What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Facebookk has changed everything.  I hear a lot more from family and the neighbors are always talking. 


She was diagnosed with croup.  Her little sister had it last week.  As it turned out, they didn't need me today and the vet appointment was at the same time as my dentist appointment so I didn't go to that.  I got a good refreshing afternoon nap in and feel good about that.

I am not normally a fan of Facebook.  I have a subscription solely for the reasons Twirldoggy stated.  I can get more information about my kids and grandkids faster.  Why this generation feels it is totally necessary to post anything and everything online is beyond me.  However, I know from looking today that my son and his family have returned from Cabo.  Has he called us to say he is home?  Nah.  But everyone who is friends on his FB site knows.  I personally don't need to know what my wife's nephew and his girlfriend were doing at the lake in Idaho last night.  But it's there for all to see.  I have to admit when I was new to FB, I posted a few items because I knew my kids would see it almost as fast as I posted it.  But then, I started getting comments from a whole slew of people that I really didn't intend to share that information with.  So now I read and comment occasionally and that's all.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Roma Jean Turner

I remember saying I had no interest in Facebook.  Then during the surgery and the recuperation at home I came to so look forward to hearing from people and seeing what they shared that I am really hooked now. The reconnection with old friends has been great.

Judy Harder

Plus when you are more or less stuck where you are it is nice to know there are people out there. I get to chat with my daughter more. Do Not    learn any more than she wants to tell me, but it is nice to see a picture of her and her boys. 1000+ miles apart it is hard/expensive to get together.

Plus the rest of family and friends. No body comes by to visit (for real) except a housekeeper and case worker, once in a while,
and only phone calls are telemarketers and I enjoy hearing how others get by.
So facebook has been a good thing in my life.
No one says you have to put your whole life out there for people to see. Not a safe world at all.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Ms Bear

I wish every town where I have family or friends had a Forum like this and then I would be happy without Facebook but since they don't I am thankful for Facebook and being able to keep up with everyone.  Mine are all so scattered and busy that days go by without a call or e-mail but they have been on Facebook.

Hope everyone has a great day today.

Roma Jean Turner

I rented a storage shed today so I can start getting things out of the house so I can get it up for sale.  I am getting closer to Elk co.  YEAH


She'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes! Hee Haw! Lol!  ;D

Roma Jean Turner

I am leaving my faucets dripping tonight so I don't have to wake up to no water tomorrow.  Just a reminder to to those in the COLD ZONE.


I can tell you what I am NOT doing today.  I am not mopping my kitchen floor.  I had it all swept nice and clean and went to get my Swiffer Wet Jet.  It was empty.  That is the bottle of solution that the mop sprays on the floor was empty.  I don't remember emptying it.  I don't even remember the last time I used it.  And I don't have a refill.  So I am not mopping the kitchen floor.

Now, at my age, it isn't easy to adjust my plans.  So what should I do with the rest of my day?  I could print the photos that were taken with my camera at Christmas or I could straighten up the notebooks of photos that I have printed.  I could clean out some drawers and store the contents in another place, then use the empty drawers to hold some of the clutter that has built up around my computer.  I could spend all day just listing the things that I could do.  The first thing I am going to do is watch the news, then have some lunch.  Soon after lunch is my two soaps.  That will take me to three o'clock.  Possibly my day has been solved.

Judy Harder

A Nap sounds good too. My nap is going to get post-poned today.
Have a new housekeeper showing up at just the time I usually sit to
watch The Doctor's and sleep through a bit (if not all) of it.
Weather says it is a good day to stay in and stay warm.
At our age, we can pretty much do as we like. As long as someone
else will do our chores....LOL
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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