What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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You know your sorry ol ass aint worth a bullet but I have a M-26 grenade you can use as a suppository and I gar-an-tee you it will clean out the lower intestinal track. That's a joke Steve---don't be gunning for me. :)


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 19, 2010, 02:24:51 PM
Oh, Steve, I'm so sorry you have that bug. Sometimes Cipro kills it but it may be too late now. Try not to get dehydrated. :'( Hang in there this too shall pass.

Cipro kills virus?  Wow never knew that it could.  I thought antibiotics ewre for bacterial infections.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Had the Signer family Christmas at my house today.  Fun times!!  We had a lot of great food.  Fabulous gag gift game!  Pictures, more food.  Mom, Danny & Family, Carlene & Family, Tony & Family and my kids & grandkids.  It doesn't get any better than this!

Diane Amberg

Steve are you sure what you have is viral? If I start with that awful hot, burning, hurting, broken glass  stomach I take a Cipro and about an hour or so later it disappears. I have very poor resistance to those stomach bugs so I have some Cipro around all the time and always take it with me when we travel.


Up early as usual-------------no granddaughter today, she is over at the other grandparents--------turned on the patio lights to check the rain gauge that I had not looked at since the rains came-----cheapo plastic six-inch gauge was overflowing.  We plan to do some shopping today, running between the raindrops------------well, walking between the rain drops---------thank God for handicap plaques.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Larry, do you have your average rainfall yet?

SDM, I am watching the roses.  They were getting pretty dry so I watered a couple of weeks ago and am hoping that it does rain enough that I won't have to water again.  The birdbath is close to the roses and the birds have been making a run on it so the roses should be well fertilized, too. 

For excitement today I am getting Christmas cards ready to mail.  I think I have received about all that I am going to this year.  I have heard from everybody that I usually hear from.


Wilma, according to the news, Los Angeles County's official rainfall as of noon today was  5 1/4 inches, about a third of its annual rainfall.  I think we might have received a bit more here in the San Gabriel Valley because of the proximity of the mountains near us.  Like I said, my cheapo raingauge holds six inches and it is overflowing.  We have one more storm coming through tonight and tomorrow so there will be more.  This year is going to be very wet, I think.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Wednesday morning update-------------the latest storm is rolling through and as of 7 AM probably is about done.  I dumped the rain gauge last night and just checked it.  It has another 2 3/4 inches in it.  The weatherman says this is the last of the rain until after Christmas day.  As I type this it has begun to rain again. 

We have a new addition to the household.  A cocker spaniel puppy named Charlie.  Interestingly enough, R.A.M.B.O is not real happy with the rain preferring to stay nearby me while the puppy, being a spaniel loves the water.  He runs right out into the rain without any problems.  Maybe he is too dumb to come in out of the rain.  (snicker).  Sorry about that.  Charlie and R.A.M.B.O. get along just great.  They act like brothers, playing and fighting (playfully). 

My better half will be at the hospital all day going through pre-op for an upcoming surgery, so I am here with two dogs and a granddaughter, inside because of the weather.  There is still some last minute shopping to do, but not today.  The plumber is coming back to do some more work replacing the old pipes. 

Joy joy!


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

When you have time tell more about your puppy why, age, color, etc.,Hope all goes well tomorrow with your wife's surgery...I'll be thinking of you all. I wondered about all your rain. The stories they are telling and showing here look pretty fierce, landslides to follow? I was wondering about Bonnie and David too. It looks like some areas got a lot and some got gi- normous amounts!


Charlie is now about ten weeks old.  He is a buff color and judging by the size of his paws will be a large dog.  We have had cockers before and are very familiar with them.  My wife has been wanting one for a while and found this one.  Pre-op went okay and surgery will be on the 30th. 

Update on the storm------since I dumped the gauge last night it has fllled to over 4 inches.  My unofficial total for this area stands at about 10-11 inches roughly two-thirds of our annual average.  Wonder what the rest of the year gonna be like.  However, as of 5 PM it appears to be lifting and the weather channel reporter says the sun is shining west of Los Angeles.  I'm too lazy to go look so I will take his word for it.   :)  There have been some reports of slides around Laguna Beach to the south of us.  Pacific Coast Highway between the Malibu area and Oxnard has been closed for a while and will be for a few days.  That is one of the most scenic drives in California along the coast from Malibu shores to the Ventura harbor. 

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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