What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

If any of you watch Jay Leno, you'll see little Delaware get a mention on his show tonight. Has to do with ice cream. Very funny. I'll tell you more after it airs. Our snow last night didn't amount to much, but they are now watching for next Tuesday. I know you are very cold there. Stay warm!


Now that naps have been mentioned.  It is time.  Have done my grandfatherly thing with #1 granddaughter as far as school and a little bit of outside activities.  We have hired a friend who is currently out of work to paint for us.  It's a win-win situation.  This trim gets painted plus a few other chores I rather not do myself and he gets to earn some money.  I have gone to the grocery store and picked up needed things like coffee and milk and stuff for tacos tonight.  (don't worry, David, I'll watch it closely).  So now it is time for a short nap until it's time for GD to go home.  Then it's dinner time and I won't stay up for Leno, way past my bedtime.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Roma Jean Turner

I moved 10 boxes into the storage shed today.  I am shredding more tonight while I watch TV.  Now if it would just warm up enough for me to bring a load down.


Roam Jean,
Thought I ought to move my treasure hunting escapades from the birthday thread to this'un. Things are really looking up as of today. Found 7 quarters----I nickel----5 dimes and 8 pennies. By my calculation that's $2.38. I figure at this rate I will have the metal detector paid for by the year 2045. Two of the quarters were 5 inches deep but still not old enough to be silver ones.
Greatguns Sally,
Our grandfather was supposed to have lost a $20 Gold piece while farming behind a team of mules. Can you ask your Mom if she can narrow it down a mite from what my Dad told me "it's on the 80 area homestead" ??

Roma Jean Turner

Find deserted places with old storm cellars.  Grandma used to say that is where a lot of people buried their money in the old days.  I remember going on rides in the country with Grandma when I was just a little girl.   She would find a place that she had a "feeling about", then get the shovel out of the trunk of the car and dig awhile.  (I guess I come by this naturally).  Don't recall any big finds, but a nickel would have impressed me.


Was it the old Edwards homestead or where the rock house was?  Mom never heard that story and she didn't think that even sounded like something her Dad would even carry when he was out doing farm work.  Said to tell you she was sorry she couldn't help with that one.


greatguns Sally,
It was neither one of those places but do you really think I'm going to tell you where the GOLD is ??:) My Dad said it was the only $20 gold piece grandpa ever had and he lost it out of his bib overalls. He said after a rain g-pa would walk that 9 acre field and look for it but never did find it---but that's not to say someone else didn't. Ask your mom if she remembers him farming 9 acres north of the road, NE of the brick building/ house. Don't you dare go out there because I got big ass bear traps set everywhere !!!.


You are safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Relax.  I think you had already told me this story and I think Mom and I discussed it when we went to the cemetery last Memorial Day.  Don't fart around and step in one of your own traps 'cause I won't be by to rescue until next Memorial Day. :P

Roma Jean Turner

I had an appointment to take my oldest dog to the vet to have her put to sleep at noon today, because she was deteriorating so quickly.  She wanted out earlier this morning and I laid back down and fell asleep.  When I got up she had passed away laying in the middle of the front yard that she loved so much and patroled with a great since of responsibility.  Bless her heart, she spared me having to do that.  I called the place that cremates animals and they came within the hour.  This is indeed a blessing but right now I don't have to tell any of you, it is just sad.  So I'm waiting for the love and light that I know you will all send me.  Thanks Elk Co family for being there.


It's so sad. Hope you're comforted by knowing she chose to die at home.

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