What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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What am I doing for excitement today???

Reading Pocahontas coach under investigation here on the forum.

;D  :D  ;D  :D  ;D
(It's been awhile since I checked in there. Wow!)

Other than that, I'm just waiting for the rain to come. It's eerie that we're getting flood warnings before the rain.
Hope it comes AFTER choir tonight.  ;)

Diane Amberg

I've been reading all those posts too. It's really sad. We've had the same here too, and it makes all teachers worry. Someone I knew very well, or so I thought, just went away for 20 years for child internet porn.  He and his wife were foster parents and he had a photography studio! I really understand those parents concerns, but how does anyone sort out the true from the false, from a cover up to a mean trick to just plan hurtful gossip? It sounds like he showed up at that meeting already mad and it went down hill from then.  His behavior sure didn't help any. I wonder what the police really know. The actual board meeting will probably make national news at this rate!


Maybe that is what they need to do, bring in the reporters. I have heard nothing on the area news about either of the Elk county teachers that are currently in the midst of all this distrust. If a child cannot trust his teacher, whom can he trust? And no, I do not live in Longton, nor do I have school age children. However, I am an Elk county resident and want a safe school environment for the children.

Janet Harrington


In regard to the media coverage on the West Elk teacher that has the charges in Wallace County, that was reported in the Prairie Star.  That teacher is also on administrative leave with pay and that teacher is in the process of going to court in that county.  In case no one knows where Wallace County is, is sits right on the Kansas/Colorado border and Sharon Springs is the county seat.


With all due respect Janet, I would hardly call The Prarie Star a major player in the media world. This is a very localised publication, and I do appreciate the coverage by that paper. Sometimes you need to call in a larger player in the field to accomplish what needs to be accomplished. Was there a reporter at the citizens meeting on Monday, and will there be one present at the school board meeting? Sometimes the powers that be suddenly find their consience when confronted by a reporter.

Ms Bear

Diane, I know you are going to miss not having family close by but now you have an excuse to go to Arizona.  It is a very pretty state and so different from one part to another.

I don't have anyone in Elk County anymore but I can't imagine letting the children be thrown to the wolves.  Those children are the future police officers, health care givers, teachers, store owners, city council members and school board members for Elk County and the education they get is the best chance they have for staying in Elk County.  I am so glad to see everyone get so involved in this and I hope that someone will call Channel 2 and try to get them to come to the meeting or at least do a story on it.

Diane Amberg

The "Tour of Duty " runners came through Delaware this morning. It's a group of 26 Aussie and American police ,fire fighters and EMS that started out from the Santa Monica Pier on Aug.12. They each run a 6 hour turn and then rest in the support truck.They've had police and fire vehicle escorts through every state, stopped at the plane crash site in PA, stopped again at the pentagon, took their morning break at a fire station in Wilmington this morning. They will cross the Brooklyn Bridge early tomorrow with 160 bagpipers playing  and be met by all the important dignitaries, and will arrive at "ground zero" later tomorrow.That's quite a trip! We have a service tomorrow morning at my firehouse, will lower the flag to half mast at 9:00 and will ring our big 1888 bell 343 times in memory of those firefighters who fell on 9-11. Tomorrow is Patriots Day. Never Forget.

Judy Harder

My exciting day is just about at a stand still.
Friday is my day to work on bulletin and print it for Sunday.
Walking to the library this morning I saw my friends were still
at the cafe, so I stopped and "shot-the-breeze" with them and
then proceded to go to library and then back home to pick up
my walking buddy's and then we head to church and after printing
and folding bulletin. Pastor Dave and I chatted for awhile. No his wife
hasn't had the baby, she is ready and his parents are around to watch
the boys while they are birthing........
The dogs and I walked north a ways and it was pretty steamy and my breathing
was like a steam engine, so I cut it short and came home to do what was necessary
Nothing major.
I think tomorrow if it is cooler, I am going to tackle my closet as our church is putting
on a Free Clothing exchange the 25th and I must make room for (my) new altho slightly
used clothes...............also I keep messing the place up and it won't hurt to find fall
decorations and what ever else I have lost this summer.

Now, I am hanging' and debating taking a nap. Didn't sleep very well last night, and really prefer
sleeping at night.......not napping.
Hope all are healthy and enjoying the warmth and afternoon rest.
God bless
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Janet Harrington

I am putting together a new computer desk for the house in Independence.  Just taking my time, because I hate doing things like this.  Then after it is put together, I have to unload the old one, move it out of the house, put the new one in the corner and start putting the computer and accessories back together again.  What fun!!!!


Gosh~~ Wish I was there ... I would help you..
Not!  hahahaha
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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