What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Judy Harder

And take the chance you would "roll me" and take all my money ? I think

I think, "Roll you" would have to be the way........no way, well, maybe if it were absolutely necessary..........NAH
if you can't get yourself up, you will just have to stay there...........LOL you should roll very well, have you played that
game with Morgan......showing her how to roll down a hill? You might get the job done.

Oh, Thank Goodness you do wear suspenders..............you might flash us when you weren't trying.......Oh ugh! not a pleasant thought. forget I said that......velcro might work, too.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


The excitement is past - but I thought I'd fill you guys in on it. Jim and I took care of our 2-year-old grandson, Brigston, over the weekend. Son James came down Sunday and took him home.

It's been awhile since we've had a 2-year-old around, let alone in the house for a weekend. We were exhausted when he left. But . . . had a lovely visit. He's a beautiful child, well-mannered, happy and healthy, and that's about all we could ask for.

Here are a couple of pictures (he turned 2 in July):

Diane Amberg



Ms Bear

He is so cute, and to get to keep him for a whole weekend without the parents.  You really get to know their personalities better without the parents.  Hope you get many more weekends with him.

Judy Harder

I had planned to take the day off from walking, working (ok, maybe that exaggerates, computer play) and after I picked up the bedroom I reached down to pick up a piece of lint, that turned into a spider and ran into my closet.................
Ok, a few days earlier I had a larger one webbed into one side of my slidding door closet...........and missed him, too.
Today, I decided I needed to move the stuff in the closet and rearrange the clothes and take out what I don't need or want.
After all these years of the kids being gone and begging them to take their stuff, I am discarding it all..........nothing important. but trash here it comes.

Do you know how much I can get into a closet. now remember this is a 3 room apartment and the best thing they did here was to put shelves and room in it. I can fill a moving van with what I have in there............oh, I never touched the upper shelf except to cram a few items up there. LOL that will be when I need to get Christmas stuff down, or if!

So bed being full and dust all over, I did sort and pitch out what I will be sorry for later. But, after 20+ years of nagging, don't think it will be missed. Now, I am sitting here and realize I did all that in two hours. no wonder I am beat...........wheeee.
my animals think I slipped a cog, never move like that.LOL
Oh, never did find the spiders........neither one were recluse or black widows. They will be dead when I find them..unless they got sucked up in sweeper.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


You are so ambitious and diligent you make me feel downright lazy.  All I have done today is pull some grass and weeds and watch some birds and nap.  I did clean up a pile on my desk that I hunt through everytime I want to mail something.  Now I can find my return address labels and my list of addresses.  Still don't know what to do with the two handmade potholders that my 95 year old aunt sent me.  I don't want to use them.  They are probably the last thing that she will make for me.  There is also the copy of an amended return that I did for a friend.  Should I toss it or file it?  And I think I found the 2010 fishing guide that I picked up at the courthouse last year.  There was something else in that pile that I couldn't decide what to do with, too.  Decisions, decisions.  They just wear me out.


I went for a haircut today, had a nice visit with Michele, stopped at the pharmacy, stopped at Dollar General, stopped at the grocery. Tomorrow I will be getting ready for a date with a very special fellow. Yippee!  ;) ;)

Ms Bear

I actually set my alarm for 7 am when I went to bed about 1:30 am.  Had to be at Drs. office for some follow-up blood work, thought they had enough the first time but they weren't happy with the A1C1 so had to redo it.  Went to McDonalds for breakfast afterwards and then stopped at Wal-Mart to let everyone know I am still smiling since retiring.  Good to see all my friends even if just for a few minutes.

Went on to the hospital for Mammagram and bone density test.  Found out why I am getting fat, I have shrunk 1/2 inch in height.  I didn't think that excuse would work.  Went to a favorite restaurant with special friends and had deep fried stuffed avocado, lunch was good but the visit was the best.

Had a good day.

Judy Harder

I have trouble sending the extra program here if in a poor Oh, dear, I am you I have a program help. I am not being easy not sure what I am being care hopefun and not sure what I am doing do.
In the special Oh, I need help and not sure what is wrong gone.
Last 30 minutes my body am is feeling a program.
I thought it was a Fibro fog and I am feeling nothing is I don't know what is wrong.
Not sure what I need to do..............please keep prayer for me, I am just scared............don't know what what I am doing.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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