What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Ole Granny

"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


Quote from: larryJ on September 19, 2009, 08:21:01 AM
Whoops!  sorry, GF means gluten free.


Sorry, I'm a little late to the party on this one.  I wanted to make a comment to Larry about gluten free.  That is becoming quite a popular diet.  Not just as in dieting, but types of foods you can buy or prepare.  A lot of restaurants even have a gluten free menu (you just have to ask).  Even the likes of Italian restaurants like Johnny Carinos.  There is a lady I work with who does this type of food as a diet, and she says it also helps her allergies.  I think the last time I went into Dillons (Kroger brand grocery store) in Andover, I noticed they had a whole section on gluten free foods (breads, pastas, etc). 


Good morning, Tobina.  I will comment on your comment. 

Some hear the word "diet" and think of eating habits to lose weight.  A gluten free diet is not so much as a way to lose weight, although some people do while on this regimen.  I have actually gained back some 25 pounds since following a gluten free diet.  When I was diagnosed with celiac disease, I had lost too much weight and was anemic.  Having celiac disease means that the villi in the intestines do not catch the nutrients released from the stomach and therefore the nutrients are lost without being absorbed into the body.  Wheat, barley, and rye glutens are the worse things a celiac can eat and allows the villi to lay flat and not absorb food.  Celiac disease can cause a whole lot of other problems.  It has been associated with colon cancer which I have had an operation for - it can cause anemia, which I had and is now under control - there are some who believe that there is a connection between celiac disease and autism although this has not been proven. 

This is not a "flavor of the month" thing.  We are only hearing more about it now because Doctors were really not aware of what it was.  People who have intestinal problems such as a lot of diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal cramps, etc. probably have celiac disease.  I had a seizure in January this year and went into the hospital.  It turns out that while testing me for various things, they found I had celiac disease.  Celiac disease can lie dormant in the body for years and is triggered by a trauma event such as a seizure, or stroke, or heart attack, or even a major injury which might cause shock to the system.  I had a seizure eleven years ago which was never really diagnosed, but probably triggered the celiac.  I lost weight and became anemic and later became malnourished although I ate a healthy diet.  When I was diagnosed, 1 in 133 were believed to have celiac disease.  Lately, the number has changed to 1 in 100.  1 in 4 people who have celiac disease don't know they have. it.  A blood test can determine if you have it and better yet is the endoscopy where they put a camera down your throat and look at the small intestine.

Following a gluten free was tough at first.  We had to read everything we could on what to eat and what to shop for at the store.  There is a wealth of information on the web and I go to a monthly meeting (kinda like AA) where others who have the disease exchange recipes and information about what stores are now selling gluten free products.  (Hey, Betty Crocker is selling gluten free cake mixes at the store now).  In fact, last Saturday was the meeting and my wife made a Rice and Taco casserole which went over real big.  You have to be aware of what you can eat when you go out.  Some fast food places offer gluten free meals, but you have to ask for it.  A lot of times you are going to eat a salad with no dressing or bring your own dressing and no croutons or bring your own.  Sandwiches have to be made with rice bread or any kind of grain that does not have gluten.  At first, my wife was going nuts trying to figure out what was for dinner.  We now have a bread machine,, but have yet to use it.  Some things can remain favorites such as our In-n-out burgers which will make a protein burger which is the burger wrapped in lettuce and no bread.  We have even brought our own buns to them and they will make the burger for you.  Fresh meats, not deli or wrapped, all the fruits and veggies you can eat and any snacks or crackers made without wheat flour is good. 

So, once you get it down as to how to live gluten free and understand that will be you life style for the rest of your life, it is easy.

I could go on more about this, but I have rambled on too long.  One more thing - going on a gluten free diet is good even if you don't have celiac disease.  It is a very healthy way of living and like I said I have gained my weight back and am not anemic anymore and I am not as tired as I used to be all the time.


