What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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I almost forgot something I wanted to share.  When we entered the hospital the other day, we met a young black woman who was in a uniform of some kind.  Janet struck up a conversation, of course, and found that she was part of the eye surgery section.  After being checked in, this young woman was my escort to the waiting room.  She was also escorting a black man and his two female companions.   While waiting, I noticed that these black people were treating us as equals, something I am not used to.  In most of my dealings with black people, I have been given the impression that they thought that I thought that I was better then they.  So being treated as an equal was new to me.  I liked it.  I don't like being made to feel  that I think I am better than some one else.  Back to the young lady.  We stopped at Walgreen's to fill a prescription.  As we were getting back in the car, this young woman came out of the store.  She immediately came over and asked how everything went and how was I feeling.  She could have ignored us or waved at us, but she took the time to come speak to us.  You can imagine what a good feeling she left us with.  I might add that she was also about the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.  But the object of my story is the change in the attitude of black people toward white strangers.  As you can tell, I don't have much contact with black people.  This experience was so different than what I experienced while my husband was spending so much time in the hospital.  If having a black president doesn't do anything else for us, it has encouraged black people to step up and take their rightful place among the whites.

I know that this will probably create a furor with some of our members.  But before you condemn me for saying what I have said, ask yourself just what your honest to goodness truthful feelings are.    

Diane Amberg

Thank you Wilma for posting that. I won't say any more except to say that's how it is here Newark too. It is nice isn't it? We went to two parties over the weekend. We have wonderful new neighbors just across the street, with four kids from elementary through high school. The house is once again alive with laughter and kids playing. (The delightful lady who had lived there before finally died at 92 after raising three boys there.) She would be so pleased to see the house young again.They had a house warming party ( We had already met them of course) and the neighbors came, as well as a lot of their friends from Greenbelt Maryland. I took her a big bag of fresh veggies as she is vegetarian. He now works at UD. We gave them a log for their fireplace and they gave us a funny look. I said "Well, you did say it was a house "warming" party." Then they got it.  Then yesterday we went to a "'39 again" birthday party for a nurse friend who just turned 40. Her husband is a doctor who works in the ER at Einstein Hospital in Philly.They call their ER "the knife and gun club" and I'm sure I don't have to explain why. We have a lot of mutual friends so it was a lot of fun. Dave's father is about 73 and also a chemist and reminds me so much of my father. We tried to solve all the worlds problems but didn't get very far. Tonight we go help with firehouse Bingo again and we are keeping a close eye on a storm that may cause trouble over the weekend.


Busy weekend for me, we went to the figure eight races Saturday night. Had a great time, lots of entertainment almost back to back. As well as the car races, they had lawnmower races, fourwheeler races, a womens foot race and foot races for the kids. That was fun; they seperated the kids by age groups then had them run to the other end of the course where they had sprinkled dollar bills on the ground. When the dollars were all picked up, the kids who missed out all got a dollar too. That was fun to watch. We sat very close to the fence and got showered with mud over and over. The most entertaining car race was the two man; where one driver controls the gas, and the other controls the brakes and steering. That was fun, and the regular races were great with a fantastiic final and the evening was topped off with the powderpuff race.

Last night we went to Longton for fifth Sunday service, always enjoyable. I got to visit with Judy for a little and see lots of people I know. Had cake and ice cream, (yum), although it was a little tough to sing on a full tummy.  :P Great week end. Sitting here waiting for the water to come back on, they have a break somwhere.


Ms Bear, I missed your post awhile ago.  I am trying to behave myself, but when I look out and see the ground covered with apples, it is hard to stay inside.  I am hoping for the 20/20 vision that I had last Feb. when I got my driver's license renewed.  The doctor isn't promising anything except that the hole won't get any bigger.  I can discern color and movement through the bubble in my eye, but not figures or letters yet.  It might be as much as six weeks before I know just what vision there will be.

Diane Amberg

How long do you have to keep your head down? Glad to hear it's going well so far but apples would be awfully tempting.Perhaps some kind soul will come pick up some for you.

Diane Amberg

Hey Six, I know mud is supposed to be good for your skin, but that's a fun way to get a mud pack facial. Sounds like a really great weekend. We're going to heat up again this week, up the the 90s again. I'm ready for some cooler fall weather.


Oh my gosh Diane, when I got undressed for bed that night, mud balls fell out of my underwear! LOL! ;D

Judy Harder

edie you are funny! I was just outside looking at my flowers, etc and noticed we could use a nice rain.

Auto racing isn't my cup of tea. I am glad you had a good time.

I did not do anything today. I did have my walk and stopped at the community garden to check on tomato's and did find some cherry and roma that hadn't been picked yet. So I am having a small one with my lettuce salad tonight.

I tell myself if I have a healthy salad for supper,  I can have ice cream for my bedtime and save my calories for then.

It was a fine night last night. Always enjoy 5-Sunday. I don't go to them out of town as I have too much trouble with the lights and limit myself to not too much driving at night.

Nice to see you, again. Now, I am pretty sure I can pick you out in a crowd. LOL Nice singing by the way!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

Uh, Six, those weren't the cheeks I meant, but whatever. ;D   I haven't been to figure 8 in years but I remember it was sure fun to watch. Cecil County Dragway next door in Maryland used to have them, and Demolition Derbies and lots of various classes of drag racing. I didn't know much about the cars and drivers but it was a fun date night thing to do.


These folks are from a raceway at Newkirk, Oklahoma. They do have a website; www.Badasracecar.com, with lots of pictures posted. And I did appreciate the family oriented turn to the program. There were no fights, and I only heard one off color comment from a driver. And yes, Diane, I do have lovely cheeks; all four (ahem). Lol!

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