Nancy Pelosi and friends

Started by redcliffsw, September 11, 2009, 05:55:00 PM

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Nancy Pelosi--Socialist connections and friends in Congress(Socialists are us--from Lincoln to Pelosi)
by Al Benson Jr.

The patriotism of the 20th century was communism, and that trend continues into the 21st century. From Lincoln to Pelosi we advance further into socialism. May God have mercy upon us and help us to repent!

The Socialist International is a world-wide socialist organization. Their own website states as much. They claim to be a "...worldwide organization of social democratic, socialist and labor parties..."

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is the biggest socialist organization in this country and it is the principal affiliate of the Socialist International. These folks are against the "evil" of "private profit" (read that wealth redistribution) and "race and gender discrimination" (read that in favour of homosexuality) among other things. You can read about them Here but I wouldn't recommend reading their stuff before breakfast.

At this point, many will be tempted to say "Well, that's interesting, but so what?" The "so what" of it is that you just might want to check to see if your congress person is a member of this socialist group. There are over fifty congress persons from several different states that belong to this organization. They come from all across the country, from Vermont, New York, and Massachusetts to California and Arizona, and from notable socialist enclaves in between, such as Illinois--the midwestern socialist paradise. Remember, these people in Congress are opposed to "private profit" (except for their own). They want all that is detrimental to these United States because they have some fuzzy Marxian theory of a "classless society" (with themselves in the top class), and they will verbally (for now) tar and feather anyone who dares to disagree with them as an "extremist." They claim to have a vision for a "more free, democratic...society" which really means that they want complete freedom to propagate their socialist dogma while restricting your right to oppose it. To grasp that fact, all you have to do is look at some of these recent town meetings where union thugs have been showing up to discourage those who want to question why these people are so anxious to shove Obama/Sotero's "health plan" down our throats. Their "more free" society goes in only one direction--theirs!

rest of story:

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