What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

We just got back from fire house and our bell ringing, prayers and the reading of the 343 names. Very moving. Right after, the Chief stopped by with a bunch of pizzas that Grotto Pizza called him to come pick up as a donation of thanks from them. Really very nice. I'm tired.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Mom70x7 on September 11, 2011, 12:20:45 PM
Larry -

I bought the gluten-free rice flour at Dillon's in Andover. They have a couple of aisles of gluten-free products.

The bread was delicious! Took it to church this morning, left it on the counter to serve after church to the Healthy Congregations committee. One of the Sunday School classes saw the bread, sliced it and served it to everyone, so by the time I got back to church, our entire Sunday School department had tasted the bread. They all loved it! Then I explained what it was and they were surprised. One comment, "I didn't know healthy food could be that good."  :D Since that's the point of the Healthy Congregations committee dinner next week, I think we scored a home run. Thanks, again - inspired by you!

You're right, the bread is dense and would probably make good toast. It still a little of the fresh-baked smell this morning, so that didn't make any difference today.

So did you use a bread maker or do it the old fashioned way? I need to learn to make gluten free bread as Jim is a bread freak and he really needs to eat something that won't add to the belly and the diabetes.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on September 11, 2011, 03:11:23 PM
So did you use a bread maker or do it the old fashioned way? I need to learn to make gluten free bread as Jim is a bread freak and he really needs to eat something that won't add to the belly and the diabetes.

I made it the old-fashioned way, but the Dillons at Andover has bread mixes you can use with a bread machine. It's a real messy bread to make, since it doesn't have the gluten that forms the nice doughy-elastic balls I get from regular bread. I'm going to make 3 loaves of it for fellowship dinner next week.

Does Jim need gluten-free foods? The carbs in the bread aren't any lower than regular bread.


Mom, glad the bread turned out well.  You must be a good baker because not a lot of people can turn out good gluten-free bread until after a few tries.  (Oh, wait, I forgot, it runs in the family!)

Yesterday, I arrived at the American Legion Post just before noon.  They had a brief remembrance ceremony for 911 victims and then the  band started to set up.  While there is free parking for the post, by the time I got there it was full.  It is not a big lot.  Maybe 40 parking spaces.  But there was metered space in front.  So I put in an hour's worth of quarters and went inside.  I enjoyed the view and talked to some guys and then my babysitting duties called.  I was early and played with the baby briefly, then helped my daughter-in-law put some things away and hung a clothes rack inside a closet door (They are still moving in.)  Then they got ready and left around 4.  Granddaughter #3 was fast asleep on the couch.  So I watched football, then baseball, then started a movie............when is this kid going to wake up?   She woke at six and we played with some toys for a while and as I was instructed to do, gave her dinner at seven.  Then back to the movie and she just sat on my lap watching TV.  Now, I know an almost 1-year-old can't possibly understand a movie, but she was all wrapped up in it.  My son and his wife came home at 9 and I packed up and left. 

Now, this child is known for screaming anytime anyone but her parents want to hold her.  She is even known to cry if she is in a room with several people and her parents walk out of the room.  The only time she cried was when I went into the kitchen to get her food.  As soon as I came back, she stopped.  My daughter-in-law had been worried that she would cry a lot and was tremendously relieved when she came home and heard how good the baby was.  Downside to this...............Now that the DIL knows the baby is good around me, she wants me to babysit more.................maybe not a downside, after all.

The other night coming home from there, I had the massive blowout.  I have new tires now, so no worries about that.  I got to my exit and turned onto the street to go home...............and ran over a possum..............a small possum...............possums are too dumb to get out of the way.............just as well, I am not too fond of possums, anyhow.  Should've stopped.............could've had possum stew...............yecchhh. ;D

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

That's OK, they only live about two years in the wild anyway. Nature wastes a lot of them.

Diane Amberg

Had to put a blanket on the bed last night, but it was sure great to open up the house for some nice fresh air. I thank you for the refreshing change.   


We went down to the Indian Summer here in town!  Several tribes are here, they have several dances that are judged, costumes, select and Indian Princess, have Indian tacos and fry bread.  There is a juried art show, and some of the art, jewelry, drums, gords, etc. are just fabulous.  I look forward to attending every year.  The weather hasn't cooperated for them this year, as it is in the 50's and there are showers now and then.  Most of us are grateful for any moisture, but it has put a damper on outside activities.



Well--- I am flushing. Seriously! I had to have the sewer line dug out and replaced, and of course that all takes time. I have been waiting for about 2 1/2 weeks now, flushing only occasionally, no tissue in the commode, and infrequent showers and dish washing along with zero laundry. The laundry situation was becoming code red! All the work is done except for backfill, and the cable guy was just here to reconstruct the cable that got broken during the digging. All the utilities were marked, but waiting so long before work was begun, some of the markings could have been better. So I am sitting in the lap of luxury just flushing and doing laundry to my hearts' content.  ;D ;D


We have embarked on cleaning our garage and with a "no holds barred" attitude, meaning if it out there we don't it.  Well, except for the Christmas decoratiions,etc.  The Boss says that with another cousin of hers coming to visit next month, she wants that garage CLEANED!!!!!!!!!!!!  I didn't have the heart to tell her most of the stuff is hers.  But we have been working for a few days now and things are looking better. 

The excitement?  In the midst of sorting through old papers, my son texted me (kids don't call anymore, they just text) and asked if I was available for babysitting on short notice.  It appears they must attend a fund-raiser tonight in which some of the funds goes to their charity they have established for the Nepal orphanage.  Plan A was that some friends of theirs were attending and had a baby sitter for their kids and my granddaughter would be with them.  Nothing had been confirmed, so he needed a Plan B, just in case.
A few moments ago, he called and said Plan A was a go.  However, he did ask for babysitting services for tomorrow night.  I will go and do what I did last week.  That is, go early and visit the American Legion Hall for a little while and go babysit. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

Six, I'm glad to hear you've been so flush with success. Groan...    Larry, I don't know how you keep up with all those goings on. But it does sound like fun and keeps ya young, right?
  I wasn't going to post this as I know you won't have heard about it, but we lost one of our New Castle Police Officers just after midnight last night. First time in almost 40 years. Bad guy was robbing a car parked in front of a house in a nice neighborhood and was stopped by the owner. The dude took off, the police were called and the sector Sargent, who was just moments away, spotted him gave chase on foot and caught him. In the ensuing tussle Sgt. Joe was stabbed in the neck and bled out in seconds before he could be helped by other responding officers. I knew him casually and he was a student of mine in the Police Academy 18 years ago. A terrible thing and we are all sad at heart.

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