What Are You Doing For Excitement Today?

Started by Wilma, September 04, 2009, 07:36:31 AM

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It was enjoyable except that I was worrying about my brand new tires.  I guess they held up all right.  Son-in-law drove the car to Wichita today and didn't have any trouble.  Real soon now I am going to get out on the highway and see how the new tires ride.

The area we were going through was pretty much the area that I would call my home town if there were a town.  We moved there in 1947 and my mother stayed there till 1985 when she moved to Haysville to be closer to me and my brothers.  My husband lived in that area, too, so we were quite familiar with it.  I finally got to do something that he wouldn't do for me.  I got to go south on Rd. 7 from Limestone, across Clear Creek.  He always said that we didn't have any reason to be on the other side of the creek.  At that time Rd. 7 wasn't really travelable and Limestone on to the west was a dead end and we didn't know anyone that lived out there.  I think there was someone living out there.  You can drive for miles without finding a house.

Ms Bear

Janet and Wilma, that trip sounds like fun.  Glad you both got to enjoy it.

It has finally stopped raining for awhile.  Rained hard for about two hours and I just checked the rain gauge and we had an inch, that brings us to about 10 inches this week.  The dog was even hiding under the sewing machine by my feet.

Diane Amberg

Wilma, you were right at my family's old place. North side of Limestone at 7, across from that low water crossing over Clear Creek. The house is a ruin now but the barns are still good.The drive way had been much longer at one time, but the creek cut if off and the road was moved somewhat. The oil and gas wells are still there, but I think are dormant now. Did you make it up to the top across the creek? The road was in bad shape when we were out last, but up top the view is wonderful. There was still  the old machinery shed and cables and pipes and one well that was still pumping. Grandpa Amberg had a house almost at the top at one time long ago. I think part of the cistern is still visible in the woods just off the road


At the corner of Rd. 7 and Killdeer there is a No Trespassing sign.  You can't get to the top of the hill anymore.  I would have liked to, but that is wind farm premises.  I am familiar with the corner of Rd. 7 and Limestone as son-in-law's wells are north of there and that is the way we would take to get to the fishing ponds on the leases.  Then we would go on north on 7 to the low water bridge where we could almost always catch some fat perch.  But not yesterday.  The water is so low that I don't think there are any perch left in it.


We made my bi-monthly shopping trip today and tried out my new tires.  They do make a big difference in the ride.  Daughter and I both had a list for my favorite store, Lowe's.  I could spend all day in that store, but that is beside the point.  First we picked up Daughter's list which was mostly in the electical department.  Then we started on mine.  First we went to the east end of the store.  Next stop was the west end of the store, then back about half way where I couldn't find what I was looking for.  In a case like that you ask someone that knows.  This someone said Aisle 17, at the east end of the store.  So off we go.  As we turned into Aisle 17, I noticed a bunch of signs and so I said to Daughter, "look at all these signs" and as she turned her back to me I heard her mumble, "Mother For Sale."  The only thing that kept her from getting a kick in the kabootie was that she didn't add the word, "Cheap".


Canning tomatoes and cooking sand plums.  I made 20 pints of jelly on Sunday.  It sure has been a wonderful year for my tomatoes.


Must be a family trait Guns. I too canned tomatoes and okra today and juiced out 34 lbs of purple plums. No sand plums that I could find. Made half the plum juice into 5 gallons of wine and make jelly tomorrow. Got peach and mulberry jelly running out my ears but can't stand to see stuff go to waste. If we have to retreat to my bunker guess I will survive on jelly mixed with green beans. Yummy !!

Diane Amberg

We got Aunt Annette properly sent on her way yesterday, with a nice meal of condolence after, at a local Bistro.There were more than 50 people there which was really nice since they haven't lived up here for many years and it was 103 at the cemetery. Whew! There was a tent of course, and a nice, but hot, breeze and about 90% humidity. Storm clouds kept swirling around but nothing happened. It was nice to see Al's cousins again and his father's remaining brother, at 90.
My garden is cooking.The toms aren't setting on well and we've had to water a lot. We are well into a serious drought.
Jar, how did you manage to eat and drink all that you made last summer? You must give a lot away.


I aint drank a whole bottle of my homemade wine in probably 10 years---but when I first started, Katy bar the door !! A good portion of it goes with ol Sarge to his World Squirrel Hunt. Guess them Aussies and Brits never heard of or tasted persimmon wine before but as long as they keep bringing that fine licorice---I'll keep making the wine.As for the jelly, yes I give way more away that I can ever eat. Just last month for my Nam mini reunion I took a case of half pints for my "brothers " to take home--plus--took a case of pints of Red Haven Peach and a case of pints of mulberry jelly to my buddy from Lorain, Ohio. His elderly Dad is a Jellyholic. When he has my homemade jelly he eats 6 pieces of toast, slathered in jelly, for breakfast every morning  and his wife has to monitor him all the time or he will eat a jar of jelly with a spoon. "Pops Ski" aint a diabetic---aint no bigger than a fart in the wind plus he's almost 90 years old so if I can give his taste buds pleasure I will.Plus, my wifes beauty shop clientale are mostly elderly and I make points with them when i give them jelly. ;)
One thing that we don't give away is the green beans---after my wife picked and snapped them all, and I canned 50+ quarts and 40 + pints this year, I will exercise my 2nd Amendment rights to protect them--Ok, ol Sarge might get a couple quarts of them for his Christmas present---if he digs me 3 dozen of slough worms.


I'm just like you Jarhead, I eat very little jelly.  I have no trouble getting rid of it though.  I'm still picking sand plums.  Sure wish I had a little glass of that persimmon wine right about now.  Hint, hint.  Bet if you would give some to my nice sister, she would share because she is SO NICE!

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