What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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Diane Amberg

 I just finished cooking and chopping six pounds of bulk sausage and packing my market basket with the Parmesan cheese and bread crumbs, oil and all for the 30 pounds of stuffed mushrooms I'll be making soon in the fire house kitchen for the firehouse open house tonight. The mushrooms are beautiful, bigger than a silver dollar and perfect for stuffing. There will also be fried oysters, shrimp, oysters "Frenchie," which are like clams casino except with oysters and big four inch long Italian sausages for sandwiches...and of course the usual pepperoni, cheese and relish trays. Whew! The gallons of oysters we use usually come up from Chincoteague Va. Firefighters from all over the county (and our local police officers) come to this so it should be lots of fun.

Ms Bear

Do they come for anything besides the food.  Sounds worth driving for.

Roma Jean Turner

have bronchitis but my lung xrays are good.  The voice is about gone.  I told Bucky when he calls me later tonight if he hears heavy breathing, he'll know my voice is gone.  Ha, ha.  Hope there are some good movies on the next few days.

Diane Amberg

RJ... so sorry you got bronchitis. I'm sure you already know this, but if you have to go out wear a scarf or something around your face to preheat the air a little before you inhale. Sharp cold dry air is not nice. Some would recommend extra humidity indoors too. Hope you feel better soon. Don't talk! (oh sure! ;D)

Diane Amberg

Ms Bear, our firehouse party does bring in firefighters from all over, just for the three f's... food, fun and fellowship (and beer) My stuffed mushrooms filled 9 extra large pizza pans. Had several pals tell me they come each year just for them. I have to admit they are pretty good. There are people who come to see friends they haven't seen since last year's get together. Had lots of "brass" this year including our mayor, several councilmen, several state and local fire marshals, a bunch of chiefs and other fire officers, some state trooper friends and some of our local cops too.  The Governor sometimes stops by but didn't this year, and I half expected to see Joe Biden. He used to often come but I think he's a little busy in DC. The nearest New Castle County Paramedics stopped by and of course lots of just regular firefighters and EMTs from Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania. I left after clean up at 11:00 and they were still going strong. They were down to the last 1/3 tray of mushrooms, had devoured seven gallons of oysters , about forty pounds of Italian sausage, peppers and onions sandwiches on Italian rolls, many pounds of shrimp and a lot of other stuff. It was quite a blow out. Now today I can finish my tree.

Roma Jean Turner

Thanks DIane.  I always have one of my bicycling buffs around my neck.  Sometimes I sleep with it up over my mouth and it really helps those of us cold induced asthma.  Gives my sagging chin something to rest on..ha ha.

Diane Amberg

I knew you already knew, but you know me...had to say something just in case. ;) Take it easy.I 
  It's snowing here. The first measurable for us I think.

Ms Bear

Diane, how do you have any energy left after all that.

We had a cold front come through tonight, or so they said.  The heater has come on but I had both doors open and it was comfortable, will probably be cold for the weekend though.

I spent the evening helping a friend finish a quilt for a Christmas gift, we pieced the back tonight and will tack it tomorrow night.  Not sure if we will sit on the floor to do the tacking.  Don't know if I can get back up if I get down.

I have had to give in this and start using an inhaler, it is helping.  My blood pressure still isn't coming down, partly from the anti-inflamatory he has me on so now I am taking a fluid medication also.  Continue physical therapy for another month for my shoulder.

Diane Amberg

I've never done any quilting but it sure has nice results. Quilting parties must be fun. Hope your meds help some more and you are doing better soon. :-*

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