What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Watched the lightning bugs for awhile last night. Judy, you may want to take a q-tip and tickle the blossoms on your tomatoes. They may be having problems pollinating with the heat and lack of bees. Today, I stayed home, caught up on the laundry, paid bills and argued with the dogs. Too hot to play outside much. I like summer, but this is a heavy dose for so early.

Bonnie M.

We're heading back to Escondido tomorrow!  It's been a good visit here in Kansas, but, we are really ready to get back to our own "Adobe Hacienda!"  We're in Leawood, KS, this evening, spending the night with our son, Mark, and will start out early in the morning.  Mark is driving us back home.  He will fly back to Kansas City on Saturday.

I enjoy the lightening bugs, also, and we don't have them in California, either.

I've had more than a little computer "withdrawal symptoms."

Take care,


Bonnie, we missed seeing you this year!  We just got back from eating at the Copan Truck Stop!  Some friends called and asked us to go.  We always think of you when we eat there!  Hope you had a good time in Kansas!   Have a safe trip home, and let us know when you get there!


Bonnie M.

Thanks, Myrna.  When we drive, our route is a bit different, so we don't come by Copan.

We arrived back home yesterday afternoon.  It's such a beautiful drive on Highway 70.  From Denver to Highway 15 and through Utah, the scenery is "breathtaking!"  We are thankful for a safe trip.

We always have next year to look forward to, or, the next time we fly back to Tulsa, we'll plan on the catfish dinner at Copan!



I just returned from my 6-year-old granddaughter's school.  Today was the last day, marked by an awards ceremony and then a sing-along.  Afterwards, all the families gathered on the playground for a potluck feast.  We were in charge of some hot dogs.  They must have been okay because they were all gone soon and I didn't see any in the trashcans. :laugh:

As I have been in charge of getting her to school in the mornings, many of the parents have become casual friends.  My daughter and son-in-law took the day off to be there.  So towards the end I went around saying goodbye and thanked the teacher for being such a wonderful influence on my baby.  

The summer schedule hasn't been finalized yet, but we will have her two or three days a week along with her little sister on maybe two of those days.  She will have a busy summer taking some classes such as karate and swimming, etc., offered by the city of Covina.  She showed me an award certificate she received last week for a free trip to Sea World and she and her nana (my wife) are scheduled for a trip to New York in two weeks and then there is the beach cottage in Oceanside in August for a week.  

I should be glad that school is finally over so I don't have to do all that running around so early in the morning, but I kinda feel sad about it.  I really enjoyed helping out at school and talking to the other parents and teachers.  I guess I am going to miss that until September. :(

Oh well.  On to new things and new adventures.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Judy Harder

What a beautiful day today is turning out to be.
Not too hot, low humidity and nice north breeze.Oh I know if you are out in the sun, you might be warmer
but after the 100+ days last week, this is a nice change.
I did get a walk in this morning...........mixed up a meatloaf for the week.................and cleaned up kitchen one more time.
Started a book, sat out on patio for a while and just am enjoying the day. Listening to classical and jazz on the Windows Media player and just plain taking it easy.
Not even too sure I will play on facebook.......well I will go in and visit, but heading back outside while it is comfortable.
Hope you all are able to enjoy the day..............Smile...makes people wonder what you are up too.!

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


I'm watching my hubs finish the bathroom floor today so we can sell this house and get out there with ya'all!


Roma Jean Turner

Plumbing is fixed and kitchen and bathroom look like someone has actually moved in.  Tired now but very happy.


I have 3 massages to do this morning..2 hour and a halfs.. and an hour one.. then heading to Derek and Rochelles new house and I'm going to texture 3 bedroom walls.. then painting.. then ripping the old carpet out so the installers can put in the new on Wednesday.. Ernie still hasn't got all his stuff out so last night we masked off the rooms.. and carried down all the rest of his stuff and the dining room is full. They should be back today to get it all.. then we will start cleaning the rooms so the guys can get all the heavy stuff moved in tonight.. Mark and Derek are going to rewire the house..( Derek with a brace and blown knee.. Mark with bad knee and now a foot problem where he can't hardly step on it) and them having to go up and down the cellar steps that look like a narrow slanted ladder for midgets.. This has to be done, because it is about 90 degrees in that house now with no a/c..and the upstairs where I will be all afternoon and night is worse.
Chad can't hook up the whole new ac/heat system that he put in until they do..
Kids need more furniture, so they have to go to Wichita Wednesday to get all of that.. get it back so we can get it in that evening... and get the house in livable order before Derek has his knee surgery on Friday morning in Wichita.. and Kjell and I have to go to KC for his eye surgery on Friday also.. be back on Sat to clean up the other house hopefully and have it totally everything out and done by Sunday night. oh yeah.. and I have massages to do on Wednesday and Thursday in between all of this..and lets not forget a bout a 4 year old and a 5 and a half month old baby that needs lots of attention. and care.,. and the meals that we try to throw in there ..  Plus the hardware store has to keep going.. and Derek has about 700 guns coming in in a few days..We
Had about 6 total hours of sleep in the last 2 days and doesn't look like I will be getting much more than that for the next few days.
Its a little /lot overwhelming right now... but we will get it all done..  . But you know what they say.. a family who works together on an inhuman deadline.. will either kill each other or drink themselves to death before the project is done. ( I don't like the taste of "drink" much.. but trust me.. I may learn to before this is all over.. LOL )
Its a whole lot of work.. . but it will be all worth it for them later..
The bright side is.. we all laugh a lot and and are so close that nothing is not said that you want to be said.. so everyone knows where we all stand on ideas and issues.. hahaha.. Some I can't repeat..

I told the kids.. Next year. we will look back on this and laugh and wonder how in the hell we did it all..

( I have massage to do now.. just wanted to update. and let people know why I am not on my computer or in the forums.. They will have to run themselves for a few days.. or weeks .. :)  . I will take pictures.. and I'm NOT proof reading this so if there is typos.. ... as my Grandma Workman would  say... " Plut! Who cares!".. lol
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