What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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I had a short visit with Wilma today! What a treat!

She was checking out in front of me at Office Max - heard me give my Zip Code, and we chatted for a few minutes. Such a nice surprise!

Then she gave me traffic guidance - and it made a difference.

Love small towns, even in Wichita.  :D


Brubeck movies all afternoon to honor his 90th birthday. Love that old jazz, hope Luc is watching!


I am glad the information helped.  We don't usually come along that part of Kellogg, but today it was supposed to be the easiest way to get to Office Max from where we were.  Didn't go back that way.

The best part of my day was chatting with a Howard person in a big town. 

Diane Amberg

 We survived the firehouse kids' Christmas party yesterday afternoon. 118 people had a great time, with lots of carols, three decorated trees,a Santa visit. goody bags and candy canes, pizza, ice cream cups and home made cookies and cupcakes from the Ladies Auxiliary. We had 5 big craft tables with projects for the kids. Frankly, I'm tired....But it's all about ME ya know! ;D ;D ;D.  I also got a jury summons on Saturday, so January 4th I head to Superior court in Wilmington. I will be praying for good weather! This is my 5th call. I know other people who have never been called. >:(


Up at 5, checked the forum, went to daughters house at 6, woke #1 granddaughter, got her dressed, fed her breakfast, took her to school, came home, got my act together, checked the forum, added my two cents worth, went to dentist (ugh) at 11, came home to find daughter-in-law and granddaughter #3 at the house, short visit, (she had a luncheon date with her mother), wife off to pick up granddaughter from school, they are back---------------------time to rest (I hope.)

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


It is snow covered and 19 degrees here in St. Joseph Missouri.   I am trying to decide whether to get out and go to the grocery for a loaf of bread.  Think I will stay inside and just bake some biscuits!


Wise choice, wise choice.  We are trying to decide to just keep the windows open and the ceiling fans going or turn on the air conditioner.  85 degrees and sunny.  However, alas, it will cool off to the sixties later this week.  Could have gone to the beach if there was time, but then I wouldn't want you to feel bad. ;D

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Ms Bear

That wasn't nice Larry.  It is cold here but nothing like it is in Kansas, I actually wore a light jacket to work this morning and had to let the defroster melt the ice on the windshield.  I walked to the car from work in short sleeve t-shirt but if I had to walk very far I would have wanted a light jacket.  It is cool in house tonight but still in short sleeves, feel the draft from the floor more than anything.

Worked today but everyday is one day closer to the end of the year and then hopefully retirement.


Went with the West Elk Scholars Bowl teams to South Haven for a 10-team tournament. Both varsity and junior varsity came in first!

Varsity was undefeated through all 9 rounds.

Junior Varsity lost two games, but came out ahead with tie-breaker rules.

Awesome kids!

Other schools were South Haven, Central, Flinthills, Elk Valley, Sedan, Oxford, Udall, Argonia, and someone else.
I'll try to post a picture and name the other school tomorrow.


Everyone should be so PROUD of the achievements of the West Elk students!!!!  Way to go Patriots!  Kudos to their coaches and sponsors, too.........

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