What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Yah, it did look good, but I cannot afford to replace it every five years or so.  :P Besides I need to save my money for psychiatrist. I bought a small glider from Sue at Tuesday treasures, and  our conversation inevitibly turned to our dogs. She mentioned that Bill had tried to adopt a little longhaired chihuahua, however he has hogwire for fencing in his back yard and she got out five times in one day. So he took her back with regret. Long story short, I brought Charlie home this afternoon after the storm, and so far so good. She is not a very timid dog and has held her own with the others so far. She is terrified of the cats, which is a good thing. She fits right in, needing to lose weight just like me and my kids. Lol! Tomorrow is another day.  ;)

Judy Harder

Edie, this Charlie is just what the doctor ordered.
I know we can not replace the ones we lose.........but another
is out there ready for us to adopt them and give a good home.

One day I have got to get over and meet your family. The glider sounds like
a good meeting place.

My Scooter, when I got him, was built like a baby pig......almost 15 pounds more than was good for him.
Since I am a walker, he did get a daily (if not two) walks aday Plus I put him on a very severe diet.....he did not
starve. Just the amount he was suppose to get and a dog biscuit during the day.

He is kind of like us when we are deprived, will eat any thing. His former owner let him eat anything that he ate and anything in celephane (SP) that made a noise and he was ready.
After years of walking (maybe 5) he has trimmed down and looks good. Now remember he is 15+ and we all get a middle age spread later in life. He does have more energy and even starts the games that he and Sassy and Fred (cat) start.
What I am saying, is you both might walk around your block and see what happens.
If he has been an only child, your other kids will get him out and playing.....I envy you.
Oh, I have enough kids(pets) right now, but I do enjoy them................a lot.
Good luck
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Edie, I hate you, hate you, hate you.  I love long haired chihuahuas and you just got one.  Of course, Bud wouldn't let me keep it anyway.  You just give it some love from me and I will try to be happy for you.

Roma Jean Turner

Good for you Edie.  Nothing like the patter pf four more little feet around the house to warm the heart.


Lol! Nice to know that there are folks around who are as doofy about their kids as I am.  ::) ::)

Roma Jean Turner

Loading the truck May wo and heading for Moline on the 22nd.  From here on in...pure pressure.  I may sleep for a week after I get there.

Judy Harder

I will look forward to having you for a neighbor. I know, I know, I live in Longton, you will be in Moline
with our small county I still call that a neighbor.
You can sleep as late as you wish. Oh, that next week the whole county plays "remember when!" all the alumae come
back and you won't believe the stories you hear when they all get together............and it doesn't matter if it is Moline, Elk Falls, Howard or Longton or Grenola..........every one swears they can blackmail one of the people they went to school with.
I did not go to school here, but one of my fun things to do is sit in the cafe, and listen to all the story's that they share. I had an invitation to go to the Longton as a guest and I hope I can do that. Depends on how my week goes.
Oh, maybe we can all have a play date with our kids..........LOL who has the fenced in yard?
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Well, I thought I had a fenced yard, but I was told that Charlie is an escape artist. They were not lying; I have been keeping an eye on her when she goes out and sure enough she found a spot she can squeeze through. She wasn't going anywhere, came right to me when I called. I think it is a challenge to her. Untill I get all the bugs out, I will have to accompany her on her outside tours. I did find out something about her this afternoon, she likes to be wooled and to have a pretend fight. I wooled her good, and she loved it.  :D

Roma Jean Turner

I had to chicken wire all my gates and some areas of the fence because my little chihauhua, dachshund terrier mix get out.  Those little dogs are like rats, if they can get their head through, the rest of the body will follow.

I am moving on the 21St, not the 22nd and I just got a renter for my house tonight, who may want to buy it in a few months.  I tell you, the good Lord is looking out for me.   What a relieft to have happen right now.  I do look forward to milling around town Memorial Day weekend and people watching.  None of my family is coming to the reunion, so I may run up to Sedan Saturday and/or Sunday and check out the Blue Grass Festival.

Judy Harder

I think the night of the 28th there will be a street dance on Kansas in Longton. think I read from 9-?

Bring a lawn chair and watch all the "KIDS"??? do their thing. The older ones can still kick up the rug, if they have had their naps and keep oxygen close...........LOL had to do that.
Sounds like a good thing to go watch.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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