What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Ms Bear

And thank God you weren't hurt, just your nerves frayed a little more.  And when something like this happens we really find out who our friends are.


We just watched an old episode of America's Funniest Home Videos. The $10,000 winner was at a car wash - didn't like the job on his windshield, so opened his door and got out. The automatic car wash brushes came around before he was ready, knocked off his door, got the inside of the car all wet. He said it cost him $3500 to fix the door. His wife was in the car and yelling at him. (I'm sure she was!  :D)

Don't know why it was video-taped - maybe a security camera at the car wash??? Anyhow, Roma Jean - you're not the only one, nor apparently the first!  ;D  ;D  ;D

Roma Jean Turner

Thanks for all the support you guys.  My sister reminded me that I could have taken down the carport and have been trapped in the car under the rubble.   ha ha All a matter of perspective.

Diane Amberg

I'm just glad you weren't hurt! Did you ever remember why you had the door open in the first place?
   Well I survived jury duty. I won't bore you with details but as always it was interesting. Fortunately the weather stayed clear and cold with no ice or anything to make my drive on I 95 into Wilmington any more annoying than usual. The older I get the less I like driving the 5 and 6 lane highways. It's a good thing I had already chosen my route  to get to I -95 because there was a nasty fatal accident on one of my choices shortly before I went. It closed down everything for hours.
   I got to see the bright red sunrise over the marshes. I'm rarely up that early in the winter. It was beautiful. I'm sure none of you would be interested but UD football has it's national championship game with East Washington in Texas tomorrow evening on ESPN 2. It's up against the Cotton Bowl so that pretty much kills the viewership.

Roma Jean Turner

Found a car door in Joplin, same year, model and color as mine and won't need to be painted.   The shop should have it here by the first of the week.  All done will run $597.00.  Sure beats the heck out the 1,500 I was afraid it would cost.  Bet I will remember to check the doors from now on.  (I am knocking on wood as I say this,  don't want to tempt fate).

Diane Amberg

Hurray! Not that having to spend that much is nice, but that is a good savings.

Diane Amberg

We still have some snow on the ground from  Friday and Saturday's snows and we 're being told to keep an eye out for Tues.
I did three work shop classes at The Special Olympics Conference today. Had 60 special students from 13 to adult with all manner of special needs, mostly Down's Syndrome but high functioning. It was a pleasure to have them. I couldn't have asked for nicer, more polite and eager learners. My workshop was all about 911 and the right way to call for help, or when not  to call 911. They especially enjoyed coming up with things that are annoying but shouldn't cause a 911 call to be made, like not getting the morning paper or being out of milk. It was a very rewarding day.


Church was nice today. Howard had lots of little kids - it's always a treat when they are there.

Enjoyed a nice afternoon nap, now watching the snow fall.

Changing my mind every 10 minutes about how much snow we should get, whether we should have school tomorrow.
We're hosting a Scholar's Bowl.

Diane Amberg

Did you have the scholars bowl or were you snowed out....or in, as the case may be.
Speaking of school, I don't know how to tell this without downright bragging, but I just came back from a delightful evening at Newark Charter school. It's the 10th anniversary of the founding and Al and I have been a part of it since the beginning. They opened in mobile classrooms and Al and I helped design the school buildings once they raised the money for them. I designed the classrooms with lots of input from the active teachers of course.Tonight the school was designated a National Blue Ribbon School for 2010, one of only 304 in the country of any kind of school, public, private or whatever and we're number 6 in the top 13 of all Charter Schools in the country. They use a core curriculum with enormous flexibility in how the teachers can teach the materials. So far it is just K-8 with hopes of building a high school in the near future. The  Newark Mayor and the Governor came, along with people from DC from the Dept. of Education and our newest congressman, John Carney, a long time personal friend. Chris Coons couldn't be there but sent a nice letter. A bunch of our local state senators and reps. came too. Most of whom I know from one committee or another.( One of the advantages of being in a small state.) I am so proud of the teachers.They really typify what education should be all about. By the way, Kansas has 5 Blue ribbon Schools this year.

Roma Jean Turner

  Dogs got all their shots up to date yesterday so they will be legal in Moline.  Had a good visit with the realtor who is going to sell my house and talked about what needs to be done.  Going to rent a storage shed and start getting things out of here so I can get the house on the market sooner.  Got the new car door on today, it looks great.  Tomorrow will have a hitch put on my car so I can rent a trailer and start hauling things to the Moline house when I finally can start going down there again to work on the house.  I am hoping to get the bulk of the household moved there sometime in March.  Finally moving ahead.

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