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I have been meaning to outline what we did for the weekend but it was so busy I couldn't remember everything, Myrna had been mapping this weekend out for quite sometime.. On Saturdays we normally go to the Farmers Market but this Saturday we skipped the Farmer's Market and drove to Dewey to check out the Arts and Crafts boothes set up for Dewey Western Days and the Tom Mix celebration, then we drove back to Bartlesville to take in the Indian Pow-Wow Dancing and all of the Indian Arts and Crafts Boothes, nearly all of the Boothes were Native Americans from New Mexico, Arizona, Texas and Oklahoma. There was some awesome Indian Jewelery and crafts for sale. There were several Indian Nations that participated in the Indian Powwow. Then we took in the Classic Car Show in Bartlesville, there were some really neat entries on display. Then back to Dewey for the Parade and to watch the Longhorn drive. After the parade Rodney Lay and the Wild Wild West Band played some great Music for 2 hours. On Sunday we went the Merle Haggard Concert and it was absolutely great, Merle still does a super job of entertaining.


Saturday, Angie and I had her father with us, he and Angie's sister from NE Missouri had made a suprise visit on Angie's other sister that lives here.  So we decided to go to Muskogee.  First stop was the Native American art museum on the campus of Bacone College. 

Then lunch.  We had bbq at Mayhlons (Which we chose because my middle name is Mahlon)  It was OK, but not in my top five (which includes Dinks in Bartlesville).  Then we went to the Three Rivers Museum, which is the area historical museum in the restored Midland Valley Railroad depot. 

As I was saving what I thought would be the best for last, we then proceeded to the Five Civilized Tribes Museum on Agency Hill.  Having checked their Saturday hours of 10-5 online, and arriving at 2:30, thought we would have plenty of time.  Wrong!  They were closed, with a sign on the door stating their hours are now 10-2 on Saturday. :o  This was the fourth time Angie and I have driven up to Agency Hill, and the museum has somehow been closed all four times. >:(

Short rant.  Why do places that supposedly exist for tourists to experience, never have hours that are convenient to tourists.  Especially with the economy the way it is, more and more people are just doing things on day trips, or at best a weekend outing.  So why be open only 10-2 on Saturday, and not at all on Sunday.  Apparently working class stiffs aren't supposed to partake! :P

Anyway, we then drove through the city park, Honor Heights, which is an amazingly landscaped nature and basic recreation park, a must see.  Then it seemed to be time for ice cream, which we have determined you can not find in Muskogee outside of Braums or Sonic.  So we decided it was time for steak.  Okie's Steakhouse, IMHO, ranks right up there with Hereford House or the Golden Ox in KC and the steakhouse at the stockyard in OKC, though in a much less 'stuffy' way. :-X


Sounds like everyone had a fun weekend full of travels!  This weekend was actually travel-free for us (for once)!  I guess I must be starting to "nest" and did a lot of cleaning.  Well, "a lot" actually means, 1 hour cleaning, 1 hour napping, 1 hour eating... repeat...   ;D
We also went to the Demo Derby in Moline, and that was fun.

Larry; thanks for that information.  I didn't know that much about celiac disease and how gluten affects it.  Like I said before, the gal I work with from CO does the gluten-free diet/lifestyle and she lost a bunch of weight on it, along with really managing her allergies and constant sicknesses.  It's good to know that more restaurants are following along with different diets and putting food on their menus.


Charles, we agree that Dinks is very good, we had dinner with some family at Dink's before going to the Merle Haggard Concert Sunday evening. Dinks Onion Straws are my favorite.

Roma Jean Turner

Did the Saturday part of the MS 150 bike ride from Clever, MO to Joplin, MO.  What a beautiful day and ride.  Got rained on some for about an hour, but nothing major.  Took the Bus back home that night and regrouped yesterday.  We ride the back roads and I thought so much about my Kansas roots.  It was wonderful to get out of town and see the cattle, barns, silo's, fields and meadows that remind me of my Kansas childhood.


Roma, you reminded me of a trip my son and I made to Kansas.  Returning home, I opted to drive US 36 instead of the interstate.  I wanted my son to see what life was like before interstates.  Unfortunately, he slept through most of it and wasn't too thrilled about driving on a two lane highway when the interstate was right over there.  Sadly, he wasn't impressed.

Years later, he bought me the book "Blue Highways" so I guess he must have been impressed a little.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Back to subject------Today, we would normally have our 4 year old granddaughter as this is a school day for her.  But, daddy stayed home from work today and took her to school.  However, she enjoys playing with the neighbors kids and came by for that so she and I are sitting around for a while.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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