn't find a really good place to put this, but here is close enough.  This is from Robert Rector who is a former editor with the Pasadena Star-News and the Los Angeles Times.  It is entitled----------


I've mounted the soap box way too many times this year to complain about the lack of civility in this country's political discourse.

I certainly don't seem to be changing any minds.

From tea-baggers to tax-and-spend liberals, everyone has cranked the volume up to max.

But I have one more column to get off my chest before I refrain from visiting the topic again.  Or, in today's vernacular, I will shut the hell up.

What follows, then, is a snapshot of our political landscape, September 2009, as seen through the eyes of an assortment of pundits, print and electronic media, bloggers and commentators.  Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental.

Barack Obama is president of the United States.  He is a Nazi and/or a Socialist who brainwashes children, plans to kill your grandmother, holds office illegally and is in fact an Indonesian thug.  He is a Muslim who plans to deliver the country to Islamic jihadists who will convert our Churches to mosques, veil our women, toss our liquor into the Pacific Ocean and pack the halls of Congress with radical clerics.

He has over and over again exposed himself as a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture.  His book, "Dreams From My Father," is nothing more than a dimestore "Mein Kampf."

Obama is transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second Amendment, FEMA camps and Martial Law.

His vice president, Joe Biden, is a career Washington insider with hair plugs and serious case of foot-in-mouth disease who has participated in the attempt to destroy the lives, not just careers, of a number of eminently qualified American, carrying the water for the Democrat Party and the American left.

Principal among President Obama's Cabinet members is Timothy Geithner, a tax cheat who is running the Treasury Department.  He is nothing more than a lapdog of the Obama administration whose job is to divert attention from the president's carefully unfolding socialist agenda.

Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, reminds men of the worst characteristics of women they've encountered over their life:  totally controlling, not soft and cuddly.  Not sympathetic.  Not patient. Not understanding  Demanding, domineering, Nurse Rached kind of thing.

She has stayed in a failed marriage as a way of keeping or even fostering her own political influence.  They say a Hillary stamp fails to stick because the wrong side is being spit on.

Obama won the White House by defeating the Republican ticket of John McCain and Sarah Palin in the November 2008 election.

McCain uses his status as a war hero to cover up his shortcomings in the integrity and character department.  He is a weird progressive like Theodore Roosevelt.  He is too old to be president and thinks his age grants him a memory waiver.  Getting in a  fighter plane and getting shot down is not a qualification to become President.

His running mate Sarah Palin, the recently resigned governor of Alaska, was selected to boost a sagging campaign but instead became a liability.  Instead of a politician, the Republicans got the Homecoming Queen most of us had to tolerate in high school.  All meanness and good looks and inexplicable popularity, and, when lips move, just plain wrong about everything.

Obama replaced George Bush, a man of questionable intellectual capacity, as president.  He was seen as another Ronald Reagan, who himself was a nuclear cowboy who hated the poor.  Bush was the worst two-term president in the history of the country.  From Iraq to Katrina, from the environment to the economy, his deer-in-the-headlines governance almost destroyed the Republican Party.

Bush's Vice President was Dick Cheney, whose defense of torture and other extreme measures as necessary to keep Americans sage was a perverse example of wishful nightmare thinking.......Cheney terrified more Americans than did any terrorist in the last seven years.

Anyway, you get the point.  As Americans, we have the right to express every opinion mentioned above.  But verbal viciousness often ends in violence.

Perhaps we would be wise to remember the words of John F. Kennedy:  "So let us begin anew, remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof.  Let us never negotiate out of fear.  But let us never fear to negotiate."


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


 :) as I stand around absorbing and listening to conversations from those much more intelligent than me on subjects..  I have heard that said over and over and over.. give or take some words..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


And THAT Ladies and Gentlemen is the truth of the Rest of the Story~~   :)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


came across the news they defeated the public health option.

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